BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 011 - 2 025
Je nique ta mère
Baby concierge The idea, - The idea: to help a mother-to-be to buy everything she needs for the arrival of baby. The service includes the purchase, delivery and installation of furniture or other decorative objects. Operation: offer this service directly to stores in childcare or launch a website with the
487 Mots / 2 Pages -
Je préfère qu’ils me croient mort, Ahmed Kalouaz
Eliott Rabasse 3D Fiche Lecture 1) Titre du livre : je préfère qu’ils me croient mort Editeur : Editions du Rouergue Auteur : Ahmed Kalouaz 2) Ahmed Kalouaz est un écrivain français né le 12 janvier 19521 à Arzew, en Algérie. Il a publié plus d'une quarantaine d'ouvrages (poésie, nouvelles,
765 Mots / 4 Pages -
JE veux juste une dissertation
Golden Gate park Center of SF Plus grand parc de la ville 412 hectares Its area exceeds that of the center Park Il est le troisième parc public le plus visité des Etats-Unis. Ideal for the relaxing Crocker Galleria The Crocker Galleria is a shopping center located near the Oakland
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
Jean de la Fontaine
Che,e roseaux 1. Discours du chene 2. 2) la repose du roseaux 3. La morale Introduction :ce texte appartient au mouv du classisisme qui est un mouv literaire du 17 c c’est une fable réaliser par jean de la foutaine en 1668 , se nommant ( le chene et le
444 Mots / 2 Pages -
Jean michel
Mec aujourd'hui si je suis pas venu à l'école c'est parce que hier soir je partais de chez ma tante et j'ai glisé dans les escalier et ensuite je suis tomber deux fois sur le coqusis ensuite j'ai attendu 3h a l'hôpital et on a découvert que je m'était cassé
340 Mots / 2 Pages -
Jeff Weinstein, the genius
Jeff Weinstein, an entrepreneur opened his first restaurant, Tea Counter, in Los Angeles.The principle of this restaurant is to customize its burgers, with a variety of choice and 312 000 possibilities.There are various varieties of meats, sauces, cheeses, supports(accompaniments) and breads. A burger costs between 6 and 12 dollars, and
275 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Final task A father guilty of shooting his family. Monday night, 35 years old man, married to a 30years old women and father of two little 4years old girls and a 10 years old boy, has been found guilty in the United States of murderin his family during a
283 Mots / 2 Pages -
Chapitre 1 : La comptabilité nationale Introduction : Apres la seconde guerre on a besoin d’avoir des données numérique, ce qui va entrainer la création de la comptabilité nationale. Les actes économiques s’ordonnent selon un profil, le premier actes économique essentiel est la production de richesses. Une fois produites, il
8 953 Mots / 36 Pages -
Job application
I, my name’s mathilde monastiri and I here to apply for a job as a doctor. I will therefore answer the questions you sent me by email after I sent my application. So the first question was if you could describe yourself with adjectives about your parsonality what would they
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When preparing a job interview you should do the following and be ready to answer those questions. Do some research on the company: Activity of the company. Number of employees. Different departments. Be ready to answer classical questions: About me: * I’m 21. I’m single. I haven’t got children. I
397 Mots / 2 Pages -
JOB INTERVIEW MARK : / REMARK : AKPO ALEXANDRE BTS CG1 INITIAL Please sir can you introduce yourself please ? My name is Alexandre , i am nineteen , i study accountancy at ETS european school and i am looking for a work placement in a company . For what
403 Mots / 2 Pages -
Job interview questions
JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Could you present yourself? Could you tell us / me about your diplomas and work experience? What are your hobbies? What are your IT skills? Are you tech-savvy? Have you ever been dismissed or have ever lost your job? To dismiss = licencier Why have you chosen
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Jobhunting To hunt (chasser) – hunting (la chasse) – a hunter (un chasseur) Jobhunting = looking for a job = a job hunter * It’s when a job hunter meets different recruiters in the same place for a certain time List all the methods you know to find a job
795 Mots / 4 Pages -
John Pemberton cas
BRAND CHOSEN : 1.The founder(s) : -name(s) : John Pemberton -dates of birth and death : 8 juillet 1931 en Géorgie / 16 août 1888 en Colombie -job(s) : Pharmacien et inevnteur -country of origin/nationality : Amérique / Américain -main biographical elements : Il a étudié a l'université de Macon
446 Mots / 2 Pages -
Johnny Deep
JOHNNY DEEP Johnny Depp is an actor born in the United States in 1963 on June 9, aged 53 years. At 15 years he saw the divorce of these parents. In lack of reference he sets himself to the music in a group but he did not succeed to take
270 Mots / 2 Pages