Les liens logiques de la phrase anglaise
Cours : Les liens logiques de la phrase anglaise. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertationsPar Maureen Recoque • 26 Septembre 2017 • Cours • 7 470 Mots (30 Pages) • 700 Vues
Chapitre 7: Les liens logiques de la phrase
I/ Contraste et similarité
A) similarité
1) « Like »:
- + forme nominale
He works in Paris like my brother/ like me.
A flat like yours/ this one would be ideal.
Exception: The consider/ regard/ look upon + as their rivals
Such as: s’emploie avec une série d’exemples. remplace « Tels que »
Several firms, such as IBM and General Motors, are cutting jobs
2) « As »:
- + forme verbale
As you know, I don’t agree with him
Why don’t you come by bus like me/ as I do
- + groupe prépositionnel
We can’t deal with foreign customers as with French ones.
As in the first chapter, …
As + nom = équivalence = en tant
Like + nom = comparaison/ similarité
He works as a slave/ like a slave.
B) Contraste
1) Traduction de « contrairement à »
- « unlike » + forme nominale
Unlike John she isn’t efficient.
- « contrary to » + what..
Contrary to what they had announced, …
2) Traduction de « alors que »
-« whereas » /(while)
He is self-employed, whereas/while his brother is a civil servant.
II) Simultanéité temporelle
While = pendant que
As = alors que/ tandis que, comme, au moment où
While she was doing her homework, went shopping.
As I was jogging, it began to rain.
I saw him as he was coming out of the shops.
Alors que l’europe commerciale se construit les firmes françaises essayent de conquérir les marches communautaires= ascommercial europe is building up
Nous partirons dès que tu seras prête= We leave as soon as you are ready
III) Cause et consequence
A) La cause
1) Parce que = because
2) Car = for
Don’t send it, for it will be too late any way.
3) Dans la mesure où = insofar as
Insofar as everyone is concerned, we should all be warned.
4) Etant donné que/ Comme = since/as / given that
Since as I’m under 18, I cannot vote.
As/ since I don’t have my car could you please drive me home.
B) La conséquence
1) Ainsi = thus (relation de conséquence)
Tell him the truth; thus, he won’t say he didn’t know.
2) Si bien que = « …, so that »
It rained all the afternoon, so that they had to cancel the match.
His car broke down, so that he arrived late.
IV) Le but
A) Même sujet dans 2 propositions
I did that to surprise her
so as to surprise her
in order to surprise her
Attention: but négatif
They decided to cut production so as not to hire/ in order not to/ not to hire new employees.
B) Changement de sujet: so that + modal
1) So that + may/ might (but positif)
+ can/ could
I stayed home with the baby so that my wife could/ might go to the cinema.
2) So that + should (but négatif)
I locked the phone so that he shouldn’t use it.
I warned him so that he should be careful.
He left quickly so that nobody should ask whim questions.
The doctor talked in medical terms, so that I did’nt fully understand. (conséquence)
The doctor talked in medical terms so that I shouldn’t fully understand.( but, afin que)intentionalité le médecin cherche à cacher quelque chose
V) La supposition et la condition
A) If vs Whether
Do you knonw whether he placed the order (or not)?
Si je peux mettre « or not » je mets « whether ».
They can’t tell him whether they will keep him (or not).
B) Condition nécessaire
1) « à condition que » = provided (providing) / so long
You can take my car so long as you bring it at tomorrow
2) à moins que/ sauf si = unless
Unless I get the parcel tomorrow, I’ll cancel my order.
VI) Concession
1) Malgré + nom = inspire of/ despite
In spite of the drop-in sales, we have made profits.
2) Bien que + verbe = although
Although sales have dropped, we have made profits.
3) Cependant/ Pourtant = However/ (And) yet/ Nevertheless
There has been a drop in sales; and yet/ however, we have made profits.
VII) Traduction de « EN + Part. Pst »
1) Manière: by + ing
He earns his living by giving private lessons.
2) Simultaneité : while + ing
She often irons while watching TV.
3) Simultaneité courte (+cause): on + ing
On hearing the news, he fainted.
On setting off the train, he broke his leg.