UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns
Chronologie : UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Aidan Keller • 22 Décembre 2020 • Chronologie • 1 126 Mots (5 Pages) • 444 Vues
UNIT 2 – Architecture and towns
Teacher: Camila ROJAS
1. Translate the following words into English. (10 points)
Animé busy
Appartement a flat
Ardoise slate
Arrondissement district
Banlieue suburbs
Béton concrete
Bois wood
Brique brick
Calme quiet
Campagne the countryside
Centre ville city-center
Chic upmarket
Commerces shops
Construire to build
Démolir to pull down
Dernier étage the last floor
Entrepôt a warehouse
Etages floors
Etroit narrow
Faire la navette to commute
HLM council flats
Immeuble a block of flats
Large broad
Lotissement a development
Métro subway
Murs walls
Pavillon a detached house
Pierre stone
Pierre de taille broadstone
Piéton pedestrian
Piste a lane
Pratique convenient
Quartier neighbourhood
RdC first floor
Rue street
Taudis slums
Toit roof
Transports public transportation