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Presentation about Mohamed Ali

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Par   •  13 Janvier 2020  •  Dissertation  •  1 982 Mots (8 Pages)  •  950 Vues

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Muhammad Ali - Commonly Acronymed in French Mohamed Ali or Mohammed Ali1 - born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, and died June 3, 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona2, is an American boxer in the heavyweight category, considered a of the greatest boxers of all time3,4. Born under the name of Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., he changed him to Mohamed Ali at the age of 22 after joining the Nation of Islam in 1965 at the time of his conversion to Islam.

Considered a cultural icon, Mohamed Ali was both adulated and vilified.

He won the gold medal for light heavyweight at the 1960 Olympics at the age of 18.

1-A journey committed to the civil rights of African-Americans

Born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky (central-eastern United States), Cassius Marcellus Clay - his real name - grew up in a modest black family. According to legend, at 12 years old, he had his bicycle stolen and swore revenge. But how ? Only boxing can make him stronger. So get started, and what used to be just a game becomes a passion.

At 18, the Louisville boy won the light heavyweight gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. Become professional, the young Clay crushes everything in his path: 19 fights, 19 victories. A faultless performance that led him to face, in February 1964, the world heavyweight champion, Sonny Liston. Playing against all predictions, Cassius Clay dethrones his elder by KO in the seventh round. The legend is on the move.

At the same time, the sportsman committed himself to the fight for the civil rights of African-Americans. He joins the Nation of Islam of Elijah Mohamed, who advocates a harder course of action than that of Martin Luther King. He converted to Islam and abandoned his surname, "a slave name", to become Mohamed Ali. Therefore, he will not miss the slightest opportunity to vilify the racism of white America.

2-The discovery of Pan-Africanism, a decisive turning point

In May 19644, a year after the creation of the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa, Mohamed Ali undertook his first trip to Africa. It was through Ghana, then led by Kwame Nkrumah, champion of Pan-Africanism, that the young boxer began his discovery of the continent. For three weeks, he eats Ghanaian, dresses Ghanaian and meets the Ghanaian people, with whom he is immensely popular.

This immersion radically changes his view of Africa. He realizes that there are not only "lions and elephants" in Africa, and discovers on the contrary "splendid hotels, beaches, beautiful houses, pretty girls, large hospitals, schools and universities, "he said. The visit is a success. Its host, Kwame Nkrumah, calls him "an African hero" and "a source of inspiration for the youth of the world".

After an interview with Gamal Abdel Nasser, he is convinced that the United States has lied about the rais in order to tarnish his image

On June 1, 1964, Ali landed in Nigeria. The official program provides for a week-long stay, with several events. If the reception is as warm as in Ghana, against all expectations, the sportsman informs his hosts that he will not stay more than three days.

Reason invoked: he must go to Cairo. When the Nigerians deplore his attitude, he replied curtly: "Egypt is more important than Nigeria. For Lagos, this is an insult. The big mouth of Louisville does not care. In the Egyptian capital, where he arrived on June 3, he was greeted by tens of thousands of people. Impressed, he said, "I am proud to be a Muslim and among you. I feel at home. During this visit, Ali even promises to go to Mecca one day - a promise he will never honor.

III-In the United States, the last tribute to Mohamed Ali

After three days of celebrations, America said goodbye to one of its greatest heroes. A boxing champion who embodies the ideals of a multicultural and multi-faith country today

America paid a final tribute to Mohamed Ali, one of his greatest heroes. A 30-kilometer funeral procession was attended by thousands of people chanting "Ali, Ali" through his hometown of Louisville. A ceremony punctuated by funeral orations given by ex-President Bill Clinton and the daughter of Malcom X Attalah Shabazz, highlighted the planetary icon that has become Mohamed Ali. He was buried in privacy in Cave Hill Cemetery. Since his death last Friday at the age of 74 after having fought against Parkinson's disease, the country has eyes only for this man born in Kentucky in the heart of the era of racial segregation laws Jim Crow.

1-Face of a multicultural America

In a boxing ring, whoever became Olympic champion in 1960 danced to the rhythm of his determination, flew like a butterfly and stung like a bee. Today, he represents the almost ideal face of a multicultural, multi-faith and tolerant America. His disappearance, which moved the whole country, however serves as a reminder. Since the death of several young blacks killed in police blunders, the United States has discovered with dread the persistence of an institutional racism which continues to undermine relations between police officers and African-Americans.

The inflammatory and racist words of the Republican candidate for the White House Donald Trump about the Muslims whom he wants to ban entry to the United States and of an American federal judge whom he judges incapable of holding his office because 'he is "Mexican" (of Mexican immigrant parents) contrast with the universal values ​​that Mohamed Ali carried around the world. That of a tolerant and peaceful Islam, fully compatible with democracy.

2- "Islam is peace"

For American Muslims who, in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, suffered the aftermath of attacks by radical Islamists, Mohamed Ali was unintentionally one of America’s best ambassadors to combat rampant Islamophobia. He immediately conveyed a clear message: "Islam is not a religion that kills. Islam is peace. "

"Thanks to Mohamed Ali, being a Muslim has become a cool thing."

He was the one who gave a new image of Islam across the Atlantic. When he abandoned his "slave name" Cassius Clay to Mohamed Ali in 1964 and joined the Nation of Islam, a group of African Americans fighting for equality rights more radically than the movement of civil rights, white America had a hard time accepting it. Over time, the champion will exchange some radicalism for a more inclusive speech. The press across the Atlantic, however, would humiliate him for years by continuing to call him Cassius Clay. In 2016, many young American Muslims say they still identify with the champion: "Thanks to Mohamed Ali, being a Muslim has become a cool thing."


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