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It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders... Will you be able to identify these?

Analyse sectorielle : It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders... Will you be able to identify these?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Mars 2021  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  299 Mots (2 Pages)  •  438 Vues

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It is not uncommon for marketers to make cultural blunders… Will you be able to identify


Form 4 groups. Each group will choose a cultural blunder and look for the answer to the four

questions asked. Careful: the answers are scattered in all the different blunders!

When your puzzle is complete, reflect on this blunder and answer the final question.


Advertiser and product:

A Nike, sportswear inspired by traditional tatau—

tattoos from the southwest Pacific.

Place where the ad appeared and/or target


A Canada, in the Toronto subway.

Negative reactions from the public:

A The public was shocked to see the story of a

Pakistani heroin and recipient of the Nobel peace

prize used as a gruesome cartoon to promote a


Brand’s reaction to the blunder:

A We are proud to offer a wide range of meals and

products to meet the needs of our customers during Ramadan. We recognize t

B The brand’s placement on women’s leggings of the traditional tattos reserved for men in

Samoan culture was seen as offensive, and many in the Pacific community have found use of

the print to be culturally exploitative in the first place. “Before you launch into something like

this, there’s generally a consultation with those whose pattern have ownership...” New

Zealand parliament member Su’a William Sio explained.

Brand’s reaction to the blunder:

B A representative from Yellow Pages explained that the billboard was one "that slipped

through QA (Quality Assurance)," and added that the campaign features "several hundred

different pieces of creative." According to the representative, the ad campaign has "recently

ended" and all billboards are currently being removed.

Advertiser and


Place and







à So what went wrong? Explain it briefly in your own words:CULTURAL BLUNDER 3

Advertiser and product:

C Pringles, Smokey bacon-flavoured


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