Gap year
Étude de cas : Gap year. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar meg46 • 1 Mai 2018 • Étude de cas • 673 Mots (3 Pages) • 659 Vues
Gap Year
Introduction :
I’m going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges.
First of all, I would like to give you a quick definition of this notion.
This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.
We can see this for the Gap year because it's a break in student's studies and during this time the student can go all around the world, can work or be voluntary for an association or other projects.
Problématique :
Now, we can wonder what are the different types of gap year in the world ?
First of all I’m going to talk about the travelling gap year, then I’m going to speak about working gap year and finally I’m going to talk about de voluntary gap year.
Partie 1
Many students choose to travel and stop their studies for a moment. The student can go around the world and for different time. This parameter can change according to personal preference.Travel is a good idea because the student can discover new cultures and learn to live with new peoples. It’s a good opportunity to learn new languages and for speak with a better control. Often, if we take a time off we can meet new peoples, new friends and develop new relationship. With the travel, the student can open his mind and act differently in front of the situation. During this time off, the student can think about the studies and about his future. But for a gap year the student needed money. The travel is not free. It’s important to know that its difficult to to take the studies again because the student is not focus in his studies.
For not forgot the studies, a lot of students choose to work during their gap year.
Partie 2
A lot of students choose to make a working gap year to discover new countries and the work life. Make a working gap year can help the student to know exactly what type of work he can does and what types of work he doesn’t like. In this gap year he can discover a new way, and a new project for his future. Work before the studies is a possibility to pay the studies next year. For go at the university, the CV is important and this experience is a chance for the student. If the student go in a different country, he can learn new languages, new culture. The student can become more mature than others.
We can see a last gap year. It’s the voluntary gap year.
Partie 3
Many students choose the voluntary gap year for help others peoples in difficulty. For that, they can go in humanitarian association or in charity project. The students can help in environmental projet, in building project or in teaching projet for example. In the environmental project the