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1 579 Mythe Et héro dissertations gratuites 576 - 600 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Mythe et héros - jeux paralympiques ANGLAIS TERMINAL

    Mythe et héros - jeux paralympiques ANGLAIS TERMINAL

    Myths and heros Paralympic athletes Introduction: The term "myths and heroes" deals with a mythological event that took place in the history of a country, and a historical, political, or everyday hero. The Paralympic games were created in 1960, it takes place every 4 years, summer and winter. It only concerns people with disabilities, amateur or professional athletes. For me, this theme is part of the concept myths and heroes since the participants of these

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion mythe et héros LV1 anglais oral

    Notion mythe et héros LV1 anglais oral

    I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or

    459 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mythes et héros

    Mythes et héros

    Voy a presentarle la nocion de « mitos y heroes ». Primero ? Qué es un mito ? Es una antigua historia de héroes que el hombre ha creado a lo largo de los siglos. Permite comprender el mundo y tambien mantener la cohesion social porque incorpora los ideales y las instituciones de una sociedad. Y en lo que respecta a un heroe es una persona valiente y extraordinario que realiza misiones y ayuda a

    569 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Mythes et héros Chinois LV2

    Mythes et héros Chinois LV2

    《神和传说和英雄》的概念 Introduction: Конфуцианство: 儒家  儒家是起源中国并同时影响及传播至其他周边东亚地区国家的文化主流思想、哲学和宗教体系。(c.est la pensée culturelle dominante,la philosophie et le système religieux qui a commencé en Chine et influencé et s'est propagé à d'autres pays autour de l'Asie de l'est.)前五世纪由孔子创立,脱胎自周朝礼乐传统,以仁、恕、诚、孝为核心价值,焦点君子的道德教育,强调仁和礼貌相辅相成,提倡教化和仁政,反对暴政,努力重建乐秩序,移风易俗,保国安民,富于入世理想与人文主义精神。(Fondée par Confucius au Ve siècle, né de la tradition rouelle de la dynastie Zhou(1045-770 avant.J-C.), avec la bienveillance, le pardon, la sincérité, la piété filiale comme valeur de base, se concentrant sur la culture morale du gentilhomme(Junzi), mettant l'accent sur la bienveillance

    1 456 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Myths and heroes

    Myths and heroes

    Bonjour, je suis une élève de terminal littéraire et j'aimerais savoir si le début de ma notion sur myths and heroes est juste au niveau de la syntaxe et de la grammaire, je ne l'ai pas encore fini mais c'est un premier jet. Merci de votre aide. I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First at all I’d like to give a definition of myths and heroes. So, a myth can defined

    592 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths et heroes

    Myths et heroes

    Myths et heroes Today i’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. So, a myth is a lengendary story which’s based on some false ideas, which serves to bring community together. A heroe is someone that is figthing for a cause, a good humankind or just someone how is admired for his strenghts. We’ll wonder what symbolize the notion of myth and heroe I will present this notion by focusing on two

    524 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes, The Gothic Tradition

    Myths and heroes, The Gothic Tradition

    Myths and heroes THE GOTHIC TRADITION INTRODUCTION I’m going to present the notion "Myths and heroes", oriented towards the question of the characters of Gothic literatures and films. The myth refers to fabulous and symbolic stories from the oral heritage of communities, or a tradition. These mythical characters are admired for their achievements, such as mythological figures, superheroes, models or icons. The study of myths makes it possible to understand how myths are constructed and

    1 084 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Captain America against Hitler

    Myths and heroes : Captain America against Hitler

    I am going to speak about the notion Myth and Heroes. First I am going to give a definition of the notion. So a A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A myth is a story that may or may not be true as the legends or mythology. Our problematic is How can we define the hero in our modern society. To answer to this question

    541 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais notion Myths and Heroes

    Anglais notion Myths and Heroes

    ANGLAIS MYTHES ET HEROS I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and hero. First I define notion of myths and heroes. Heroes are the people who help the individuals in difficulty, who show their courage and who present themselves as true models that embody an ideal. Moreover a myth is a legendary tale that addresses imaginary characters such as gods or heroes, these are symbols of history. In class we studied various documents

    456 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : can anybody be a hero ?

    Myths and heroes : can anybody be a hero ?

    Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about the notion myths and hereos, let me give me a definition of heroes. A heroes is a person in real life or in the book, movies … he can save somebody or take a action unbelievable for the society or for him. In the order to illustrate the notion, I've chose to talk about Doss a conscientous objector in the second world war and the handicapped person.

    413 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : how can a common person become myth or heroe ?

    Myths and heroes : how can a common person become myth or heroe ?

