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Space Race Anglais Script oral

Discours : Space Race Anglais Script oral. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Octobre 2022  •  Discours  •  320 Mots (2 Pages)  •  233 Vues

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1 - Hello everyone, welcome on the good radio, today, we are talking about Space Race during the cold wars and we have 2 guests : Mike : Astronaut / John : Who work in Nasa

2 - Hello, I’m Mike. So, we are during the cold war, after the 2nd World War : it’s the space race between the USA and USSR.
3 – Hello, me, my name is John.

1 - Who launched the first object in space ?

2 - October 4, 1957, USSR launch the first satellite in space, Spoutnik 1. This was very dangerous to the USA because, USSR was able to launch missiles from space.

1 - Ooh yes OK, and when the NASA has been created ?

3 - One year after, July 29 precisely, she is today, 64 ans

1 - OK, because I think that the Russians would launch missiles from space. And after what happened ?

2 - The Russians, the 3 November 1958 launch a new rocket, Spoutnik 2, wicth a dog which was called Laika. But she is dead in space…

1 - All right ! For now the Russians are ahead.

3 - Yes, for now ! But, In December, the USA launch the first satellite, Vanguard, but it unfortunately exploded.

 1- Will the Russians win?

 2 - No ! Because the 31 January 1958, the USA launch Explorer I, and it’s a success.

 1 - I heard that in a speech, the American President  said that he wanted to send a man to the moon and bring him back alive before the end of the decade.

3 - Yes, it’s right it was in 1961. The 20 July 1969, the NASA created the mission Apollo 11 which was intended to put a man on the moon ! it was another success.

1 - So, I think that the Americans are winners ! Thank you, Mike ! See you soon !

2 - Thank you for this invitation


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