Tache final gap year
Cours : Tache final gap year. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Bella Hadid • 26 Avril 2019 • Cours • 1 013 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 579 Vues
tâche finale gap year anglais
Hey everyone, today i’m going to tell you my experience during my gap year last year, what i have done, who i met, the things that i learned, and of course i will give you advice at the end of the video. to make it possible, I told you to ask me questions on twitter.
First question: Why did you do a gap year?
First of all, I live in France. instead of starting my studies after I graduated from high school, I decided to do a gap year. If you don’t know what’s a gap year, it’s a year in which you go to another country during your studies. A Gap Year is more than just a holiday. It gives you the opportunity to learn new skills for your future employment, and experience a totally new language and new culture. Indeed if you add on your resume that you did a g y, you could win points. Moreover, I did that to earn money, so I could save up money for college.
Where did you go? and Why
I came to London because the first I came it was with my family during holidays when I was a child and I just fell in love with that city. At the end of the trip I knew that I had to come back and stay here longer, and I promise myself that when I will be older, I’ll be living in that amazing place. I don’t really know why I love that city, but it’s so weird when I’m here, I just feel so good, I feel like, I was born to live here. When my teacher told about the gap year’s project and taught me that i could do it in the capital of the UK, i just take my chance.
What type of people do you met during your gap year?
In london, I met a lot of people. But the people I will most remember are certainly the teenager that I had to watch, and not because of their kindness. British teenager are so annoying like sometimes i just wanted to slap them but i didn’t because i don’t want to go to jail .
Don’t worry I met a lot of people who became my friends. I was with other gappies who were from other countries. Some of them were spanish, other were german, there were also italian and french like me. My best friend during this year was Emilia, she is american, she live in New York, luckyone. If you’re watching that video I miss you.
Of course I had the chance to met british.
Let’s talk about adults. When you do a gap year, you’re kind of free to do everything you want during your free time, but it doesn’t mean that no one take care of you. There are adults to help you when you’re in trouble, for example if you’re homesick it’s their job to console you.
Next question: What did you do during your gap year?
during my gap year I had to work in a boarding school, the Mill Hill School. It’s a 13-18 mixed independent school. My job was to wake up the child, help them to do their homework and entertain them. It was a little difficult because I’m not very old compare to them, so it was rude to get respect from them.
Most of the time, I wake up at 6 am to prepare myself, then I wake up the children that were under my responsibility at 7 am. I accompany them to school and I’m free for the rest of the day until 5 pm. When they come back from school, they do their homework, then we