Dialogue anglais réseaux sociaux
Fiche : Dialogue anglais réseaux sociaux. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Laurine Gaspard • 7 Novembre 2015 • Fiche • 269 Mots (2 Pages) • 4 831 Vues
L : Hello, have you seen the new video on fb ?
K : No ! I don't have fb and I don't like !
L : Why ? We can do a lot of things with fb, for exemple we can chat with friends from overseas
K : Perhaps but everybody can see the pictures you post, for instance, we watched an awareness compaign. A girl have posted a picture of herself and she could'nt delete it.
L : Yes but you not have to post pictures. You can only chat with your friends
K : Yes, but there is no privacy on social networks, according to an interview of a privacy expert, there are scary histories
L : If you don't like social networks, you can play video games it's very funny
K : Yes, I like video games but if you play too much you can become addicted to videogames
L : Playing videogames can developed imagination and certain skills
K : Now, there are a lot of children who become addicted to new technologies ans it's dangerous for healthy because you can become fat like Tim in the book
L : In my opinion, if you don't play a lot of and if you keep relations with the outside world, you will have no problems
K : Yes, but I prefer ride a bike in the forest !
L : But you can do ride a bike and play news technologies
K : I agree, but from time to time I surf the web for my homework
L : Yes, It's good! Now you should the news technologies to play
K : Yes, I'm going to try!