The Signalman dissertations et mémoires
2 627 The Signalman dissertations gratuites 601 - 625 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
The idea of Progress
The idea of Progress : A progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage, a development or a changement social, technological, scientific or medical and who overthrow the customs and traditions. The progress consists in improving the human condition. For people can become better in terms of quality of life (social progress) through economic development (modernization), and the application of science and technology (scientific progress). But the progress is a step that is often
203 Mots / 1 Pages -
The Idea Of Progress
1) « TRADITIONAL INDIA » : AN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRY It's obvious that India is a traditional land with some social and economic features of an underdeveloped country. . It's a rural country with two main economic sectors : the agriculture and the textile industry. Furthermore, India is a society suffering from a high rate of illiteracy, a high poverty and a important inequality between hits habitants with a rigid cast system. P20 AND P21 book
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The King
Michael Joseph Jackson, né le 29 août 1958 à Gary (Indiana) et mort le 25 juin 2009 à Los Angeles (Californie), est un chanteur, danseur-chorégraphe, auteur-compositeur-interprète acteur et réalisateur américain. Il est reconnu par le Livre Guinness des records comme étant l’artiste le plus couronné de succès de tous les temps2,3,4,5. Selon le Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, il a été identifié comme étant l'artiste le plus populaire de toute l'histoire de l'industrie du
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Test The Rest
Test The Rest INTRODUCTION : Cette œuvre s’intitule Test The Rest, c’est une fresque, elle a été créée en 1990 par Birgit Kinder. Cette œuvre est en lien avec la chute du mur de Berlin, elle se trouve du côté est de Berlin. Le mouvement artistique est du Street Art et c’est de l’art visuel. ANALYSE : C’est une voiture de type trabant qui est la voiture populaire de l’Allemagne de l’est, elle sort d’un
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Oral Anglais N°2 The firm bijoubox
The firm bijoubox : Today I’me gonna tell you about the firm Bijoubox. This firm is manufacturer of jewellery since nineteen eighty nine. All their products are handicraft. They are working on noble materials like silver, gold or precious stone. The firm is located in France, in the city of Poitiers. Twenty five persons are working in this firm for a turnover of more of two millions Uros €. Every year there is a new
300 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Man Who Swapped Lives
S'inscrire! Connexion Contactez-nous Dissertations et des mémoires La Dissertation Divers / The Man Who Swapped Lives The Man Who Swapped Lives Rapports de Stage: The Man Who Swapped Lives Rechercher de 35 000 Dissertation Gratuites Soumis par: sun96 03 octobre 2012 Balises: Mots: 372 | Pages: 2 Vus: 494 Voir la version complète S'inscrire This document is an article taken from a newspaper “The News of the world”. It was written by Nathalie Clark. It
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Marché Du Thé
Dans le marché du thé, la demande n’est pas sensible au prix et donc l’offre est relativement cher. Cela peut être expliqué par le fait que l’on associe une faible élasticité de la demande par rapport au prix et à l’absence de substituts satisfaisants. C’est à dire que les consommateurs de thé désire du thé et uniquement du thé donc ne vont pas arrêter de boire cette boisson pour cause d’un prix un peu élevé
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Reacching For The Stars
What do you do when your teenage daughter starts hyperventilating? Along with 5,000 others. If there were a doctor in the house, they'd never hear you anyway, because the few who could still breathe at last night's premiere of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never were screaming at the top of their ear-piercing voices. As soon as the 16-year-old arrived on O2 Arena's purple carpet (purple, as everyone there knew, is his favourite colour), delirium set
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Social Charts As A System Of Regulation Of The Economic Activities
Fiche de lecture 2 Social charts as a system of regulation of the economic activities Introduction Les auteurs de ce corpus Mme Palmero et Mr Robert Demontrond sont des professionnels de l’enseignement spécialisés en marketing et en ressources humaines. Ce corpus traite des « chartes sociales comme systèmes de régulation de l’acticité économique » dans les entreprises. La première partie du corpus nous oriente sur les principes de citoyenneté et des chartes sociales applicables dans
2 105 Mots / 9 Pages -
The Global Multi-Asset Market Portfolio
PORTOFOLIO THEORY AND MANAGEMENT ________________ Market portfolio is a portfolio consisting of a weighted sum of every asset in the market, with weights in the proportions that they exist in the market, with the necessary assumption that these assets are infinitely divisible. This portfolio contains important information for strategic asset allocation purposes: * It shows the relative value of all asset classes * It may also serve as the strategic point for investors who use
1 699 Mots / 7 Pages -
The cloud
This audio document is a dialogue between three characters. These characters are Clement Thomas, Nancy Magidson and Jane Kelsey. These documents describe the situation of Clement and Nancy. Indeed these two persons are young students who come to graduation and wanted to do an internship in the office of Attorney Jane Kelsey. This scene takes place in the office of Jane Kelsey, one of the collaborators as the name of the office indicates to us
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The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire VS The Parti Socialiste
c The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire VS The Parti Socialiste Ibtissam Dahbi Skali Supervised by: Dr. Djalil Lounnas PSC 2301 03 May 5, 2015 The French political party, which is also perceived as a classic of democracy, may appear be ambiguous and difficult to track. We can say that the voters are more attracted to the extremist parties such as the UMP or PS, since these two parties are the ones that most won
2 702 Mots / 11 Pages -
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath : “The Monster’s sick”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath Excerpt n°1 : “The Monster’s sick” Read lines 1 to 5. 1) Who are “the squatting men”? "The squatting men" are the farmers from Oklahoma, they are tenants of a land owned by a bank. That are so sad and angry to be evicted of their native land by the bank, they squat at the soil to touch the land of their ancestors. 2) What are they talking about?
