- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 4 471 - 4 485

  • Ultraviolet


    Swirling spiral arms of Galaxy M33 can be seen in visible light, but the true extent of these Spiral arms are revealed in ultraviolet light. Just as a dog can hear a whistle just outside the range of human hearing, bugs can see light just outside the range our eyes

    1 027 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Un fabuliste dans les nuages

    Un fabuliste dans les nuages

    CHAPITRE 7 – EL PLANETA EN PELIGRO DE EXTINCIÓN Axe : sauver la planète, penser les futurs possibles Utilisation du manuel numérique pp. 124 à 147 Description du chapitre / documents associés 1/ tomar consciencia de la realidad → ¿qué destruimos con nuestro comportamiento ? * doc 1 pp. 124-125

    527 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Un socio-logiste qui parle de dystopies

    Un socio-logiste qui parle de dystopies

    Anglais llce – script sociologist Have you ever heard of distopia? According to George Orwell, a dystopian stories writer, a dystopia is a dark utopian world’s story. So it’s a world characterise by human misory, a world where life is hard, the people are not happy and where nobody wants

    464 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Under suspicion

    Under suspicion

    Cassandre Bury EE Anglais « Why was D Trump elected ? » Danald trump is the 45th president of the United States. He was elected in 2016 and he has succeded to Obama. Trump had become known not just for building skyscrapers and golf courses, but also as a reality

    395 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Une allégorie du théâtre

    Une allégorie du théâtre

    1. Une allégorie du théâtre A.Tradition théâtrale revendiquée - Comment dans sa préface Corneille qualifie-t-il sa pièce? Comment justifie-t-il sa caractérisation? Corneille qualifie, dans sa préface, sa pièce d’«étrange monstre».Cette caractérisation «d’étrange monstre» est du au fait que chaque Acte possède une particularité différente (comédie imparfaite et tragédie) et le

    1 453 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Une douce musique

    Une douce musique

    Question 1 p 198 : Type d’agriculture dominante Europe Amérique du Nord Amérique du Sud Asie Afrique -Agriculture commerciale productiviste (Europe de l’Ouest) -Petite agriculture familiale intensive (Europe de l’Est) -Agriculture commerciale productiviste (Amérique Nord Est) -Agriculture commerciale de plantation (Comportant les états de la Floride, l’Alabama, la Géorgie, la

    825 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Une histoire de famille (document en anglais)

    Une histoire de famille (document en anglais)

    In this text we read about the history of a family who had to leave their homeland situated in Kashmir on reason of the British Empire, who had conquered and parted their land of origin. The main person of the text, Farocq, was thirteen years old when his family had

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • UNICEF biography

    UNICEF biography

    I-Biography : The UNICEF(The United Nations Children's Fund) is an agency of the UNO dedicated to the improvement and to the promotion of the condition of the chirlden. From its creation, on December 11th, 1946, it has actyvely participated in yhe writing, the conception of the agreement relative to children

    269 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Uniforme, dialogue anglais

    Uniforme, dialogue anglais

    C : Hello and Welcome on the livre show on actuality TV. This evening we receive Mr.Jean Jacques sociologist and author of the book : ideas about equality, Miss Landier Mary a fashion designer and teacher in one cambridge’s college, ans Justine a student his school. Welcome, M.Jean Jaques, in

    301 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Uniqlo assignment

    Uniqlo assignment

    Uniqlo Assignment Team A1 Al-Youzbaki, Amal Mohammad Ali Salah - r0727550 Dementyev, David Timotey - r0819340 Hossain, Ayesha Afsara - r0818501 Mortier, Hanne - r0844459 Pyne, Evan - r0779930 Rabten, Sonam - r0827728 1. What are Uniqlo’s competitive advantages today? An article was posted in 2007, where the presider of

    4 580 Mots / 19 Pages
  • UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns

    UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns

    UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns Teacher: Camila ROJAS 1. Translate the following words into English. (10 points) Animé busy Appartement a flat Ardoise slate Arrondissement district Banlieue suburbs Béton concrete Bois wood Brique brick Calme quiet Campagne the countryside Centre ville city-center Chic upmarket Commerces shops Construire to build

    1 126 Mots / 5 Pages
  • United Nations Conventions on the International Sale of Goods (CSIG)

    United Nations Conventions on the International Sale of Goods (CSIG)

    United Nations Conventions on the International Sale of Goods (CSIG) Incoterms Trusts: legal person where legal ownership property is separated from beneficial ownership 4 parts: - The Trustor or Settlor - One or more Trustees - One or more beneficiaries - A protector Parole Evidence Rule: if there is a

    580 Mots / 3 Pages
  • United States alcohol

    United States alcohol

    Alcohol in the United States LUCAS BLAISE En gras (sauf les titres des parties…) : mots à écrire au tableau. The Prohibition in the USA CLIC Intro We’ve chosen the period of the Prohibition to illustrate the theme of the alcohol in the United States. Several prohibitions were organized during

    2 216 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Univers Disney

    Univers Disney

    DISNEY Vocabulaire : personnage(s) character(s) dessiner to draw dessinateur cartoonist croquis sketch conte(s) tale(s) contes de fée fairytales adapter to adapt produits dérivés derived products parc d’attraction amusement/theme park film movie dessin animé cartoon contes de fée fairytales Grande ligne de la présentation : Today I want to talk to

    739 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Universe of Luxury

    Universe of Luxury

    Universe of Luxury * Maille - mustard brand * Moët & Chandon - French fine winery and co-owner of the luxury goods company LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE Ladurée - high-end pastries and candy 1. Market Trends 2. Market projections * Moët & Chandon - French fine winery

    519 Mots / 3 Pages
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