Sport, the secret of success : practice
Cours : Sport, the secret of success : practice. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar CHRISTIANOVICH • 16 Janvier 2013 • Cours • 4 699 Mots (19 Pages) • 1 042 Vues
The secret of success in art, sport, music, business and science is practice. To be good at music or sport, one needs to spend hundreds of hours of practice. To achieve international stardom, one needs to do even more practice. The research finding that practice is the key to learning seems to support what we have long believed to be one of the most important axioms of learning, i.e., “practice makes perfect‟. If one puts in enough hours, they will become proficient in whatever they are learning. In language teaching, people also believe that practice is an indispensable part of language learning. Anyone who has had classroom experience teaching a foreign language will whole-heartedly support this axiom.
Nevertheless, does practice really make perfect in language learning? We often see students spending hours and hours doing language practice but they do not seem to make any significant progress in their learning. This is particularly true in Foreign Languages contexts, where the majority achieve a less than desirable level of proficiency. Those who manage to get to the lower intermediate or intermediate level of proficiency are usually stuck at this level and are unable to move to the upper-intermediate or advanced level. In addition, it has been observed that there is a high degree of fossilization among these learners, with the majority unable to move beyond their current level of grammatical competence. This is particularly true in language programmes that give a heavy emphasis on authentic communication in the early stages of language learning.
Therefore, if practice is indeed a key variable in language learning, then our students should reach a high level of proficiency after going through a sufficient amount of practice. Since this does not always happen, we shall accept that they are other factors necessary in learning a language. We need to ask why classroom practice doesn’t seem to produce the desired results. Is it because teachers give our students the kinds of practice that do not promote language learning? Is it because the amount of practice is not sufficient? There are different approaches on the way to learn how to use a language. What are the other theories on the language acquisition? How is the use of language a matter of habits? The learning process through practice and habits is it the right? If not, what is the right approach? Are habits and practices enough to speak fluently a language? These are questions we will try to solve in our Research Paper and finally we will draw some conclusions. But first, in order for us to understand the role of practice and its impact on language learning, I is necessary to present its context through the background of our topic.
World War I and the period thereafter brought about a renewed interest in international understanding and consequently in the study of foreign languages. That interest grew into an actual need in the Second World conflict. It made it necessary to learn and use the allies’ as well as the enemies’ language since the world has turned into a planetary village.
With the arrival of the mondialization, people are obliged to learn other languages for different purposes. However, during this learning process, habits and practice are very important when we want to learn and use a second language. Before going further, we have found necessary to define the keys words, which are essential to the understanding of our topic. There are two main notions that are Language and Habits. According to Oxford ADVANCED LEARNER’S Dictionary (7th Ed), Language is defined as “the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area”. Hence, we may define habits as a regularly repeated behavior pattern. It is an action or pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it.
Though, many people would agree that there is an observable fall in the use of English language and standard of education in Cameroon, nobody in his widest imagination would have believed that university education in Cameroon has fallen to an abysmally low level. Since English is the first international language, it is therefore necessary to learn how to use and speak it. A mastery of written and spoken language is highly desirable, yet its teaching and learning is beset by a myriad of problems at the secondary school level. In this perspective, it is necessary for francophone to use and practice regularly this language in order to have a better understanding of its system.
Language is the vehicle of social interaction and we need effective language to function properly in the work place, social interaction, and indeed, for functional literacy. It must be emphasized that a rich and stimulating language environment during the early years and beyond is essential to the development of verbal and intellectual skills necessary for language learning. With the poor performance of students and graduates in learning English Language in Cameroon, educators, parents, employers are worried and concerned. In order to study English as a second language and be successful at it, the student must be help by the teacher to acquire skills in the four language arts skills; namely: Speaking, reading, listening and writing.
The problem therefore is, in which way habits and practices are important in the learning process and the use of a language.
The main objective of our work is show after our researches and analyses how the use of language (the case of English) is a matter of habits and practice. So we have to demonstrate if speaking regularly a language (the case of English) is the best way of learning it and we have to do so according to the locality of Mbanga where we have based our research.
An important aspect of this study is that it provides an interesting approach and outlined the importance of habits and practice as language teaching approaches in the oral aspect and into the communication in general. That is because repetition and memorization are essential while learning a language structure and rules. So practicing a language usually makes us to better understand it. Some students learn a new language more quickly and easily than others through a regular use of the target language. There is no doubt that imitation; memorization and practice do explain the acquisition of certain aspects of language such as word meanings and some language habits.