L'exploitation coloniale
Dissertation : L'exploitation coloniale. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar omar74 • 6 Mai 2019 • Dissertation • 2 133 Mots (9 Pages) • 469 Vues
The problem of juvenile delinquency is not new and is not specific to our country as we might imagine: it is rather a social concern that often derives from social issues.
The teenage crisis¨ of our youth has always been and is increasingly a current problem as is it can become a test of personal and physical boundaries.It is also comparable to a moment in life when young people test the strength of the rules imposed on them.The teenager may seem to become and atypical being for his family unit and may give the impression of living in a different world than one shared and dreamed by his parent.This already difficult context, where communication is no longer always on the same channel can worsen it the person takes the path of deviance or delinquency.
What can happen to our young people and what solution can they bring? To answers these questions, we will address this theme, some causes of juvenile delinquency, are its consequences and will provide some solutions.
I- Juvenile Delinquency
* Definition
The notion of ¨ juvenile delinquency¨ or ¨ juvenile delinquency¨ refers to a specific category of general delinquency understood as any transgression of the norm sanctioned by law.It represents the share of global delinquency of a territory committed by young people.
Although delinquency and violence are often involved in media and political dispose, the terms do not refer to same realities.Will delinquency is understood as an aggregate of facts transgressing the legal norm, violence is only one of the forms of expression of delinquent behavior
II- The causes of juvenile delinquency
Here we will see the main causes of juvenile delinquency: poverty external influence and education, adolescence and illiteracy. We can that these four themes are essential causes that lead directly to juvenile delinquency in our context.
1- Poverty: Economic and social situation
In addition, poverty and unemployment create desperation among young people.Thus, many young people abandon themselves to delinquency in order to support themselves through this acts. The extent and gravity of this phenomenal depend mainly on the social, economic and cultural situation of the social setting. The basic education they have received, which is not the case for all, insufficient; there initiation into social life in the family often lives sometime to be desired and there socio-economic environment is marked by poverty and deprivation.
In most cases, socio-economic factors are the most important genesis of delinquency because they ruin parent’ control capacities. In addition to being able to destabilize them on the individual psychological level, their situation of social failure risks undermining a standardizing and integrating discourse in the eyes of their children; the same reasoning applies within the siblings where cadet observes the trajectory of elder
2- Education and external influences
Although it cannot be held responsible alone, a family deficiency frequently underlies problems of violence. The family is first place of education and socialization of the child. It should be the first structuring circle.
But no nowadays, the family unit is often destabilized: reduction of time devoted to children, absent of parent, the disappearance of paternal authority, or even counter-model parent, or even a critical family situation such as single parenthood whose mother is often with support. We can also talk about polygamy, which is one of the factors of juvenile delinquency. Young people with polygamy parent are often lift to their own device and do not benefit from good parenting. They are not controlled and enjoy ¨total¨ freedom. As a result, attendance turns them into delinquency and engages in illicit practice.
Indeed, some parent takes the education of their children lightly pretext that they do not have the time because they have busy with their work leaving the children to social dangers. A minor in a disadvantages family environment is more likely to become a delinquent.
3- The period of adolescence
Phase of growth and development and Suringtransition between childhood and adulthood, adolescence is assimilated to the physical changes of puberty to allow the child to pass in the world of adults.
The period of adolescence is also a period biological and psychological fragility in which committing a crime may, for example, takes of the meaning of a symbol of opposition but also represent a means of drawing attention to whether or not to force disunited parent to meet and consult each other. The honesty and morality we have learned sometimes give way to an impulse, to the immediate realization of certain desires. Many young people then cannot give rational explanations to their actions.
Adolescence is an important transition phase. The young person is in search of identication with assimilation and mimicry of a hero, most often caught among ¨stars¨ and become is references. In some cases, there is mimicry of the ¨big brother¨: for the youngest, heroes are acids of the city. Adolescence is a period of self-deprecation. This can lead the young person to prove that he exists through violence.
Adolescence is also and above all the period of denial, the refusal of the framework and the rules of society with a need to transgress. On the other hand, great importance is attached to the opinion and behavior of peers and models. Adolescents aged 14 to 17 seem especially exposed. The considerable upheavals experienced at the personal and relational level during this period are not unrelated: adolescents discover their space of adult freedom, they test the limits.
4- Illiteracy
The level of illiteracy, like most developing county, remains very high despite the efforts made by the national authorities.
School dropout is a borderless problem that affects our society in general. Its effects can be very serious, contributing to widespread juvenile delinquency, unemployment, crime and the wasting of public state resources.
School failure is directly correlated with school drop-out. The maladjustment school accustomed to live on the fringe of the social rules, the learning then done on the street, sometimes in contact with bigger ones having themselves known the school failure.
Yet the school is a place of instruction and socialization; it is the antechamber of adult society. Moreover; like the authority of the father, the respect of the teacher