Space And Exchange dissertations et mémoires
1 928 Space And Exchange dissertations gratuites 326 - 350 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Spatial Issues In Trade, Economic Growth And Regional Economics
Concerning lecture’s points: - Measuring special concentration and inequality - Spatial issues in trade, economic growth and regional economics In the sixties and seventies, the failures or the stagnation recorded by many countries within the context of decolonization (in Africa), of wars of national liberation, and of guerrilla wars led to the radicalization of the development economics. The notions of centre and periphery were coming to the fore. The underdevelopment was perceived as the result
2 568 Mots / 11 Pages -
Summary And Analysis Of Antigone
Sophocles, born at Colonus in 496 or 495 B.C. and died after 413 B.C. is one of the three major Greek tragedians whose work partially succeeded to the new generation. He is the author of Antigone, one of the seven plays that cross over the time. This story belongs to the legend attached to the city of Thebes. According to Greek mythology, she is one of the children born of the incestuous union of Oedipus
896 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Leader-Member Exchange Theory
The Leader-Member Exchange Theory first appeared in the 1970s. It analyzes the relationship between managers and team members. Leadership is one of the primary areas of study, research, and practice in organizational behavior. Leaders often develop relationships with each member of the group that they lead, and leader–member exchange theory explains how those relationships with various members can develop in unique ways. Team members typically go through three phases in their relationship with their manager:
486 Mots / 2 Pages -
Ccf Anglais: Fish and Chips (document en anglais)
'Fish and chips' is a popular take away food in English speaking countries, that's to say Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is not rare to find chippers (fish and chips shops) in South Africa. It seems to be a Portuguese meal imported in United Kingdom by Jews in the 19th century. It consist in a breadcrumbs based on beer, but many variants exist. The tradition expect that fish and chips is fried
441 Mots / 2 Pages -
Mark And Spencer Stratégies Internationales
est ainsi devenu une institution britannique grâce a ses principes managériaux qui ont permit de tisser des liens étroits avec ses producteurs et ses consommateurs. CA réalisé entre 1983 et 1997 Au Royaume-Uni, l'industrie textile doit clairement une grande part de son existence à M&S. Grâce aux pratiques managériales décrites ci-dessus, M&S a atteint des taux de croissance élevés et gagné des parts de marché très importantes dans beaucoup de secteurs d'activités au Royaume-Uni tel
470 Mots / 2 Pages -
Passive And Active Voice
Use of Passive Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: My bike was stolen. In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows: Example: A
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Should Greece Leave The Euro Zone And Return To The Drachma ?
Should Greece leave the euro zone and return to the drachma? In the short term, leaving the euro would be disastrous for the majority of Greek and very risky for other Europeans. But there is an alternative solution, which has an evil name: inflation.Greece has a short term problem: should we leave the euro? The vast majority of Greeks (three quarters, according to opinion polls) refuse to do, both fearing to lose what remains of
954 Mots / 4 Pages -
Sherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven
Intro) Sherman Alexie, was born in October 1966. He grew up on the Indian Reservation in Wellpinit in Washington State. Poet, novelist, and screenwriter, Sherman Alexie won different prices like the 2007 Western Literature Association's Distinguished Achievement Award and the 2003 Regents' Distinguished Alumnus Award. He lives with his family in Seattle. This text is an extract from The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1993. Mini look
332 Mots / 2 Pages -
La SMED (Single Exchange of Die)
1. Définition: Le SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) Le SMED est une méthode d'organisation qui cherche à réduire de façon systématique le temps de changement de série, avec un objectif quantifié. Single Minute Exchange of Die = Echange d'outil en moins de 20 minutes.(selon le process) Single Minute signifie que le temps en minutes nécessaire à l'échange doit se compter avec un seul chiffre. Le SMED est né en 1970 dans l'univers industriel compétitif
1 668 Mots / 7 Pages -
Tokyo And Blackberry
Brand image - consumer perceptions of a brand which is measured as the brand associations held in consumers’ memory. A brand is unlikely to have one brand image, but one or two may predominate. The feelings and images associated with a brand are powerful purchase influencers through brand recognition, recall and brand identity. Brand image has 2 dimensions: functional and symbolic. The impression in the consumers' mind of a brand's total personality
4 965 Mots / 20 Pages -
Etude de cas B And B
B Étude de cas B & B 1 - Pourquoi économique de chaîne a t'elle devancé l'hotellerie traditionnelle ? Quelles sont les raisons du modèle low cost ? Comment les entreprises du secteur ont répondu à cette évolution ? 2 - Dans les années 50, il s'agissait essentiellement de pensions de famille. Depuis une quarantaine d'année on voit apparaître des hôtels de 2 et 3 étoiles avec une hôtellerie indépendante (des personnes qui investissent dans
576 Mots / 3 Pages -
Strategy, Values and preferences of management
Strategy Values and Preferences of Management • Core values • Mission and vision statements • Objectives Environment Macro-Environment (ECS p.55) Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal Industries and Sectors (ECS p.59) Threat of Entry • Scale and experience • Access to supply or distribution channels • Expected retaliation • Legislation or government action • Differentiation Threat of Substitution • Price/Performance Ratio • Extra industry effects Power of Buyers • Concentrated Buyers • Low Switching Costs
895 Mots / 4 Pages -
Marketing Apple English Value Creation And Oriented Firms
Value creation and Marketing oriented firms When you enter an Apple store the first thought that crosses your mind is ‘’Think different’’. You are blown away by this different kind of marketing approach. No wonders how Apple has just been elected this year again the “most valuable company in the world” by the (Mooreman 2012). In thirty- five years Apple has revolutionized the digital world. The brand has combined technological innovation, marketing, design and utility.
