Space And Exchange dissertations et mémoires
1 928 Space And Exchange dissertations gratuites 351 - 375 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Lees ETF : exchange traded funds
Les ETF (exchange traded funds) ne sont pas aussi simples et transparents que l’affirment souvent les émetteurs. Conçus pour répliquer le plus fidèlement possible un indice boursier, ces instruments financiers se sont fortement développés et diversifiés au fil des années (lire p.14 Six swiss). Parallèlement, la complexité des structures et des méthodes de réplication ont considérablement augmenté. De nombreux produits ne se contentent plus d’acquérir les actifs sous-jacents (ETF physiques), mais recourent à des instruments
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
Rapport de transition presente conformement a l'article 13 ou 15(d) De La securities exchange act of 1934
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION DES ÉTATS-UNIS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORMULAIRE 10-K È RAPPORT ANNUEL PRÉSENTÉ CONFORMÉMENT À L’ARTICLE 13 OU 15(d) DE LA SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Pour l’exercice terminé le 31 décembre 2011 ou ‘ RAPPORT DE TRANSITION PRÉSENTÉ CONFORMÉMENT À L’ARTICLE 13 OU 15(d) DE LA SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Pour la période de transition allant du au Numéro de dossier de la Commission : 001-33164 Domtar Corporation (Dénomination exacte de
10 308 Mots / 42 Pages -
Anglais Cned: étude d'un document extrait du magazine “ Ceterer and Hotel keeper ”
Anglais devoir n°1. Question 1 : The following document is an extract from the UK weekly magazine named “Ceterer and Hotel keeper” published in the 2nd May 1991. It deals with the job of Waiter & through the whole text; the author gives us a preview of what being a Waiter means. It also explains the way waiters are seen, chosen and even educate in different country and shows that Waiter are not seen the
461 Mots / 2 Pages -
La Mort Du "Peace And Love" (mouvement Hippie Tpe)
La mort du « Peace and Love » Si le mouvement décline c’est également parce que de nombreux événements vont remettre en cause son idéologie première. En effet, dure de continuer à prôner la paix et l’amour de son prochain alors que la mort et la violence deviennent de plus en plus courantes. Des preuves marquantes de ce changement, comme l’assassinat d’un jeune Afro-américain par un groupe de motards, les Hell’s Angels (photo ci contre)
328 Mots / 2 Pages -
The London Stock Exchange
The London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest stock exchanges and can trace its history back more than 300 years. Starting life in the coffee houses of 17th century London, the Exchange quickly grew to become the City’s most important financial institution. Over the centuries following, the Exchange has consistently led the way in developing a strong, well-regulated stock market and today lies at the heart of the global financial community. After Gresham's
414 Mots / 2 Pages -
Tesco and the organic market
Tesco and the organic market Contents Introduction I. Market environment analysis II. Tesco’s organics food resource capability analysis III. Strategic fit analysis Introduction Tesco is the leading retailer in the United Kingdom, and one of the largest food retailers in the world. It however is not just limited to the food market and has expanded into areas such as electrical goods and clothing. Tesco has its headquarters in Hertfordshire and employs about 318,300 people. The
3 392 Mots / 14 Pages -
Between socio-environmental issues and political issues
BIOFORCE ENGLISH REPORT Monday, 19th November 2012 BOLIVIA TIPNIS: Between socio-environmental issues and political issues. Do the economic and geo-strategic interests can respect the preservation of protected areas and the indigenous rights? Aline SCHAAL / Bertrand ROCHE / Grégory CRON-KOTZAMANIDIS / Mathieu MICALEF SUMMARY INTRODUCTION P3 & 4 • Presentation of Bolivia • Introduction of TIPNIS I. Social and political trends of Bolivia. P 5 & 6 1. Bolivia on the international scene. 2.
