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Selon vous, la littérature a-t-elle pour vocation de nous « divertir » ou de nous « parler du monde » ?

Cours : Selon vous, la littérature a-t-elle pour vocation de nous « divertir » ou de nous « parler du monde » ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mars 2021  •  Cours  •  336 Mots (2 Pages)  •  346 Vues

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Aripov Ubaïdullo                                                                                213     

Compréhension écrite

1. The title of the text is “The Civil Rights Movement”. The author is someone who work at Ducksters but we don’t know more. The source is a blog because this is in the Net. The theme is the segregation and his abolitionist movement. The target audience is everybody who read this text or who don’t know this injustice for raise awarness.

2. Actions led by the Civil Rights Movement led to changes in laws that discriminated against blacks.

3.  Many of the northern states had outlawed slavery before the civil war but the Southern States enslaved the black people.

4. Many Southern States continued to abuse the black people and they established laws for kept black people separate from white people: the Jim Crow laws.  They required separate schools, restaurants, restrooms, and transportation based on the color of the person and other laws prevented many black people from voting.

5. Parks decide to not giving up her seat on the bus to a white passenger which sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

King led non-violent protests, including the Birmingham campaign and the march on Washington.

6.  Before the Voting Rights Act, only people who could read and who could afford to pay poll taxes could vote.

So the black people could note vote because they could note read (it's the 1960s and Ruby Bridges is the first girl to go to school) and they don’t earn much money.jdfkjds ksjlksj lkjgldgj mls,jrgfmlr,jf lskjr,flmsfkj
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