1 128 Mots / 5 Pages -
Selling And Sales Management
Explain how customer oriented behaviour can be managed in order to develop successful relationships within selling. How to interact with customers and prospect Quality-driven organization build customer database that provide salespeople information on all kinds of transactions with customers. (e.g., billing, what is on order contacts, previous revenues, average order quantities, and so forth) Documenting all the steps required, for instance, from taking an order from a customer to delivering it means that you have
1 380 Mots / 6 Pages -
Mémoire 2011 Picture Archiving And Communication System (PACS)
REPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE DÉMOCRATIQUE ET POPULAIRE MINISTERE DE LA SANTÉ, DE LA POPULATION ET DE LA REFORME HOSPITALIERE Institut National de Formation Supérieure Paramédicale de Sétif Mémoire professionnel de fin d’études En vue de l’obtention du Diplôme d’Etat de Manipulateur en Radiologie Dirigé par : Elaboré et soutenu par : Mr. ABED FARID Mr. MEKARNI SAFIEDDINE P.E.P.M. Radiologie INFSP (E.F.P.M SETIF) Juin 2011 Remerciements Je remercie DIEU de m’avoir donné volonté et m’aider afin d’achever ce
11 815 Mots / 48 Pages -
RSE Ngo And Society
Motivations for company partnership : The reasons for companies to approach NGOs can be classified according to the main criteria (it is often the choice of a partner is due to several of these reasons): • A willingness to executive management or the CEO as a result of a "awareness" or a meeting with an NGO : It is a subjective reason. An officer is assigned or convinced by a discussion with an officer or
605 Mots / 3 Pages -
Social and environmental impacts of multinational companies
Social and environmental impacts of multinational companies Social consequences of Multinationals Today, these companies of extreme sizes are veritable showcases of countries from which they originate. That's why it is so important that they adhere to a code of ethics and practices (environmental, occupational ...) transparent, so as not to damage the image of their country of origin. These multinationals may have negative consequences for their country of origin. Indeed, foreign direct investment (FDI) can
1 057 Mots / 5 Pages -
Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations
Leadership and the Fate of Organizations Robert B. Kaiser Kaplan DeVries Inc. Robert Hogan Hogan Assessment Systems S. Bartholomew Craig North Carolina State University and Kaplan DeVries Inc. This article concerns the real-world importance of leadership for the success or failure of organizations and social institutions. The authors propose conceptualizing leadership and evaluating leaders in terms of the performance of the team or organization for which they are responsible. The authors next offer a taxonomy
8 107 Mots / 33 Pages -
Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets
Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Avril, 1982), pp. 27-42. Yoram Barzel introduit la nécessité de prendre en compte les coûts liés à l’obtention de l’information sur les produits dans le cadre des échanges marchands (coûts de mesures). A travers divers exemples, l’auteur présente les problèmes de mesures excessives (vérifications excessives, catégorisation des marchandises, sélections) qui surviennent généralement sur les marchés de biens
1 262 Mots / 6 Pages -
Lewis And Clark
Jefferson had a long interest in western expansion, and in 1780s met John Ledyard who discussed a proposed trip to the Pacific Northwest.[10][11] Jefferson had read Mackenzie's book about the trip in 1802, and this influenced his decision to send an expedition.[12][13][14] Two years into his presidency, he asked Congress to fund an expedition through the Louisiana Purchase, and to the Pacific Ocean. He used a secret message to ask for funding due to poor
413 Mots / 2 Pages -
Craig Schamel - Idealism and Actualization (en anglais)
Craig Schamel Idealism and Actualization Saint-Just in Theory, Practice, and Exigency Dissertation in Political Philosophy Submitted to the Department of Politics and Policy in the School of Politics and Economics at Claremont Graduate University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree This dissertation has been duly read, reviewed, and critiqued by the Committee listed below, which hereby approves the manuscript of Craig Schamel as fulfilling the quality and scope requirements
12 049 Mots / 49 Pages -
‘Courts Of First Instance Exist To Resolve Disputes; Courts Of Appeal And Review Have Quite A Different Function' Discuss
‘Courts of first instance exist to resolve disputes; courts of appeal and review have quite a different function’ Discuss. In France, a distinction has to be made between the Cour de cassation and the Courts of Appeal. Courts of Appeal are jurisdictions “de droit commun” treating both facts and laws on the basis of appeals against decisions made by first instance tribunals. So a court of appeal is both here to resolve disputes arisen and
1 108 Mots / 5 Pages -
Liquidity And Asset Pricing: Evidence From The Hong Kong Stock Market
1. Introduction Investors face liquidity risk when they transfer ownership of their securities. Therefore, investors consider liquidity to be an important factor when making their investment decisions. Amihud and Mendelson (1986) find a positive return-illiquidity relation. Since that study, many other researchers continue to investigate the return-illiquidity (liquidity) relation, but evidence over the past two decades is generally inconsistent and mixed.1 Amihud (2002) shows that there is a significant relation between liquidity and expected stock
964 Mots / 4 Pages -
Poema: I Am And Autobiography
I am I am an active girl who loves tennis. I wonder if the tennis ball could shoot up in the universe. I hear the strings of my racket vibrate. I see the ball soaring through the sky. I want to be a famous tennis player. I am an active girl who loves tennis. My Name: My name Isabel comes from the Hebrew name “ Elisheva” and the latin name “ Helizabeth”. It first appeared
982 Mots / 4 Pages -
Ties and suits
Ties and suits have been replaced by the new business casual dress style at many North Carolina companies. While the change has been attributed to helping break down workplace barriers and fostering creativity, it can be challenging for companies seeking to maintain a professional appearance. That challenge has placed more demands on human resource departments to define what is - and is not allowed in the modern workplace. “The image of the person must be
368 Mots / 2 Pages