    The notion I'm going to deal with is myths and heroes. To begin, a hero is someone who has qualities or who realize great actions. I would like to illustrate the definition of this notion through the theme of segregation heroes. We may wonder how common person can become myth or heroe ? In order to answer this question, i will speak in first time to Ruby Bridges story and in second time to

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Gandhi and Mrtin Luther King

    Myths and heroes : Gandhi and Mrtin Luther King

    Myths and Heroes Myths originally aimed at explaining the origins of humanity. They deliver a universal message about the human condition. They contribute to build nations and define collective identities. Myths are stories that are based on tradition and involve heroes who are regarded as models. A hero is distinguished by exceptional courage and is idealized for possessing superior qualities in any field. Let's consider Gandhi and Martin Luther King. We may wonder what impact

    657 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : how to limit the power of heroic visions

    Myths and heroes : how to limit the power of heroic visions

    Tâche finale Consigne : vous travaillez pour un musée et vous devez choisir une œuvre d’art pour l’affiche de la prochaine exposition : 'Visions stéréotypées des hommes' Good afternoon everyone! I’m the museum curator of the New Museum of Contemporary Art based here, in New York City and I’m honored to introduce you our new exhibition ; ‘Stereotyped Visions of Men’. This exhibition illustrates two different themes : « Myths and heroes » and «

    677 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : is the American dream a dream or a nightmare ?

    Myths and heroes : is the American dream a dream or a nightmare ?

    Notion 1 : Myths and Heroes The notion we studied in class is : myths and heroes. But we’ve only worked on the part of the myths. A myth can be a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of the society, like the American dream. The issue raised here is, is this American dream a dream or a nightmare ? To answer this question we studied 3 documents in class . The

    445 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progress and myths and heroes

    The idea of progress and myths and heroes

    I. Present the notion you have to deal with: o I’m going to talk about the notions of the Idea of Progress and Myths and heroes. First of all, I’d like to give a definition of The Idea of Progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change - a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. A Myth is a

    918 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : how can myths and heroes change the course of history, and how does it improve our future ?

    Myths and Heroes : how can myths and heroes change the course of history, and how does it improve our future ?

    Myths and Heroes: I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: A hero can be either a real or an imaginary person, famous or anonymous who distingued by exceptional qualities and a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. We can

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros

    Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros

    "I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First we can define the word “myth” as a popular belief or tradition of a society or false notion. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen two documents: a song about the American land, a photo and an extract of novel. We are going to ask if the American dream is a reality. The song is entitled “American Land” and is written by

    784 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : superheroes

    Myths and heroes : superheroes

    In class we worked on Myths and Heroes. For the majority, when we are talking about myths and heroes, we think superheroes. These supermen defending justice by fighting crime, we will remember the famous superheroes who rocked our childhood such as Spiderman, Batman and Superman. But we will see that there are various other heroes who defend other goals r and have very singular paths. We studied various types of important figures and celebrities but

    457 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Captain America

    Myths and heroes : Captain America

    I am going to present you the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero is someone who possesses many qualities like courage, bravery, strength. A hero can be a mythological figure, an ordinary person like firefighters, volunteers. In general a hero fights for a cause as equality or justice. He can

    632 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myth and heroes : How far does cowboys can be considered as Heroes? How does cowboys embody Ameriacain Values?

    Myth and heroes : How far does cowboys can be considered as Heroes? How does cowboys embody Ameriacain Values?

    Myth and heroes A hero is an ordinary man or woman who has done extraordinary things. They do not need to be tall or strong. It is the way they have behaved to save someone or to make a difference that makes them heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes. I am going to speak about an American figure wich is the cowboy. And the questions that we

    446 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : Cowboys

    Myths and heroes : Cowboys

    AGUILAR TES1 Yona UNIT 1: Myths and Heroes Today I am going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes. First, I would like to define this word. A myth is an ancient story full of gods, semi-gods and heroes endowed with super powers. Sometimes these heroes don’t have any powers. They are admired for their many good qualities. Most of the time, a hero wants to change the world by helping people or

    854 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : Is the suburban dream a utopia or a dystopia ? A dream or a nightmare?

    Myths and Heroes : Is the suburban dream a utopia or a dystopia ? A dream or a nightmare?

    Introduction : The notion I'm going to deal with is Myths and Heroes. First, let me define those terms : myth refers to a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society (here the American dream and so the suburban dream) and the term hero refers to the main character in a literary or dramatic work. Is the suburban dream a utopia or a dystopia ? A dream or a nightmare?

    1 257 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : Rosa Park

    Myths and Heroes : Rosa Park

    The notion I am going to present is Myths and Heroes. First, I would like to give a definition of those two words. A myth is above all, a story and may or may not be a fiction. They have a great symbolic power and that is the reason why they survived for so long . It is also a cultural identity where society recognizes itself. A hero is a person of distinguished courage and

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion anglais mythes et héros

    Notion anglais mythes et héros

    MYTHS AND HEROES Manifest destiny and american exceptionalism : To introduce the notion of myths and heroes, I will start by defining these two terms. A myth is a set of beliefs, idealized representations around a character, a phenomenon and that give them a particular importance. A hero is someone who shows great courage in distingwishing himself by his actions We have always rewritten and reinvented new myths and there have always been new heroes

    624 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion Bac : Myths and heroes (Term ES/S)

    Notion Bac : Myths and heroes (Term ES/S)

    Myths and heroes Today, I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give you a definition of the keywords. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes. It can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievement, a superhero or maybe a role model

    613 Mots / 3 Pages