Pyramide de Maslow
Dissertation : Pyramide de Maslow. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar samzal • 11 Janvier 2019 • Dissertation • 565 Mots (3 Pages) • 668 Vues
Two Factor Theory of Motivation
Frederick Herzberg in 1959 developed the two-factor theory which is an adaptation on Maslow pyramid of need.
He just made a theory from a survey and find what led to extreme satisfaction and dissatisfaction, he finds out hygiene factors (benefits; pay, job security, Friends in workplace) that need to be present to ensure a reasonable level of satisfaction if those aren’t it can be a source of extreme dissatisfaction, but it don’t satisfy you totally. On another hand there is motivational factors (recognition, achievement, challenging work) contribute to extreme satisfaction those ones give satisfaction but if they aren’t present it’s doesn’t mean that you are not satisfied.[pic 1]
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Theory X + Theory Y
McGregor in 1960 developed a theory where in a company the most important is the labour force.
He divided the type of worker in two theory and in general there is lazy employees and the ambitious and not lazy employees.
The first ones are lazy, and they need someone to control them to accomplish their organizational objectives because they are motivated only by physiological and security needs. In the past he theory X was dominant, so employees had to be paid more if they want them to be more paid.
In theory Y the employees are not lazy and are ambitious, so they don’t need money to work but they need the2 last levels of the Maslow pyramid self-actualisation and esteem. They enjoy working and need only to work alone and don’t need a manager.
Nevertheless, both Theory can exist at the same time and managers can apply both theory In a same case because for example a new employee need to be managed and need a basic flame to work and after some experience he can be managed by theory Y because he is going to be autonomous.
The Bride Theory
The reward must be well handled because the more you reward someone for doing something the less he works to do it. Generally, we are working in part for the money because most people dislike their job, the other part is working because the love what they are doing.
The bribe can be a source of extreme dissatisfaction, we all money to pay bills or anything like that but when we are safe hire reward don’t make us work more because it’s not needed money and so they need fulfilling action that make us happy.
Maslow pyramid of needs
You need to achieve all level to satisfy the steps before to climb the pyramid.
The first level is the biological and physiological needs which are the needs to survive simple needs that every human need they are concerned by surviving.
The second level is about safety, people need to be safe in everyday life, so they ensure there is a lot of products to be safe
The third level is about love and belongness, it’s the step where we love to give to others. They love to be part of something, so they think about brand and what they got.
The forth level is about Esteem needs is the level where you want to be the best and be out of the common man, so you love to fell superior or better than the majority.
The fifth stage, they going to pay for something they want to do like travel go to theatre or go back to college to grow themselves.