L'art dans les relations internationales (document en anglais)
Recherche de Documents : L'art dans les relations internationales (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 27 Novembre 2013 • 1 153 Mots (5 Pages) • 906 Vues
Thesis statement :
Art is influencing the international relations and is essential for well being of society.
I – Art as a diplomatic resource.
A- Art and cultural diplomacy are important stakes for the States.
B- The artistic actions intended by the intergovernmental organizations are
issues that permit them to get a voice and to be heard all over the world.
C- Museums are now international actors that are influencing the relations
between the states.
II – How art is transforming our world.
A- Art is contributing to change the conflicts.
B- Art is fomenting the diplomatic proximity between the states.
C- Art is a substantial issue during the international mobilizations and
Art is influencing the international relations and is essential for well being of
society. Art is an universal language and many artists are contributing thanks to
their different artwork to make a peaceful world. People, by watching, reading,
listening, are cogitating and compromising about politics and conflicts. Many
artists have in mind to make people think and to sensitize them about the world
they are living. For example the really known mural paintings from Diego Rivera in
Mexico had the aim to make people feel concerned about the abuses of power,
the lack of rights for indigenous people… People are important actors in states,
so they need to be aware of the issues going on all over the world. That’s why art
is now a diplomatic resource, and is helping to transform the world we’re living in.
Art is a diplomatic resource. Indeed, art and cultural diplomacy are
important stakes for the states. Nowadays most of the states are using art in
order to promote changes in the society, so people can understand the real issue.
Art is creating emotion, and thanks to this they can get involved, intent actions
against a problem and be more compromised and careful about the decision the
state is making. We can also observe this observe this influence in dictatorships
by the use of art as propaganda. We can observe it with the Nazi regime; Hitler
was using art in order to convey his ideology. Today, the States need to have a
cultural ministry in order to promote the arts, indeed, they know how essential it
Art is also an important way for intergovernmental organizations to get a
voice and be heard all over the world. These organizations have understood how
important it is to use art as a communication process. For big issues, like climate
change, humanitarian issues, for example, many artists have contributed to
helping these organizations to change people’s minds. The United Nations Art
initiative is “promoting the art as a vehicle for solution oriented strategic planning
and development across the globe”. Therefore, through art, these organizations
are making the population from the whole world opening their minds and thinking
about important issues.
Museums are today important international actors that are also influencing
the relations between the states in the world. Museums are permitting to show to
the average population the artworks. Without them, without their promotion of art
most of the people would not take time to get interested into it. The artworks are
travelling all over the world in different museums for the exhibitions. It’s also a
way to remind the population about the conflicts that have been going on in the
world; it’s a way for people to do their “devoir de mémoire”. For example, Picasso
painted the work art “Guernica” in order to show the horror of the Spanish War,
and of this bombing caused by the Nazis. Also, many museums are dedicated to
this, but also to history in general, which is important to understand the world and
the issues of today.
Thus, Art