Oral Anglais dissertations et mémoires
5 369 Oral Anglais dissertations gratuites 276 - 300 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Texte anglais (oral) caractéristiques,...
Situation : – Tu t’es fais de nouveaux amis en vacances, décris-les à ton meilleur ami, caractère, apparence… – minimum 150 mots – Utiliser le vocabulaire de l’Unité 1 (vêtements,caractères) Dear X, How are you today? Last year, I went on holidays with my family. It was during the summer and we went to Spain. During this beautiful holidays I’ve met some new friends. The first one is Juan. Juan is 19 years old, he’s
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Oral d'anglais Baccalauréat
Idea of progress Well, in a first time, I’m going to define the notion "idea of progress". This notion can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. For instance, it can implies scientific progress, technological progress, and even social evolution. By analysing this notion "the idea of progress", we will try to answer the following question: Is
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Devoir anglais exposé oral bac
Partie 1 This photo is about the Nightlynews connecting to the computer. This news is not very reassuring for the environment and for the living beings on planet Earth. First of all, there may be terrorists who can hide in the city and then shampoo may be killing your brain cells. Then two hypotheses are made, the first is: Is breathing adding to the effects of global warming? And the second hypothesis is: Is your
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Anglais oral bac / Myths and heroes
I’m going to talk about the notion Myths and heroes. First of all, we can define a hero like a person who is admired for his bravery, outstanding achievements or noble qualities, sometimes a hero is a person endangering his own life. So, we are going to look at this question: How did Rosa Parks contribute to the improvement of black American’s rights? From 18 in the United States, the Jim Crow’s laws established a
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Oral d'anglais
Myth and Heroes In a first time I would explain the definition of myth and heroes. A myth is an orally transmitted story about legendary characters at wonderful area, it always carries a moral odder a message. The main character was not necessarily fictive. A hero is a real personage who accomplish some courageous and dangerous action in the good way, and he is famous by this action. More ever he has a personal quality.
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Oral d'anglais STMG notion idée du progrès
Notion Idea of Progress Introduction: I’m going to study the notion « idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Progress is an improvement or a steady evolution towards a better situation. It is thus the idea that the world can become a better place in terms of technology, civil rights or social issues for example. Progress is defined as any kind of improvement. However, progress may
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Theme Anglais Oral Bac RICK ET MORTY
RICK AND MORTY Rick and Morty is an American adult animation series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon on December 2, 2013 on Cartoon Network in the late-night Adult Swim party. The series follows the misadventures of Rick Sanchez, a cynical and whimsical scientist, and his disturbed and easily influenced grandson, Morty Smith. The series comes from a short animated parody based on the trilogy of films Back to the Future. The first season
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Bac anglais oral pro netflix
Hello, today I would like to talk about an internet topic precisely Netflix. I'm going to introduce you to the platform while responding to this problem. Netflix, is an American media-services provider and production company headquartered in Los Gatos, California, founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California. Netflix has been leading the way for digital content since 1997. This company is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with over
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Anglais oral Guns
Lieux et formes de pouvoirs I'm going to talk about the concept: places and forms of power. Power is the ability to influence people's behavior. Power in politics is divided into three categories: executive, judicial and legislative. In order to create social cohesion, the members of a society accept rules, laws. This helps create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tension. In order to illustrate this notion, I’m going to talk about
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Myths and heroes - oral bac anglais LV2
Myths and Heroes A myth is a traditional story used to explain certain social or historical phenomena. It is a widely held though partly false belief that usually involves a hero. Per se, when we say « hero », we consider him/her as an extraordinary person that has extremely noble qualities such as altruism or wisdom. Today I’m going to talk about Segregation in the US, and you may wonder how it is related to
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Synthèse pour l'oral d'anglais appronfondi terminal L
MYTHS&HEROES INTRO : I’m going to talk about the notion of Myths&Heroes. To begin with,I’d like to state a definition of this notion. A myth, it’s a story about gods or heroes, who can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. An hero can be a mythological figure. It’s a person admired for his or her achievements, courage and noble qualities. There are two types of heroes, the fictious heroes like Batman,
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Oral d'anglais
GUIRAT terminal GA Narjis TUNISIE Résultat de recherche d'images pour "drapeau tunisien" 2019/2020 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "tunisie carte" The country that I will introduce you is TUNISIA, Tunisia is a country of North Africa located on the Mediterranean coast and bordering the Sahara desert. The national museum of Bardo in Tunis, the capital, exhibits archaeological pieces ranging from Roman mosaics to Islamic art. The district of the Medina, with its lively souk, encircles
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Oral d'anglais de Terminal - Idea of progress
First of all, I’m gonna explain the notion of idea of progress. It can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change ; a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In relation to this theme, I think that it’d be very interesting to ask ourselves how modern technology affects today’s social relations? To respond to this problem, I’m going to start talking about how new technologies
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Compréhension orale en anglais sur les réseaux sociaux
The audio is an audio flash news from CNBC, which deals with an online debate between Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook and Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. They treats about the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) and its consequences on the world. On one hand, Mark Zuckerberg declares, during a Facebook live in his backyard, AI is an opportunity to improve different processes in all sectors. According to him,
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Oral bac DNL (histoire anglais) : Destroy this mad brute
Started in 1914 and ending four years later, World War 1 is an event that deeply changed society. The document studied is a propaganda poster from 1917,which is the year the United States began to intervene in this war. It is 106 by 71 centimeters and was designed by Harry Hopps, an American businessman and artist. This poster is about World War 1 and it is meant for Americans in order to convince them to
1 198 Mots / 5 Pages -
Grand oral spé anglais "la justice permet-elle de dépasser les préjugés ?"
