Art De Vivre (document en anglais et français)
Documents Gratuits : Art De Vivre (document en anglais et français). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 29 Novembre 2012 • 388 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 270 Vues
Read the article at least once, then write down an account of the document in French, in about 150 words (10 points)
Dans cet article issu du daily mail, Sarah Harris relate les inquiétudes de Karen Wilkinson, directrice d’un organisme de bienfaisance à propos du comportement qu’adoptent les élèves dans la cours de récréation.
Aujourd’hui les élèves ne jouent plus comme avant et bougent moins pendant les récréations, du fait qu’ils restent concentré sur leurs consoles de jeux ou à raconter ce qu’ils ont vu à la télévision. Ce comportement à contribuer à la mise en place d’une équipe de « ladies » dames, dans six écoles, afin d’apprendre aux enfants à s’amuser avec les jeux traditionnels. Cette expérience qui a eu un grand succès a été réitérée dans deux cent cinquante autres écoles.
On apprend par ailleurs qu’au retour de la pause de midi les élèves sont plus concentrés en classe après s’être bien dépensé aux jeux.
According to you, is it a good idea to teach children how to play traditional games at school ? Provide your essay with full details and many examples to illustrate your ideas
Writeour answer in English in about 330 words
In my opinion, teach to the children how to play the traditional games at school is a very good idea.
The current children today play a lot to the game console and all alone too! For those who do not have console games and indeed they have their televisions at the house and once in the school playground begin making the summary of the fact that they saw the day before. There are only few children who know traditional games and who play it. While the traditional games are not only traditional but also a physical and playful activity very funny. In fact, playing a traditional game involves knowing its rule of the game and concentrating hard to implement a tactic that would get a better game. Play a traditional game is to play sports, because as in most traditional games you move a lot, running, jumping, walking ... Of more the traditional game is often made in groups, the children thus learn.
For me, the traditional games have only positive points because it is a physical activity and it is well known that the physical activity returns us to calm.