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Mythes Et Héros Anglais BAC

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Par   •  3 Juin 2015  •  508 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 296 Vues

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History is full of myths and heroes. A myth is traditional story about the recent history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon involving beings or events supernationaux . A hero is in mythology and folklore a person with superhuman qualities which is admired for their courage or outstanding achievements . Each of them has survived. So we ask ourselves what we are today the heroes , what is their function.

There was first the heroes of mythology with the gods of Olympus, and the demigods who have left an indelible mark . It is found in the film adaptations as Troy, Hercules , The Adventures of Ulysses. And there is also the hero of real life, those recognized by the media and the general public . The enthusiasm they cause all tend to say they talk about us and this is why they fascinate us so much.

Film and literature brings us modern heroes alternating a good earthly life and superhuman feats . Heroes easily become celebrities they are admired because they help change the lives of others, save lives at the risk of their own. These are then models like Superman has a good life and day of intense activity adventurous night. Matthew Winkler , the hero shares his life in two worlds: a special regular and the other where the adventure and death reign supreme around an enigma. He also said that we have things in common with these heroes because their actions resonate with us , often there is a fear on recurring themes of love , labor, the environment, etc. . Superman would be nice outlaw who waged war against evil , it's a bit the role of the father, the one who guides and protects .

Today, our heroes are in the flesh . Some professions are part of this altruistic dimension; Firefighters have a heroic example function. They do a difficult job where their lives are often threatened but their sense of purpose predominates because it is good to protect people and their property.

There are those that are known and that their actions propel the rank of national and international superhero. This was the case of Nelson Mandela, long considered a terrorist organization by many governments, who made his life a peaceful struggle against oppression , received the Nobel Peace Prize and became the first black South African president. It embodies the justice and goodness in giving meaning to his life and that of others. It awakens in us a just sense of pride, that to do well what we have to do.

If the heroes through time without a wrinkle , it is to meet our narcissistic needs recognition : they allow us to heighten feelings like pride, pride, love, impunity, any power, generosity, impartiality ... the next generation is then ensured by modern heroes, fictional but also real thing , those who have faced challenges and have become models referred to in the new generations. Everyone has dreams and heroes show us how it is now possible to achieve .


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