2 936 Mots / 12 Pages -
Postmodernism And Hip-hop
Because of the need to preserve hip hop culture in postmodern American, a question that should be asked is, how is hip-hop music relevant to postmodernism and how is postmodernism relevant to the African-American experience, specifically that of African American youth culture? This current hip hop generation is chronologically and ideologically removed from the Civil Rights movement of its parents and grandparents and ambivalent to the history of African-American people in general. For a generation
1 946 Mots / 8 Pages -
L'évaluation de l'attractivité des MENA (Middle East and North Africa) ((Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord)
Abstract The objective of this paper is to evaluate the relative attractiveness of seven MENA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey) as a location for foreign portfolio investment (FPI) from the G7 investors view points over the period 2001-2005. We suggest a methodology based on the combination of the gravity model, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the goal programming model (GP). The gravity model is used to determine the attractiveness
2 762 Mots / 12 Pages -
The Maltese Island and The capital city of " La Valette "
The Maltese Island and The capital city of « La Valette ». Geography and general informations Malta ( officially the Republic of Malta) is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, 80 km south of Sicily, 284 km east of Tunisia and 333 km north of Libya. Malta covers just over 316 km^2 and It is also one of the most densely populated countries The country has
1 511 Mots / 7 Pages -
Winners And Losers From Free Trade
Dani Rodrik is considered as an exceptional long-standing critic of the present international order. His last book “The Globalization Paradox” is the sequel of one of his earlier books about the disruptive repercussion of the international trade on social policies and national labor markets. For sure, this new book extends and develops this theme including financial globalization. Even more, there is a debate concerning the democratic legitimacy of our international order. Dani Rodrik concludes his
981 Mots / 4 Pages -
Man and Animals
MAN AND ANIMALS Animals are used in: Medical research UW-Madison's History of Abusing Cats Unfortunately, UW-Madison's abusive treatment of Double Trouble was not an anomaly. Nearly every cat who has been subjected to this experiment has suffered from chronic infections as a result of the traumatic head and eye wounds that experimenters inflict upon them. To make matters worse, the cats imprisoned in this laboratory are coerced to cooperate in experiments by starving them of
503 Mots / 3 Pages -
Science and technology
Science and technology Surface texture Texture (roads), road surface characteristics with waves shorter than road roughness Texture (cosmology), theoretical topological defect in the structure of spacetime Texture (crystalline), material's individual crystallites sharing some degree of orientation Texture (geology), physical appearance or character of a rock Texture mapping, bitmap image applied to a surface in computer graphics Soil texture, relative proportion of grain sizes of a soil [edit] Arts Texture (painting), feel of the canvas based
243 Mots / 1 Pages -
The Methods Of Which Louise Labe Utilises, Feels And Personifies Patrachian Love In The 16th Century
The first allegedly strange death of livestock comes from near Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. The real name of the animal was Lady, but the media quickly adopted the name "Snippy" (the name of another horse at the ranch), which stuck. On September 7 of that year, Agnes King and her son Harry noted that Lady, a three-year-old horse, had not returned to the ranch at the usual time for her water. This was unusual, given
771 Mots / 4 Pages -
To What Extent is the management Responsible for the Failures at Satyam, Damas, and Lehman Brothers ?
To What Extent is the management Responsible for the Failures at Satyam, Damas, and Lehman Brothers? Faaiz Rehman 000895-018 Extended Essay Final Draft Business and Management Supervisor: Faraz Mirza 3390 Words Abstract The purpose of this extended essay is to look at three different Public Limited Companies in three different regions of the world-India, United Arab Emirates, and The United States of America, and determine which part of the management was responsible for the
3 126 Mots / 13 Pages -
Etude De Marché: L’entreprise Wines and foie gras à Montans
L’entreprise Wines and foie gras à Montans, m’a confié la mission de réaliser une étude de marché et un diagnostic export concernant le vin aux Etats-Unis. L’entreprise Wines and foie gras est à la fois un grossiste et un importateur en vin. En effet, Mlle JOLIBERT, la directrice, s’occupe de faire connaître les vins de ses producteurs pour qu’ainsi ils soient distribués dans des restaurants, des commerces. Elle a déjà exporté des vins en Norvège,
4 310 Mots / 18 Pages -
Pricing long-maturity equity and FX derivatives with stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility
Pricing long-maturity equity and FX derivatives with stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility Alexander van Haastrecht1 2, Roger Lord 3, Antoon Pelsser4 and David Schrager5. First version: January 10, 2005 This version: September 22, 2008 Abstract In this paper we extend the stochastic volatility model of Sch¨obel and Zhu (1999) by including stochastic interest rates. We allow all driving model factors to be instantaneously correlated with each other, i.e. we allow for a general correlation
1 041 Mots / 5 Pages -
Trends and developments in aviation industry
For the third outsourcing task, the starting point will be an aircraft manufacturer. Our setting will be that developments and trends within the market have required the buying firm to assess the possibility for outsourcing the production of engines to a supplier. The air manufacturer industry features a number of distinct characteristics that differentiate it from other markets. The real life market for airplanes is constrained by it’s high entry barriers and is dominated mostly
1 887 Mots / 8 Pages -
Présentation de l’article de Timisina et Dulal (2008) « Fiscal Policy Instruments for Reducing Congestion and Atmospheric Emissions in the Transport Sector ».