Questions grand oral spé anglais : Problématique : « La justice permet-elle de dépasser les préjugés ? » - J’ai choisi cette problématique car je souhaiterais me diriger plus tard dans le domaine du droit. Ma problématique se rattache dans la thématique art et débat d’idée dans l’axe art du débat. Dans un premier temps nous verrons que la justice se doit de dépasser les préjugés puis dans un second temps nous verrons que ce
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Question SES et anglais grand oral
Dans quelle mesure les NTIC jouent-elles un rôle majeur dans le développement du commerce international? Introduction L’apparition d’internet en 1989 a chamboulé nos modes de vie et en particulier notre mode de consommation. Entre les années 1990 et 2000, est apparue la notion de NTIC, c’est-à-dire les nouvelles technologies d'informations et de communications. Elles représentent tous les outils en termes de télécommunication, d’informatique, d’audiovisuel, d’internet, de multimédias. Toutes les plateformes de communication et de publicité
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Space Race Anglais Script oral
1 - Hello everyone, welcome on the good radio, today, we are talking about Space Race during the cold wars and we have 2 guests : Mike : Astronaut / John : Who work in Nasa 2 - Hello, I’m Mike. So, we are during the cold war, after the 2nd World War : it’s the space race between the USA and USSR. 3 – Hello, me, my name is John. 1 - Who launched
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Anglais : script oral late show
Tonight is Thursday, December 1, 2022. Welcom to Paris. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you are currently watching "The littles new" First good news of the day, look at the nice weather forecast. Lots of sunshine and a little bit of cloud in Brittany. In any case it will be hot again even if the temperatures drop a little bit, but it's nothing. A word about security in France, Ahhh.. A bank was robbed this
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Oral d'anglais sur le réchauffement climatique
Write your key question and outline of your speech here. You can also write your script if it’s ready. Spé: English AMC / English Literature? Are you also crossing with your 2nd spé? If so, what is it? Intro Réchauffement climatique Il est évident que chacun de nous commence à prendre conscience que l’humanité fait encore face à de nombreux dangers que ce soit au niveau de l’écologie ou encore du respect et de l'égalité
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Oral d'anglais sur Diana
Today, I’m going to talk about Diana’s life, and more specifically about the reasons that made her an appreciated person by brittanics. During this oral , I would begin by briefly reminding you who was diana . after that I would develop the reasons that made her a loved person of Brittanics and finally I would make a conclusion . First, before getting to the heart of the matter, I need to briefly remind you
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Grand oral LLCE Anglais 2023
LLCE "La liberté d'expression est le droit de dire ce que les autres ne veulent pas entendre." déclarait - George Orwell. Cependant, ces dernières années, nous avons assisté à une tendance croissante visant à annuler ou boycotter des personnes, des entreprises ou des produits considérés comme offensants ou controversés. La cancel culture a en effet suscité un débat important sur la liberté d'expression et la censure dans notre société. Tout droit importée des États-Unis, ce
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Oral d'euro anglais : Relationship between France and UK since Brexit
Oral d’euro anglaise The relationship between France and the United-Kingdom has always been a love hatred relationship. Indeed, we often talk about a « Entente cordiale », an expression set up in 1904 but still representative of this special relationship between common interests and profiles, and an old competition. However, with the Brexit, decided in 2016 and effective on January the 30th 2020, a chain of events has brought several tensions which has strongly damaged
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Oral d’anglais Theresa May
Following the resignation of David Cameron, Theresa May became Britain's first female Prime Minister since Margaret Thatcher. Her mission was clear : to lead the country out of the European Union after its historic Brexit referendum, which was held in June 2016. But the fact is that she failed. Indeed, During her mandate from July 2016 to July 2019, Theresa May has not succeed in getting the United Kingdom to definitively leave the EU. So
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Grand oral AMC (anglais)
Grand Oral AMC Comment a évolué la place de la femme (dans la société et dans le monde du travail) aux Etats-Unis depuis le début du XXème ? Depuis longtemps, les femmes occupent une place différente à celle des hommes dans la société. Celles-ci ont longtemps été considérées comme inférieures et subordonnées à l'homme, alors que cette situation a changé depuis la dernière décennie. On se demandera alors comment a évolué la place de la
788 Mots / 4 Pages