Why youtubeurs are feeling the burn ?
Cours : Why youtubeurs are feeling the burn ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar julie010915 • 20 Janvier 2019 • Cours • 451 Mots (2 Pages) • 579 Vues
Why Youtubers are feeling the burn
1. From fashionistas to popular scientists, Youtube’s top vidéo stars are crumbling under the relentless pressure of producing new content for the site
crumble=s’effondrer / relentless=implacable, impitoyable.
a) What type of pressure are Youtuber confronted with, and what effect does iy have on them ? They are confronted with relentless pressure that crushing on them.
1. Lucy moon went to see a therapist because her life was "shitty"
Right or Wrong ? Justify. Because she had a burgeoning carrer and her subscribers was booming.
2. What was crushing ? The pressure was crushing
3. How did her therapist react ? Why ? Her therapist was shocked because she didn’t understand why she feel so low whereas her career was booming. She think it was too much of a burden with too many responsability for such a young person.
§3. spout=dire n’importe quoi / broker=négocier / tie-ins=produits dérivés
1. A Youtuber just has to say anything he/she wants in front of camera to be popular.
Right or Wrong ? Justify. Spouting whatever comes to mind is no longer the entire job description.
2. Being a Youtubeur has become a complex job?
Right or Wrong ? Justify. They must oversee growth in a higly competitive and ever-expanding market, win merchandise deals, broker brand tie-ins and often manage support staff.
§4 pace=vitesse / outstrip=surpasser / long-standing=de longue date / lack of=manque de / fleeting=fugace / ever-changing=qui ne cesse de changer / second guess=anticiper / display=afficher
1. Youtubers receive a lot of support from the site.
Right or wrong ? Justify (l.15) Their receive little support from the site
1. Who is PewDiePie ?He’s the most sucessful Youtuber on the planet.
2. How many subscribers has he got ? He got 64 millions subscribers.
3. Why can’t he take a break ? He scared about lost followers
4. What’s a burnout talk ? A burnout talk is to share your feelings to your viewers to explain how you feel about pressure.
§7&9 to garner=engranger, récolter
1. What has changed for Youtubers if they want to remain popular ? They had to do more and more and better vidéos.
§10 to stand out=se démarquer, sortir du lot
1. What has increased ?The competition has increased
2. What do Youtubers do to stand out ? They do more extreme and daring vidéos.
§11&12 among=parmi / to bare=mettre à nu / churn=production / warts=verrues / struggle=lutter / wonder whether=se demander si / look up to sb=admirer qqn / to launch = lancer,