1. Présentation de l’article de Timisina and Dulal (2008) « Fiscal Policy Instruments for Reducing Congestion and Atmospheric Emissions in the Transport Sector », World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 4652 Cet article explique et compare plusieurs méthodes fiscales visant à corriger les externalités des transports suivantes : - La réduction de la demande en transport - Le transfert des moyens de transport privé et vers lest transports publics - La substitution des carburants
681 Mots / 3 Pages -
Le livre German Myths And Legends de Donal A. Mackenzie (1912) (document en anglais)
German Myths and Legends, by Donald A. Mackenzie, (1912) TEUTONIC MYTH AND LEGEND by DONALD A. MACKENZIE An Introduction to the Eddas & Sagas, Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, etc. London, Gresham Publications [1912?] Scanned, proofed and formatted at, October 2003, by John Bruno Hare. This text is in the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1923. Click to enlarge THE PUNISHMENT OF LOKE From the painting by J. Doyle Penrose,
11 812 Mots / 48 Pages -
Paper review 3 : Xen and the art of virtualization
Paper review 3 : Xen and the art of virtualization Summary & Goal: This paper introduces Xen, a Virtual Machine Monitor that allows numerous operating systems to coexist simultaneously in the same hardware machine while maintaining high performance. Additionally, the paper discusses the virtualization approaches, design, implementation and performance evaluation of Xen hypervisor which focuses on providing virtual machine isolation for the multiple operating systems. The goal of this research is to allow up to
457 Mots / 2 Pages -
Colas Wars Continue: Coke and pepsi in the Twenty-First Century
Colas Wars Continue: Coke and pepsi in the Twenty-First Century 1. Why is the soft drink industry so profitable? - American consumed 53 Gallons of carbonated soft drink (CSD) per year Concentrated producers: - little capital investment in machinery overhead, or labor 2. Compare the economics of the concentrate business to the bottling business: Why is the profitability so different? It exists plenty of difference between concentrate business and bottler. First of all, Concentrate business:
248 Mots / 1 Pages -
Regulation and supervision over Islamic banks.
Regulation and supervision over Islamic banks Hassan and Chowdhury (2004) lists the reasons for regulation and supervision for Islamic banks. These reasons that may be different from regulation necessities for conventional banks arise from the nature of Islamic banking products. To operate a system, which is designed for interest bearing instruments, brings many complexities and these are reflected on the stakeholders of Islamic banks. The regulation and supervision should aim to protect the right of
346 Mots / 2 Pages -
The process of soliciting and gathering
Raise found A fund raising is the process of soliciting and gathering voluntary contributions as money or other resources, by requesting donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. • Car washes are excellent in warm weather conditions. A person can host the wash at the school or even at a much more central area in your own neighborhood. Any car wash is most prosperous if it is at a location where people currently
223 Mots / 1 Pages -
Procter And Gamble
History Procter and Gamble is an American multinational specialized in ordinary consumer goods in hygiene and cosmetics products. William Procter, a candle maker, and James Gamble a soap maker , two immigrant men of England and Ireland, decided to gather their resources to create their own company. This agreement was due to the suggestion of them father-in- law because they were married with two sisters. Them Father-in-law Alexander Norris noted that his new sons were
992 Mots / 4 Pages