- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Will dissertations et mémoires


35 Will dissertations gratuites 26 - 35

Dernière mise à jour : 2 Avril 2019
  • Will the UK's Bribery Act 2010 be successful? Why?

    Will the UK's Bribery Act 2010 be successful? Why?

    Will the UK's Bribery Act 2010 be successful? Why? Bribery Act 2010--The Acts defines four new criminal offences: (Robinson 2010) 1. A corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery being undertaken on its behalf 2. 2) Requesting or receiving a bribe 3. Offering or paying a bribe 4. Bribing a foreign public official. (A specific offence required to comply with the OECD Convention). The purpose of the Act is to provide a modern and comprehensive

    1 279 Mots / 6 Pages
  • We will not surrender

    We will not surrender

    We will not surrender I was inside, inside this long ship, and we had been sailing for several weeks. That was the moment, this thick mist hiding us from the village, thunderstorms erupted, the thunder drummed throughout the heavens. I see this sky, it was very dark. The Vikings and me see the fear of the people in their faces. They sounded a first alarm to warn our arrival to the others. They look likes

    342 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How will we live together ?

    How will we live together ?

    “HOW WILL WE LIVE TOGETHER” Nous avons choisi de traiter le texte « L’occupation populaire à la rue : un frein à la gentrification ? » d’Anne Clerval, publié en 2011. Géographe marxiste, l’auteur aborde le thème de vivre ensemble au sein d’un même espace public malgré les différences et les évolutions sociales dans la société. En effet, en prenant l’exemple de Paris, elle évoque dans ce texte le processus de gentrification, ses dynamiques spatiales

    3 670 Mots / 15 Pages
  • It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders... Will you be able to identify these?

    It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders... Will you be able to identify these?

    It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders… Will you be able to identify these? Form 4 groups. Each group will choose a cultural blunder and look for the answer to the four questions asked. Careful: the answers are scattered in all the different blunders! When your puzzle is complete, reflect on this blunder and answer the final question. CULTURAL BLUNDER 1 Advertiser and product: A Nike, sportswear inspired by traditional tatau— tattoos

    299 Mots / 2 Pages


    "TAPECHIP" : THE DEVICE THAT WILL REVOLUTIONIZE INVESTIGATION There are so many criminal cases unresolved because no one was around to see what exactly happened, misunderstandings and fights that could’ve been avoided. What if there was a tape of what people see from their point of view, their own eyes. This device will be called “TapeChip”. It would be in the shape of a rectangular microchip of the size of a grain of rice which

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax

    Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax

    Fixing our throwaway fashion culture will take far more than a tax February 19, 2019 by Tim Cooper 1.Clothing in Britain is increasingly characterised by a high volume/ low value approach to business. Based on past trends, consumers will throw away around 680 million items of clothing this year. Replacements are cheap: dresses can be bought online for as little as £5. 2. Cheap prices provide wider access to consumers and fashion retailers argue that

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Résumé chronologique de la guerre du péloponnèse par Edward Will

    Résumé chronologique de la guerre du péloponnèse par Edward Will

    Notre auteur, Edouard Will est un historien français, né le 8 mai 1920 et mort le 27 juillet 1997 à l’âge de 77 ans Il était considéré comme étant l’un des spécialistes français de l'histoire hellénistique et plus particulièrement de ses aspects politiques. Ce que nous retrouvons de manière très claire dans son œuvre, puisqu’il consacre de nombreux passages mais surtout une partie entière au déclin démocratique qu’expérimente la Grèce dès -413. Très engagée politiquement

    2 212 Mots / 9 Pages
  • " La guerre du Péloponnèse" de Edouard Will, Le monde grec et l'Orient, Le Ve siècle

    " La guerre du Péloponnèse" de Edouard Will, Le monde grec et l'Orient, Le Ve siècle

    Résumé de “Le Monde grec et l'Orient, T. 1_ Le Ve siècle (510-403)” de Will Edouard, pages 313 à 400 Le passage commence par une description des deux armées, et de leurs différences fondamentales. En effet, l'armée athénienne est “sans rivale sur la mer” tandis que l'armée péloponnésienne est “sans rivale sur terre”. Il souligne ainsi l'hétérogénéité des deux armées avant de rentrer en détails dans la composition de l'armée non seulement de terre d'Athènes,

    1 864 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice"

    Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice"

    Maxime Matter Monday, March 7th, 2022 Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice" This document is an article written by Sarah Knapton. It was published in The Telegraph on October 1st in 2017. The main topic is the open plan offices. How does open-plan offices affect the working atmosphere and how can it be solved? First, we can study how open offices are saw by workers and how it impacts their

    736 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Free will and identity in Matrix

    Free will and identity in Matrix

    FREE WILL AND IDENTITY IN MATRIX (DESCARTES) In this presentation, we will explore the concepts of free will and identity in the film Matrix, based on Descartes' quote "I think therefore I am". We will analyze how these concepts are represented in the film and how they relate to the perception of the main characters. Finally, we will conclude by summarizing our main ideas and explaining how they relate to Descartes' quote. In the film

    780 Mots / 4 Pages