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Synthèse : Success. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Octobre 2020  •  Synthèse  •  862 Mots (4 Pages)  •  405 Vues

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Being successful is something everyone wants in many ways like in their jobs or careers, at school, or also in their family or even with their friends. Success has so much meaning for people but I think the way and the method - if you want to achieve your goal with honesty and in the “legal” ways without cheating or anything bad - should be taken as they are even if it’s hard and long. So, at first, we will see how I define Success, then see what are criteria, in general, to be successful through different examples.

At first, let’s see some definition of success. We have for example success is “a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity” and first thoughts of success that some people have are prosperousness or affluence, which are related to the number of money people are making or possessing and the reason why people are thinking that way is because in our society everything turns around money. For instance to eat healthily, to have a good house, to go the school, college, or university we want to endly have a good career. A lot of things are based on money and in this case being successful is to be able to satisfy financial and economic needs.

It’s not only this, but success is also about the achievement of a goal - personal or more professional or academic. For example, for me academically there are two forms of success, there is academic success which is a synonym of successful fulfilment of a course and the grades and the delivery of a recognition of what has been achieved are our academic success proof. The other one is an educative success which is a more large subject, it is about how do we really use our academic knowledge, it’s about the socialization - all the useful knowledge, values and behaviours for the society functioning. We can see more achievements at work, when we finally have the dream job or career we had always wanted, or when we have promotions for the hard-working, etc.

All the things we have and we achieve are a success but we must always think about how we achieve our goals.

Initially, to be successful in something, the important step is to know the answer to “ what do I want?” to have a precise idea of what we want and to be more ready and motivate to do some necessary efforts. We also should want to achieve as if our life depended on it and there is a quote from a famous philosopher Socrate which describes the idea “ when you’ll want to succeed as much as you need air to breathe, you’ll be successful”.

There is another step to succeed, it’s to give to yourself the capacities we need and for this, being perseverant, passionate, motivate must help you to achieve your goal. But sometimes it could be difficult to be motivated and always focus on what we have to do and we sometimes procrastinate but don't worry it is really common. I think we never succeed without some methods so we have to know methods and systems and to know it's work on ourselves, what is the best method for us? Is it motivating? If you want a successful marriage, pass an exam or be a good player in any sport, learning methods which do work is important.

Of course, there isn't an easy success so hard-working is one of the keys to success. We have to be perseverant and never give up even if we meet the infamous failure. We must take failure as a


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