Anglais tâche final le progrès
Cours : Anglais tâche final le progrès. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar bcvictoire • 22 Décembre 2015 • Cours • 287 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 551 Vues
Sir the editor of Popular Sciences,
I'm writing to you, to tell what I think of progress.
The idea of progress can be defined as the belief that history generally goes towards a better life for more and more people. Progress can be seen as a change, a development or an improvement from an old order to a new order. It is present in the field of science, technology, human life and quality of life.
Progress is a good thing. He gives us a lot.
In the field of sciences, they were incredible medical advances. The are many vaccines, and we are capable of looking after many disease, as certain cancer. We are also capable of modifying genetically bodies thanks to the technology. For example, we can implant a chip in the brain of paralyzed man, so that he can again move.
We can communicate and move all over the world, on land, at see and in the air, and even in the space.
Thanks to the technology, we have also Internet, which gives us access to all that we want, whether it is to learn, enjoy, work, look at movies or listen to some music.
The progress is also social. The women have now the voting right, and they continue to fight to have the same salary and be completely equal to the man. The discrimination is forbidden. We are free.
But you should not forget all that it engenders : the pollution, nuclear power, the overpopulation, the risks connected to Internet, it is an open market where we can buy all that we want, some drug, weapons, and even human beings. The unhealthy use of the medical progress, like “designer babies”.
Progress is a good thing, but it is necessary to use it correctly.