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Immigration dissertations et mémoires


301 Immigration dissertations gratuites 251 - 275

Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juillet 2015
  • Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros

    Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros

    "I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First we can define the word “myth” as a popular belief or tradition of a society or false notion. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen two documents: a song about the American land, a photo and an extract of novel. We are going to ask if the American dream is a reality. The song is entitled “American Land” and is written by

    784 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Unauthorized Mexican immigration in the United States of America.

    Unauthorized Mexican immigration in the United States of America.

    Unauthorized Mexican immigration in the United States of America. How Mexican immigrations have an influence on the American life? Source: À la frontière mexicaine, la photo emblématique de la politique anti-immigration de Trump, no author on Courrier international, published on November 28, 2018. (Je n'ai pas pu coller la photo mais vous en avez la source) Nowadays, immigrants represent a large part of the population. That is to say, 40% of the population is foreign-born

    615 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To what extent is it difficult for an immigrant to integrate into a new country ?

    To what extent is it difficult for an immigrant to integrate into a new country ?

    Nowadays, more and more people decide to immigrate. They might be political refugees, or they might be running away from poverty while sometimes, people just move for work. Anyway, fitting and blend in a new society always seems quite harsh, some are even torn between two cultures. To what extent is it difficult for an immigrant to integrate into a new country ? First of all, when people immigrate, they often are totally ignorant of

    257 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire Anglais immigration

    Vocabulaire Anglais immigration

    * May I help you? * Thank you very much young man! * Are you looking for something in particular? * I'm not sure you'd have the right skills to help me with this. * Welle maybe I could lead you to... ¡Dios mío! You're searching for a nurse? * What did you just say? * You're searching for a nurse, right? I am one myself! * No, I mean before that. * Right, “¡dios

    763 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Essay: is the US a promised land for immigrants?

    Essay: is the US a promised land for immigrants?

    MIMOUN ALIA 1èreB Writing an essay: Firstly, the key word “intellectual” makes us think about the words “skills”, ”knowledge”, ”high education”. Secondly, “Promised land”, is the second key word and it leads us to say that people will find opportunity and will adopt a better lifestyle. Furthermore, we can link it with the concept of “American dream”. Thirdly, the key word “immigrant” gives the idea of mobility, in the case of brain drain; immigrants contribute

    635 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La France : une terre d'immigration

    La France : une terre d'immigration

    LA FRANCE : UNE TERRE D’IMMIGRATION Il faut distinguer les causes de l’immigration. Jusqu’à la fin des années 1970, les raisons sont essentiellement économiques. Depuis la décision de suspendre l’immigration en 1974, les motifs ont changé : regroupement familial, mais surtout études et causes politiques constituent les motivations essentielles de l’immigration aujourd’hui. Cette évolution a modi- fié la composition sociologique d’un groupe qui s’enrichit d’une population d’origine plus urbaine qu’autrefois. q Immigrés et étrangers Il

    872 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : the immigration and young people

    Spaces and exchanges : the immigration and young people

    At first, i’m going to give a definition of “Spaces and exchanges”. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. There are a lot of exchanges: commercial, financial, cultural, migratory… Spaces refer to a place, to a geographical and symbolic area where exchanges can take place. The different interactions like cultural, economic, sociological and language have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. In class, we studied a lot of

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What attracts Immigrants to live in the USA and what does the actual life of an Immigrant look like?

    Spaces and exchanges : What attracts Immigrants to live in the USA and what does the actual life of an Immigrant look like?

