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Dissertation : Globalization. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Novembre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  345 Mots (2 Pages)  •  532 Vues

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Table of Contents

Abstract        3

Acknowledgements        5

Executive summary        6

Introduction        7

1.        What do we mean by Globalization        7

1.1. Poverty and unjust repartition of resources        9

1.2. Inclusive policies into education and literacy for women        10

2.3. Has globalization reached in to Morocco?        12

3.        Morocco: Historique        13

3.1.History: the search for empowerment after colonization era        14

3.2. Politics worldwide        15

3.3.Politics on a national scale        16

3.3.1.        Democratizing Morocco        18

3.3.2.        Democracy in rural Morocco        19

3.4.Moroccan culture        20

4.        Globalization’s impacts on women in Morocco        21

4.1.“Modern-fashioned” women        22

4.2.“Traditional-fashioned” women        23

5.        Impacts of globalization        24

5.1.Positive impacts        25

5.2.Negative impacts        27

5.3.Contradictions and contrasts        28

6.        Globalization and Islam in Morocco        31

7.        Globalization and loss of specifically Moroccan identity and culture        32

Conclusions        33

References        34


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