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Dernière mise à jour : 31 Mars 2020
  • Notions du bac, Places and forms of power

    Notions du bac, Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. First, I would like to give a definition of this notion. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace. A place can also be a country or a state. “Power” is the ability to control others, events, or resources, the ability to make things happen despite obstacles. This of course

    2 455 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Women's place

    Women's place

    Lily-Rose Marchand Perrard2°D A Women’s Place Write a paragraph about a current phenomenon you want to denounce. I chose among the many current phenomenon of our world to talk about the place of women in the world and to denounce the inequalities they suffer every day. Because we know the place women occupy in France. We also kwon equality between men and women is not complete and comprehensive. But there are too many places around

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion of places and forms of power: How can we say that money is a form of power?

    Notion of places and forms of power: How can we say that money is a form of power?

    Notion of places and forms of power I'm going to talk about the notion of locations and forms of power. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion. For me the power is the ability to exercice control, authority, influence over other with force or not in differents places. In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen documents that deals with the power of money. So, that's why he

    392 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places t forms of power : How can we depict the differents forms of power, in various places ?

    Places t forms of power : How can we depict the differents forms of power, in various places ?

    LIEUX ET FORMES DE POUVOIR Places and forms of power intro: I am going to talk about the notion “Places and forms of power”. First of all I would like to give a defenition of "Power". It's the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Powers is exercised trough a variety of relationships sustained or

    752 Mots / 4 Pages
  • CV stagiaire bafa

    CV stagiaire bafa

    Nom Prenom adresse code postale ville téléphone SEJOUR EN CENTRE DE VACANCES Nom du centre ou de la structure Demande de stage Madame, Monsieur, Ayant participé à plusieurs colonies de vacances en plein aire et aimant le contact avec le jeunes, j'ai voulu passer de l'autre cote, afin de pouvoir faire vivre de nouvelles expériences aux futur colons. En ce moment, je prépare un Brevet d'Aptitude aux Fonctions d'Animateur (BAFA) et votre centre de vacances

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : When power is misused, how do people rebel against it?

    Places and forms of power : When power is misused, how do people rebel against it?

    I'm going to talk about the notion Place and forms of Power. First I would like to give a definition of the notion.In politics and social, power is the ability to influence people's behavior. To live together, members of a community accept the rules, the laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tension. So, now I will try to explain : When power is misused, how do people

    350 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: How can an ordinary person make the world a better place ?

    Myths and heroes: How can an ordinary person make the world a better place ?

    Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about myths and heroes. A hero is a fictional or real person. He's an ordinary person who does something extraordinary. Heroes lead, inspire, and entertain the masses. This is why heroes, with all their mistakes and shortcomings, are vital to humanity. Heroic stereotypes can be considered to be unrealistic, but heroes show how vital they are to society First, I will talk about Gandhi and Martin Luther King

    642 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Place et rôle de la politique monétaire dans la politique économique.

    Place et rôle de la politique monétaire dans la politique économique.

    Place et rôle de la politique monétaire dans la politique économique. La politique économique est l'ensemble des interventions des administrations publiques (dont l'État, la banque centrale, et les collectivités territoriales) sur l'activité économique pour atteindre des objectifs (croissance, plein-emploi, justice sociale). Elle est modifiée par des interventions sur la politique budgétaires et la politique monétaire mais avec les dettes que les Etats connaissent aujourd’hui la politique budgétaire est fortement limitée depuis les années 70-80. C’est

    1 737 Mots / 7 Pages
  • La place du juge

    La place du juge

    « Les juges de la nation ne sont que la bouche qui prononce les paroles de la loi » Le 8 Juin 2017, La Cour d’appel de Caen a validé la double filiation d’un enfant né d’une relation frère-sœur, et ce à l’encontre de ce qui est prévu par la loi dans l’Article 310-2 du Code Civil. La Cour d’appel a en effet décidé de faire primer les intérêts de l’enfant sur les dispositions prévues

    4 537 Mots / 19 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : universities

    Places and forms of power : universities

    For the notion of places and forms of power, we have been working on the theme of university. If I was to define power, it would go as the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over a person, a group of people or a geographical area. Therefore, this notion concerns the ways this power is executed on a certain location and the impact it has on the common and individual scale. Going

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac

    Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac

    Introduction : The notion I am going to deal with is about « Places and forms of power ». First, I’d like to introduce and give a definition of the notion. We can consider that the power is the ability or the official capacity to exercise control, authority or influences over others. It can be exerted in different spheres : economy, politics and different forms : democracy, dictatorship, and in different places, country all around

    815 Mots / 4 Pages
  • La place du Risk Management dans la gestion de patrimoine de l’entreprise.

    La place du Risk Management dans la gestion de patrimoine de l’entreprise.

    La place du Risk Management dans la gestion de patrimoine de l’entreprise. Sandie DRUETTE Année 2012 / 2013 MBA Risk Management de l’E.S.A. REMERCIEMENTS Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier l’E.S.A, Monsieur Langlumé, Sophie Tardy et tous mes professeurs de promotion, qui ont su me faire confiance et me laisser la chance d’intégrer le MBA Risk Management. J’espère ne pas avoir déçu leurs attentes. Merci à Monsieur Antoine Garcia de la BNP Paribas en Guyane,

    8 465 Mots / 34 Pages
  • Culture Générale - Séance 2 - Problématique - Comment la période baroque exprime-t-elle un questionnement profond sur l’identité de l’homme et sur sa place dans l’univers ?