    Today, I’m going to talk about one of the four notions studied this year which is “SPACES AND EXCHANGES”. In our modern world, an exchange can take many forms. It could be an exchange of information or a transfer of money for example. But since my focus will be directed on Immigrants, I’ll define these exchanges as a movement of people. Immigration Waves happen in different spaces but I’ll be focusing on one specific country;

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Immigration aux Etats-Unis

    Immigration Thème 1.It is more and more obvious for those who live along the Mexican border or those who try to protect it that a totally inviolable border doesn’t exist more than crime-free cities do. 2. Even in the zones where vertiginous height walls can be found overhung by drones and helicopters, a way to bypass surveillance can be found. 3. In San Diego, a few hundred immigrants arrived by boat today as the imposing

    361 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Discours contre l'immigration

    Discours contre l'immigration

    Les migrants sont de plus en plus nombreux. En 2019, on compte plus de 272 millions. Cela est lié aux conditions de plus en plus défavorables dans les pays d’Afrique notamment avec les guerres. Depuis l’antiquité, le phénomène de migration a toujours existé mais aujourd’hui les raisons de migrer sont différentes. Auparavant les hommes migraient en permanence pour la chasse et pour se nourrir. Aujourd’hui les personnes qui migrent sont des personnes qui sont obligés

    359 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dialogue anglais devoir chapitre immigrations

    Dialogue anglais devoir chapitre immigrations

    Today, I rejoin my friends, we are small group of activist against the slavery, every week we have a meeting in the house of Aiden, with kelly my sister and Elizabeth a childhood friends, we talk about everything that related to slavery. And, my neighbour is a big slaveholder of the region. When everyone move in, and take a sit, I start and begin. "You know my neighbour ? " "Yeah he is a slaveholder

    333 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : why are there different form of immigration in Canada?

    Spaces and exchanges : why are there different form of immigration in Canada?

    I am going to present the notion of spaces and exchanges. A society can be approached in the double point of view of its cohesion and its openness which leads to wonder about its place in the world. Also, the geography of commercial circuits and networks of influence, as well as the discovery and conquest of new lands, are cultural areas that often transcend the borders of states. Thus, as an example of exchanges in

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Immigration du XIXe jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle

    Immigration du XIXe jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle

    Legoupil Ilona Histoire : Présentez les caractéristiques et la situation des immigrés en France à la fin du XIXe s. et au début du XXe s. Au XIXe siècle, la France devient un pays de forte immigration jusqu’au début du XXe siècle où cette immigration stagnera. Premièrement, la France est connu pour être l’un des premiers pays d’immigration en Europe à la fin du XIXéme et au début du XXe siècle. En effet, la France

    460 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les Roms immigrés en france

    Les Roms immigrés en france

    Les Roms désigne les Tsiganes arrivés en Europe et viennent en partie de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie : les deux pays les plus pauvres de l’Europe. S’après les chiffres, les Roms représentent en Europe 10 à 12 millions d’individus. C’est pourquoi, pour l’opinion publique, les Roms sont perçus par des mythes et des idées reçues. Pour la majorité, être Rom et migrants signifie avoir un mode de vie itinérant et se trouver en

    937 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The USA, a nation of immigrant

    The USA, a nation of immigrant

    THE USA : A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS * Immigration: the process through which individuals become temporary, permanent residents or citizens of a host country. Historically, the process of immigration has been a social, economic, and cultural asset to the USA. It has resulted in the development of a multicultural society. The USA is a nation of immigrants and has always been so. It is considered today that 15% of its population is foreign-born. Thus, immigration

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders?

    Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders?

    Subject: Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders? The British politician Priti Patel serving as Secretary of State for the Home Department recently proclaimed the post-Brexit immigration plan: “the new points-based system” with the aim to "encourage employers to invest in the domestic UK workforce, rather than simply relying on

    2 369 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Comment se manifeste la division « natif » / « immigré » au sein même du milieu populaire français et comment l’expliquer ?

    Comment se manifeste la division « natif » / « immigré » au sein même du milieu populaire français et comment l’expliquer ?

    Comment se manifeste la division « natif » / « immigré » au sein même du milieu populaire français et comment l’expliquer ? Fractures françaises, Christophe Guilluy, « Changement de statut » Dans les années 1990, un discours de Jacques Chirac dans lequel celui-ci disait qu’il était normal que le travailleur français devienne fou à cause de son voisin de palier issu de l’immigration, et du « bruit et [de] l’odeur » qu’ils engendraient, a

    2 458 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : can the American Dream be reached by immigrants ?