626 Mots / 3 Pages -
Thème Terminal Bac Pro "Le thé anglais"
The English tea I'm going to talk about of the English tea. First I’m going to talk about the tradition of "five o'clock tea" and finally of the anecdotes. The tradition of Five O’clock tea The five O’clock tea is a tradition in England. The English have two meals in a day, (The breakfast or the brunch and the dinner) the breakfast is consistent and rich. Many English and the Duchess of Bedford were
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Critique du Film The Social Network
TALON Romain BTS 1 Critique du film The Social Network Le film cinématographique The Social Network est un drame biographique réalisé par David Fincher en 2010. Le film est étatsunien, le scénario vient d’Aaron Sorkin inspiré d'un roman de Ben Mezrich, la langue parlée dans le film est l’anglais et les studios de production sont Columbia Pictures. L’intrigue se caractérise par le lieu où réside Mark Zuckerberg pour ses études, qui est Harvard, la plus
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The Devil Wears in Prada
The devil wears in Prada Hello, my name is ….., I’m 1*…, I’m the last year of commerce in technical high school in Paris I’m going to talk about the movie “The devil wears in Prada”. First present the origins, I will talk about the characters and finally I will tell the story. The devil wears in Prada is the film adaptation of Lauren Weisberger's novel of the same name. The book went out in
525 Mots / 3 Pages -
The help
Bienvenue à Jackson, Mississippi, en 1963, un lieu où les filles afro-américains travaillent dans les maisons de femmes blanches - le nettoyage, la cuisine, et élever les enfants. La plupart d'entre eux sont traités honteusement et sont obligés d'écouter des commentaires désagréables sur leurs défauts et des remarques désobligeantes sur leur race, y compris les frais que les "gens de couleur" de la maladie de report. Ce qu'on oublie, est la patience, la loyauté et
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Can car-pooling help save the earth?
Can car-pooling help save the earth? Compte rendu anglais Kate Sydney me avait jamais rencontré , elle ne hésite pas à ouvrir la porte de sa Nissan 1998 pour que je puisse monter à la cible avec elle. Le voyage n'a pas fallu longtemps , mais il épargné le monde 10 livres de dioxyde de carbone . Multipliez ce chiffre par millions , et vous avez une raison Robin Chase a commencé GoLoco , un
485 Mots / 2 Pages -
Places and form of power: the Mexican emigration
Places and form of power: the Mexican emigration The organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups on an economic, political or social level. In class we swathe example of Mexican’s immigration in the US where the spaces are the both sides of the frontier and the different forms of power at stake. Economic powers: To start we will speak of the economic power in the US, because immigrants
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The Homecoming
Mathilde Pinault Terminale S The theme of Power in “The Homecoming” “Consider to what extent “The Homecoming” is a power struggle” Harold Pinter’s play The Homecoming has one main important theme: the one of power. The definition of power is the ability to influence the behaviour of others. The characters in this play try to exert power over each other using sexuality and violence. The violence is shown through threats and threatened acts of violence
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The landlady:short story review
The Landlady (Kiss,Kiss by Roals Dahl) My Opinion about my extract: I didn't like the final part (the end) of this short story because it's beyond understanding,we can't understand the punch line,and it's a pitty because I liked the beginning and the plot,I wanted something really suprising and bigger,so i'm really dissapointed. But in an other way,I've liked the creepy side of the end,it's seems a little bit scary and attractive because you wants to
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The social Network "Facebook"
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Born on May 14/1984, in New-York, Mark Zuckerberg founded the social-network website "Facebook". He left Harvard University after his sophomore year to concentrate on the website, the user base of which has grown to more than 250 millions people. Making Zuckerberg a billionaire. The birth of Facebook was recently portrayed in the film " The Social-Network ". Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born into a comfortable, well-educated family, and raised in the
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Places and forms of Power in the black American culture
Places and forms of Power in the black American culture The notion that I will present is the notion of places and forms of power and the theme is the African American culture, Completely excluded from the fine ideals of the Declaration of Independence, that all man were created equal. The question that we ask ourselves is how have African American achieved recognition? After the Civil War that started in 1861 and ended in 1865,
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«Remember – The internet never forgets ! »
Anglais : 10.11.2015 Correction du devoir : «Remember – The internet never forgets ! » COMPTE RENDU : * 5 Remarques : * Toutes compréhensions écrites dans une autre langue que le français c’est zéro. * 200 mots : Avec une marge mais attention si trop ou pas assez -> Pénaliser. * Si vous n’indiquez pas le nombre de mots ce n’est pas sanctionnable mais c’est fortement recommandé. * Pour obtenir 10 points il faut
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How do you know when the price is right?
Cornélis Laurence 1ère Master Ingénieur de gestion “How do you know when the price is right?” Contexte En marketing, la fixation du prix est le plus grand casse-tête des managers. Et pourtant, un léger rapprochement du « juste » prix peut avoir un impact énorme. Objectif de l’article L’objectif de l’article est d’expliquer les deux grandes qualités d’un processus de fixation du prix efficace, à savoir la stratégie et la coordination, ainsi que les 8
970 Mots / 4 Pages