DNS Maths 6eme
Cours : DNS Maths 6eme. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar noah.dagostino21 • 6 Avril 2023 • Cours • 817 Mots (4 Pages) • 302 Vues
[pic 1] | Révisions de vacances | [pic 2] |
- Conjugate Be in the correct form (+ = affirmative form, - = negative form, ? = interrogative form)
- Danny (+) IS a year 7 pupil but he (-) ISN’T in my school. His sister and I (+) ARE in the same class. I (+) AM good at Math but she (-) ISN’T ( sous entendu : she isn’t good at maths).
- (? they) ARE THEY French? No, they (-)AREN’T . [pic 3]
- They (+) ARE from Italy.
- Complete with the correct possessive adjective.
- Julia and her friend go to Oaks Park High school. THEIR school is an international school
ATTENTION : LEUR école à Julia et à son ami / je n’accorde pas avec le mot school
- I have got a sister and a brother. HER name is Violet and HIS name is Lucas.
- Santa has got a nice reindeer. ITS name is Rudolph.
- Mark and I are making Christmas cards. OUR cards are beautiful and colourful.( NOS cartes)[pic 4][pic 5]
- You look pretty! YOUR sweater is nice!
- Numbers of presents – write these numbers in full letters
- 864 gifts = eight hundred and sixty-four
- 1,541presents = one thousand five hundred and forty-one
- 94, 639 gifts = ninety-four thousand six hundred and thirty-nine
- Fill in with “there are”, “their” or “they’re” :
- There are = il y a / their = leur(s) /they’re = ils sont, ce sont
THERE ARE ( il y a ) eight houses in this picture. On the right, THERE ARE ( il y a ) three small birds. THEY ARE ( ils sont près du chat )near the cat at the window. The people are happy, THEIR( leurs enfants sont en train de jouer) children are playing in the snow and THERE ARE (il y a) musicians next to the Christmas tree. THEIR ( leur ) music is nice.Look at Santa’s reindeers! THEY ARE flying! (ils sont en train de voler)
[pic 6]
[pic 7]
- Find the questions corresponding to these answers.
- What’s HIS name ? je me renseigne sur le nom d’un garçon : HIS name à la place de YOUR name
His name is John Smith.
- HOW OLD is YOUR sister ? = quel âge à ta soeur ? je pose la question à qqn d’autre
My sister is twenty-five years old.
- ARE YOU from Norway ?
No, I’m not. I’m from Norway.
- IS MARGARET an English teacher ?
Yes, she is. Margaret is an English teacher.
- What is YOUR nationality ? quelle est votre nationalité ? Alex et moi = nous sommes
Alex and I are Polish.
- WHERE is your school ? = OU est TON école ? ( je demande à qqn d’autre )
My school is in Marcq en Baroeul.
6. Introduce this elf. [pic 8] | HER name is Jolly MacFluff She is one hundred and FORTY-five years old She is a Christmas elf She is from Finland, so she is Finnish She lives in Rovaniemi |
7.Translate into English
- Nous nous appelons James et Mary. Nous ne sommes pas des nouveaux élèves.
OUR names ARE James and Mary . WE aren’t / are not new pupils
- Je m’appelle = MY name is …. / nous nous appelons = OUR names ARE ….
- Il y a un renne dans la rue. Son nom est Rudolph.
THERE IS a reindeer in the street. ITS name is Rudolph