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Dissertation : "TAPECHIP" : THE DEVICE THAT WILL REVOLUTIONIZE INVESTIGATION. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2021  •  Dissertation  •  261 Mots (2 Pages)  •  352 Vues

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There are so many criminal cases unresolved because no one was around to see what exactly happened, misunderstandings and fights that could’ve been avoided. What if there was a tape of what people see from their point of view, their own eyes. This device will be called “TapeChip”.

It would be in the shape of a rectangular microchip of the size of a grain of rice which will be implanted into human’s brain. The chip would have captors that can tape everything the person sees and the taped images/videos would be restored and projected. The chip would be implanted into the person at birth and connected into a computer. The data and images collected would be of course confidential and used only with the autorisation of the person in question. If necessary, the data can be used without the permission of the person but only in crisis situation, which brings us to the real utility of this invention. The device can be of an extremely good help for the the police and government. Indeed at the beginning, crimes will be resolved within minutes just by looking at the tape, murderers, thieves and criminals will be caught as soon as they commit the crime. But, eventually after a few years of using the chip and getting familiar with its functioning, the rate of criminality will decrease. The criminals will be to afraid to get caught and they’ll stop trying. This device would revolutionize the world and make Earth a better place to live in.


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