The United Kingdom and Great Britain dossier bac
Dissertation : The United Kingdom and Great Britain dossier bac. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Chafika Tarchoun • 9 Janvier 2019 • Dissertation • 600 Mots (3 Pages) • 726 Vues
The United Kingdom and Great Britain
I’m going to start introducing Great Britain. It’s consist in 3 nation so:
-The 1 is England; its flag is white with a red cross. Its Capital City is London and People who live in England are called English and British. The Symbol of England is a red Rose.
-The 2 nation is Scotland; its flag is blue with a white cross. Its Capital-city is Edinburg.
Scottish and British are people who live in Scotland. The Thistle is the symbol of Scotland.
-The 3 is Wales; its flag is white band at the top and a green one at the bottom with a red dragon in the center. Its Capital-city is Cardiff. People who live in Wales are called Welsh and British. The Leek or the Daffodil are the symbols of Wales.
The Flag of Great Britain is the place on top of the flag of England (The St George’s Cross) and the flag of Scotland (The Andrew’s Cross).
Then, I’m going talk about the United Kingdom. It is composed nations:
-And is Northern Ireland; Its flag is White with a red cross.
People who live are Irish and British. Its Capital-city is Belfast and the clover leaf is it symbol.
The Flag of the United-Kingdom is the place on the top the flag of Great Britain plus the flag of Northern Ireland (The Patrick’s Cross) also called The Union Jack since Eighteen one (1801) has today.
I’m going to continue introducing the prime minister and the Queen
The Prime Ministre his name is David Cameron, he was elected on the eleventh of May two-thousand ten (2010). He lives at the number ten Dowling Street. He is part of the Conservative party.
The Queen, her name is Elizabeth II, she is the Greatest monarch of the United-Kingdom and other Kingdom of the Commonwealth. She was crowned on the 2 of June Nineteen Fifty two (1952). Her descendants are composed of four heirs with Charles. Prince of Wales such as first heir.
The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace prestigious.
I’m going to present four of the famous places in United-Kingdom
The First place is the British Museum, it the containt more than 7 million items which tells history of man. The British Museum is the oldest museum in the world. It is go into is free.
The second select is Ferris wheel, called the Eye of London. Its diameter is 135 meter (one hundred and thirty five meter). It’s the grandest in Europe; the Ferris wheel was open in two thousand (2000). For january 2015, the Ferris wheel