    Culture Générale - Séance 2 - Problématique - Comment la période baroque exprime-t-elle un questionnement profond sur l’identité de l’homme et sur sa place dans l’univers ?

    13 mars/03/2018 Culture Générale séance 2 : L’inquiétude baroque à travers le Procès de Galilée Baroco : perles irrégulières Lexique des bijoutiers Seulement au XVIIIe siècle, que ce mot prend un sens figuré, dire de quelqu’un qu’il est baroque : bizarre, entre dans le dictionnaire Donc pour désigner un état d’esprit Pour désigner l’ensemble des caractéristiques, l’époque ne s’est pas qu’elle est baroque, ce mot sera utilisé au XIXe siècle C'est une façon de désigner

    1 633 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : how and why the women’s place in the society have elvolded?

    Places and forms of power : how and why the women’s place in the society have elvolded?

    anglais First of all I would like to give a definition of «Power». It’s the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Power is exercised through a variety of relationships sustained or accepted, often internalized. Power affects more than personal relationships, it shapes larger dynamics like social groups, professional organizations, and governments. There can be good

    545 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion anglais TES "Places and forms of power"

    Notion anglais TES "Places and forms of power"

    PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER I am going talk about « Places and forms of power ». First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : The power is the ability to control others, events or resources. The ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This year in class we studied several documents about this notion, and specially about discrimation of women in a male world. In

    389 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and Forms of power

    Places and Forms of power

    Places and forms of power I will deal with the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, I’m going to give you a definition of power in this notion. It’s the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. In particular, this power of the media is very important. Thus we can ask ourself

    591 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : How do people exercise conter power and different tools used was effective ?

    Places and forms of power : How do people exercise conter power and different tools used was effective ?

    I’m going to talk about the notion « places and forms of power ». First, I would like to give a definition of this notion : Power is a right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. I’m going to talk about the power and conter power to illustrate my notion. today counter-powers are multiplying in the world in different ways but their effects are often criticized. With the study

    356 Mots / 2 Pages
  • PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER, do the photos only reflect the reality?

    PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER, do the photos only reflect the reality?

    I’m going to deal with the power of photos. By definition, power is the ability to influence others, events, or resources, to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. Nonetheless, it is common belief that photographies are real records of reality and sources of information we have faith in. The first function of a photograph is to show the world around us in a language everybody speaks. → If we leave aside altered or

    611 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and form of power - India

    Places and form of power - India

    Places and Forms of power The notion I’m going to deal with is places and forms of power. In order to illustrate this notion, I’ve chosen to refer India on the move. We may therefore wonder to what extent can India be regarded as a land of contrast? Firstly, we’re going to see the evolution of India society. Then we’re going to discuss inequalities among citizens. Finally, we’re going to discuss the inequality between men

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and Forms of Power

    Places and Forms of Power

    Places and forms of power Introduction I am going to introduce you the notion of Places and forms of power and to focus on the Powers in the USA. This notion implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. In an article from the Washington Post which we studied in class, the narrator said that « Once the baby boomers rebelled against their

    782 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : how empowered are the immigrant?

    Places and forms of power : how empowered are the immigrant?

    PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER I am going to talk about the notion “ places and forms of power”.Power is the ability to control others, events or resources even if there are some oppositions. My question is: how empowered are the immigrant? I would like to illustrate the notion with a picture, a text and an item.To answer this question, I am going to speak at first the economic power of the United States then

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power (expression orale)

    Places and forms of power (expression orale)

    I’m going to talk about the idea of places and forms of power through the issue of the American Elections. To begin with, I’m going to give you a definition of the notion. Societies are ruled by power. Some people exercise power and the others must accept these rules and laws. This relationship of power helps to create social cohesion but it can also lead to conflicts. In many countries the population elects those who

    444 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: What are the different forms of power in the USA?

    Places and forms of power: What are the different forms of power in the USA?

    going to deal with the notion places and forms of power. First let me quickly define this notion : in politics or social science , it is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules and laws. This helps create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict. The USA is often called a gun nation for several reasons. The main reason is that

    559 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : Which power is useful to fight against the law’s power ?

    Places and forms of power : Which power is useful to fight against the law’s power ?

    Places and forms of power the notion of power = the ability or the official capacity to exercise any control or authority. This power sometimes help to guarantee more rights, freedom and equality, but, in a great number of cases, the power doesn’t concern or help the general interest. That’s why, sometimes, people stand up for they right and start a struggle against federal power. We can ask ourselves: Which power is useful to fight

    721 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : In what way does sport have the power to unite people?

    Places and forms of power : In what way does sport have the power to unite people?

    Hello, Today I will be presenting the notion of Forms and Places of Power. First of all, I would like to define the notion. Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. Different Forms of power can be : Soft power = the power to encourage others to do what you want them to do without forcing them to do so →

    556 Mots / 3 Pages