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Anglais: Gap Year

Dissertations Gratuits : Anglais: Gap Year. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2013  •  203 Mots (1 Pages)  •  3 454 Vues

I think I would be ready to take a gap year but before my studies. I often dream after my studies to choose a program of Canada. I would like to travel there low on my gap year. I can get a job in a ski chalet as a cook or cleaner, work in one of the many bars or learn to be a ski or snowboard instructor. I like sport and more particularly winter sports.

I can imagine shredding the slopes every morning with fresh power under-foot, chilling out with a few Canadian's at a bar, and explore the local towns and countryside. Secondly, if I must do my gap year, I would do it in a country that I love and Canada is a fantastic place where to spend your gap year. It's a very beautiful country. The activities are various .I would like to gain a lifetime experience, which would doubtless make me more mature .To conclude I think that take a gap year is an experience to live once during our life because just a year passed out of our country can change our future because you learn another language and today know speak another language can make the difference.


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