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Dialogue en anglais

TD : Dialogue en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Octobre 2017  •  TD  •  730 Mots (3 Pages)  •  759 Vues

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-Goodbye !

-Thank you ! Have a nice day!

*La fille sort de la salle*

*Les gens déanbulent dans le magasin tandis qu’Aurélie se rend compte de l’absence de l’écharpe*

-Where is the scarf??? Miss, where is the scarf???

-Which one?

-It was there!!!

-Oh, someone just bought it…

-It’s this girl, right?


-It’s too beautiful for her! This scarf deserved to be mine. I’m going to, I’m going to…

*court, crie, bouscule la vieille et sort*

-Oh God! The today’s youth isn’t careful. They are selfish and they don’t respect others!

-I suppose you may have been like that too when you were young, no?

-I…I was not!!!

-I’m sorry but did you see this girl which buys this scarf at one hundred twenty pounds? This is scandalous!

-*crie* Please! I’ll give you five hundred pounds of it!!

-Where do they find their money? In my time, we worked so much! And we didn’t buy scarf like mad and crazy people as today.

-But you know, the scarf is made of silk… The quality is optimum. This wonderful clothe come from…

-*coupe la parole*Exactly! One thousand pounds! Oh my God, I want it, it is so wonderful!

-You are all pitiful. You, the shop assistant you use idiot’s weakness to sell your clothes and earn money! You, the old lady, you’re only jealous because you haven’t youth anymore! And those two idiots whom buy clothes for one thousand pounds!!!

-One million!!!! Please!!!!

-Miss, please have a minimal respect for the others! People are doing shopping!

-Are you serious? Look at this girl! She just bought a scarf for one hundred pounds! She’s so self-centred. Just imagine! How many people are starving in the world every day…

-And she lost one hundred pounds for a piece of cloth. I said it! The young generation is desperate and hopeless, really hopeless and hopeless again!

-She didn’t want to…to…to sell me the scarf, this lovely scarf.

-Can I propose you another scarf?

-Yes, I…I will buy another better… I hope I will find it…

-You see that? I would never imagine that someone have could be in such a state for a scarf.

-But this is a brand clothe, it’s normal that it is expensive.

-You say that, but I’m sure that when you were in your twenty’s, you tried to be fashionable and just thought about clothes.

-But in my time…

-Although this was in the last century!

-Ladies please!!


-What a sumptuous dress! It’s so perfect with its little bows and its white lace which wind this flawless dress! The sleeves are perfectly cut and the colours correspond really well with my complexion! What do you think about it ladies? It would have been so pretty with the...the…*sanglote*the scarf I will never have…*pleure*

-*va la réconforter* Don’t be sad, I can propose you another scarf like this one. Look. *montrant une écharpe* Its weave is so smooth and the motif is the same as the dress. It will be a perfect outfit.


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