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Dissertation : BIG BEN. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  259 Mots (2 Pages)  •  712 Vues

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                                                BIG BEN

        London is one of the biggest town in Europe. It's very famous because there's lots of beautiful monuments.

For example , Big Ben is one of the most important...

Big Ben was created in 1858, she is installed in the Clock Tower from Palace of Westminster, with a weight of 13 tons. Big Ben is placed between the westminster Bridge , and the Westminster Abbey (who are Two monuments too.) The peoples who can visit Big Ben are only British residents who have recieve an authorization.

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At the beginning, Big Ben was called « The Great Bell». But now , she is call like « Big Ben » because , Benjamin Hall was an engineer , and had «Ben» for nickname, and was Big , so we called him «Big Ben», but this info is not sure , it's just an theory.

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An second theory exist about Big ben , that of Ben Caunt who was an boxing champion. He was became popular about a fight who lasted 60 Rounds.  

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Now , always the 31 December at midnight , Big Ben rings the bells to announce the new years, the bells sound is broadcast in all TV and Radio.


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