    Spaces and exchanges : can the American Dream be reached by immigrants ?

    I’m going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. Space has different definitions: symbolic space, real space, virtual space and dream space. Today it is seen that, despite differences in development, countries have created close ties. The border as the limit between two spaces can be seen as a protection against others or, on the contrary, an opening or a call to a wider space. Influence and exchanges can be perceived in the

    429 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Défense des immigrés

    Défense des immigrés

    Discours dénonciation migrations : 3500, c’est très cher assemblé le nombre d’être humain qu’il soit homme, femme ou enfant qui ont perdu la vie en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe Ce sont des millier de personne fuyant la guerre, la famine et la misère en espérant trouver une vie meilleure en Europe. Comme il est dit dans l’article 2 du traité sur l’union européenne : «L'Union est fondée sur les valeurs de respect de dignité humaine,

    419 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Speech immigration

    Speech immigration

    Speech immigration Today, I would like to raise the issue of immigration. Immigration is a sensitive subject, even taboo. We are a land of immigration. It creates tension, but we have to face it. With global warming and the resulting natural disasters, the number of immigrants will increase dramatically. Therefore, restrictive measures won’t change anything. So immigration has been at the heart of political debates and has divided the political class for several years. Migration

    349 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : How can myths illustrate the society of the United States nowadays and towards immigration ?

    Myths and heroes : How can myths illustrate the society of the United States nowadays and towards immigration ?

    Myths and heroes I’m going to talk about the notion “myths and heroes” and specifically about myths. First, I would like to define these terms. Myths were originally aimed at explaining the origins of humanity and narrating the foundations of a given community. To try to answer the question “How can myths illustrate the society of the United States nowadays and towards immigration?”, I have chosen 2 separate documents that are particularly relevant. In the

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Essay about immigration

    Essay about immigration

    At a time when xenophobia is gaining ground in developed countries, when the media are constantly making the link between unemployment and immigration, and above all when political alarmist speeches such as Trump's are increasingly supported, it is easy to imagine migrants as a burden on countries' economic growth. But if we look at the question, we quickly realise that behind these denunciations hide more political convictions than real economic problems. Indeed, immigration is not

    361 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Adm 1015 Tn3 - Meuble-Bois & Les travailleurs immigrants et les GRH

    Adm 1015 Tn3 - Meuble-Bois & Les travailleurs immigrants et les GRH

    Première partie - Question 1 : « L’expression “relations du travail” désigne les rapports qui s’établissent en milieu de travail entre l’employeur et une association accréditée. » (1) Ce qui signifie qu’un employeur doit voir aux négociations collectives avec un syndicat ou tout regroupement reconnu d’employé pour ce qui a trait aux conditions de travail des employés. En aucun cas, l’employeur est soustrait à ses obligations en matière de gestion des ressources humaines. Les relations

    4 382 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Commentaire d’article : Des « Français musulmans d'Algérie » aux « immigrés » L'importation de classifications coloniales dans les politiques du logement en France (1950 – 1970)

    Commentaire d’article : Des « Français musulmans d'Algérie » aux « immigrés » L'importation de classifications coloniales dans les politiques du logement en France (1950 – 1970)

    Commentaire d’article : Des « Français musulmans d'Algérie » aux « immigrés » L'importation de classifications coloniales dans les politiques du logement en France (1950 – 1970) Cet article, publié dans Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, une revue crée par le sociologue Pierre Bourdieu, a été écrit par François de Barros, une chercheuse et maître de conférences en sociologie à l’université Paris-8. Ses recherches portent surtout sur la catégorisation des étrangers par la

    611 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Donald Trump et l'immigration

    Donald Trump et l'immigration

    As American history has unfolded, the « American Dream » has inspired people from every continent to leave behind their families, homelands and often even their own history in order to build something new in America. As early as 1790, with the revolutionary « pact »,[1] the nation of the United States became a new land of immigration. Multiple waves of immigrants came from all over the world, sometimes forced (slavery), but also fleeing from

    5 270 Mots / 22 Pages