- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

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  • National gallery

    National gallery

    Inès KADHI, Milena BITON 2nd6 The National Gallery The National Gallery is an art museum located on Trafalgar Square in London. The National Gallery stands on the site of the King’s Mews. The Gallery’s architect, William Wilkins, used many of the construction methods of the Mews building when he built

    265 Mots / 2 Pages
  • National Governmental Organisation

    National Governmental Organisation

    I think it’s essential that it exists an association for the defense of red-haired people, for many reasons I am going to explain. Since ever, red-haired people have not been seen as « normal » people but as a kind of « strange community » and a lot of superstitions have been like

    507 Mots / 3 Pages
  • National measures for international objectives

    National measures for international objectives

    National measures for international objectives 17 sustainable development goals have been established to meet international challenges. These are interconnected and concern inequalities, peace, justice, etc. as well as the degradation of the environment and climate. These last two points concern the energy market. At European level, a Green Deal, the

    679 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Native american storytelling

    Native american storytelling

    Once upon a time, there was this animal, the Fox, who was cunning, greedy and weak but he was the smartest animal in the bunch. To be respected and superior to other animals, he made a plan to steal and drink a part of the forbidden Fountain of Youth, the

    325 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Native Americans in the United States

    Native Americans in the United States

    Je m'appelle Sarah et aujourd'hui, je vais vous présenter la notion de mythes et de héros. Un mythe peut être défini comme une histoire de dieux ou de héros, une croyance populaire, une tradition ou une fausse notion. Un héros peut être un une personne admirée pour ses réalisations, un

    538 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Natural disaster

    Natural disaster

    04/12/2017 Chloé Caille I Chapitre 4 : les théories des organisations * Organisation ≠ mettre en ordre (religieux, militaire…). * Méthode individuelle – organisation collective. * Exemple : projet tuteuré (prendre position) * Définir un projet, projet tuteuré, activités (calendrier) * Définir une équipe, leader, tuteur... * Moyens (budget…) *

    1 143 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Negociation


    NEGOCIATION Paul Jones is a family business, founded in 1990 in London. Since then we have opened 8 shops in Europe, 2 in London, 3 in Italy, 2 in Germany and 1 in Spain. With a total turnover of 250 M£. We have as a project, the establishment of our

    271 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Négociation avec les fournisseurs

    Négociation avec les fournisseurs

    OPA – Chapitre 16 – Exercices Exercice 1 Question 1/2/3 : Technique de négociation Eléments Acheteur Mme Bonnin Fournisseur Mr Lourmel Type de négociation Négociation intégrative Négociation distributive Arguments justificatifs Invite à s’installer, ouvre le dialogue, patiente et calme Impatient, comportement froid, pousse à signer le contrat très rapidemment, discussion

    468 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Négociation et technique de vente

    Négociation et technique de vente

    Négociation et technique de vente Négociation : Est la rencontre entre 2 parties qui a pour but de conclure un accord gagnant/gagnant * Un vendeur est quelqu’un qui vend un produit * Un négociateur propose des solutions à son interlocuteur La méthode PERFECT : Proximité : Développer de l’empathie pour

    1 055 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Negociation, why do we negociate ?

    Negociation, why do we negociate ?

    Negotiation Why we negotiate? Because we want to exchange things, create economy: - Routine exchanges  don’t need specific negotiation, they’re common - Negotiated exchanges Negotiation variables: - PRICE  the most often cited - Discounts and allowances - Delivery date - Quality - Order timing and frequency Negotiated exchanges:

    279 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Neil Armstrong : an american hero

    Neil Armstrong : an american hero

    Neil Armstrong : an american hero Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. After having served in the Korean War and then finished college, he worked for a group who studied airplanes. Later, that group took part in the NASA. He flew in several planes for

    359 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 and comes from a Xhosa royal family. In 1944, he joined the ANC (African National Congress) while a law student. In 1948, it’s the beginning of Apartheid (segregationist legislation). In 1952, he opened the first black cabinet of the country, not without

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Nelson Mandela bac pro anglais

    Nelson Mandela bac pro anglais

    NELSON MANDELA Who Was Nelson Mandela? Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in July 18 eighteen 1918 nineteen eighteen, his African name means Troublemaker. Mandela was a nonviolence anti-apartheid activist, politician and became South Africa’s first black president from 1994 nineteen ninety four to 1999 nineteen ninety nine. Mandela joined the

    576 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Nelson mandela cas

    Nelson mandela cas

    Nelson Mandela was the best-known figure in south Africa, he was born Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela, on July 18th 1918. It was his teacher who later gave him the English name nelson. The Apartheid was established in 1948, because laws legally and physically separated different ethnic groups : the Afrikaners and

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Nelson Mandela- myths and heroes

    Nelson Mandela- myths and heroes

    '' A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special .... Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela known as

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
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