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Exposé En Anglais dissertations et mémoires


5 515 Exposé En Anglais dissertations gratuites 551 - 575 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 23 Juin 2015
  • Exposé sur les Fatals Picards (groupe de musique)

    Exposé sur les Fatals Picards (groupe de musique)

    Les Fatals Picards is a French group founded in 1998, they mix humor and several musical genres, such as French or punk song, but aussile reggae. They represented France in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 with the song love the French. They finished 22nd out of 24 participants. Their humor consists of caricatures of rappers, singers humanitarian demagogic, heads of Stiff, boy band, reggae groups, generic television series of the 1980s They make fun of

    216 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Devoir D'Anglais sur le rôle du notaire

    Devoir D'Anglais sur le rôle du notaire

    Exam practice 1: résumé en français. Ce document met en avant le rôle du notaire dans la prévention des fraudes de biens immobiliers, et nous informe que divers organisations sont associées dans cette lutte contre la falsification des propriétés. Dans un premier temps le texte nous explique comment les escrocs usurpent l’identité des propriétaires, falsifient leur signature, falsifient les documents et abusent de leur confiance pour faire signer tous types de document, au propriétaire, afin

    927 Mots / 4 Pages
  • 81 / 5000 Résultats de traduction quelles seront les conséquences si la Grèce fait faillite? Quels sont les scénarios possibles? (document en anglais)

    81 / 5000 Résultats de traduction quelles seront les conséquences si la Grèce fait faillite? Quels sont les scénarios possibles? (document en anglais)

    Greece must exit News are still speaking about Greece debt Crisis and there are so Many topics about this subject. But the main fact is : what will be consequences if Greece goes bankrupt? What are possible scenarios ? The euro-zone debt crisis continues, more than two years after the initial turmoil in European markets on the back of financial investors’ fears that several euro-zone countries faced severe difficulties in financing their large budget deficits,

    2 148 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Adults determined to remain kids - écrit personnel en anglais

    Adults determined to remain kids - écrit personnel en anglais

    Par : Cameron, Amy, Maclean's, 00249262, 8/2/2004, Vol. 117, Edition 31 Section :Essay It's been dubbed a Peter Pandemic: adults determined to remain kids HERE IS MY CONFESSION. Sometimes, late at night, I put on the tiny, sparkling T-shirt I wore to clubs when I was 21 and dance to Salt-N-Pepa's Let's Talk About Sex. Occasionally, when I'm supposed to be working, I play The Sims computer game for hours -- starting fights between lovers,

    1 352 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Biographie de Pavan Sukhev (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Pavan Sukhev (document en anglais)

    SUM UP Pavan Sukhdev who is an Indian economist and banker is talking about the economy invisibility of nature. This expression means that economic value of nature is invisible. In 2007, a project called TEED is started. This project examines the benefits that the world gets free nature. The results of this project showed that we were losing natural capital a little more two to four trillion dollars-worth of natural capital. After he show us

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude du poème Ballad of the Landlord de Langston Hughes (document en anglais)

    Étude du poème Ballad of the Landlord de Langston Hughes (document en anglais)

    BALLAD OF THE LANDLORD The poem "Ballad of the Landlord" was written by Langston Hughes in the early to middle 1900's. This poem is an imaginary conversation between a black tenant and his landlord. It describes the poor living conditions of the blacks in New York's. The poem is narrated through four characters, each with its own point of view: a tenant, a landlord, the police, and the press. In the first stanza the tenant

    665 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Biographie de Damien Hirst (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Damien Hirst (document en anglais)

    Even by Damien Hirst’s standards it was an unusual artwork – two windowless rooms swirling with live butterflies. Visitors to the exhibit at the Tate Modern in London observed the insects close-up as they flew, rested, and fed on bowls of fruit. But whilst the work, In and Out of Love, was praised by many art critics when it featured in the gallery’s Hirst retrospective earlier this year, it has now landed the artist in

    676 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Exposé sur l'Handitourisme

    Exposé sur l'Handitourisme

    INTRODUCTION Les termes « touristes » et « tourisme » furent utilisés officiellement pour la première fois par la Société des Nations pour dénommer les gens qui voyageaient à l’étranger pour des périodes de plus de 24 heures. Cependant, l’industrie du tourisme est bien plus ancienne. Nous définirons le tourisme comme le fait de voyager dans un lieu autre que celui ou l’on réside habituellement, ce qui peut impliquer la consommation d’une nuitée auprès d’un

    3 572 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Étude au Salon du dessin (document en anglais)

    Étude au Salon du dessin (document en anglais)

    During my freshman year, I did an internship at the Salon Du Dessin. The Salon Du Dessin is an old drawing art fair that assembles some of the world's finest art galleries and I enjoyed every minute I spent working there. More importantly, this experience opened my eyes to what really interests me in the art world. While meeting interesting people from all around the world and working with experts who were passionate about the

    470 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La Fixation Du Prix De L Ipod Nano En Anglais

    La Fixation Du Prix De L Ipod Nano En Anglais

    International Marketing : Ipod Nano 1) Which factors impact Ipod Nano pricing ? Many factors can impact Ipod Nano price: • currency fluctuations : Ipod is an american group, that means that the money of reference for their products is the dollar. the price of the Nano is more expensive in Europe because the euro is becoming stronger against the dollar, which means that the price is below in the U.S. than in countries of

    430 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Etude de cas: la marque Red Bull (document en anglais)

    Etude de cas: la marque Red Bull (document en anglais)

    As you can understand it the prohibition to sell our product/Redbull in France,while it was allowed in 21 countries member of the EU,was unwittingly a big advertising stunt that has allowed us to be present and implant the image of our product in the mind of the consumers (ou: we didn't expect that the prohibitiion to sell our redbull would have this echo to ensure us a great advertising that has allowed us to establish

    304 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Principes de gestion des ressources humaines: Les employés du Royaume-Uni sous la protection au travail? (document en anglais)

    Principes de gestion des ressources humaines: Les employés du Royaume-Uni sous la protection au travail? (document en anglais)

    Principes de gestion des ressources humaines: Les employés du Royaume-Uni sur la protection au travail? Individual employment rights are important in the Government s approach to competitiveness and the labour market. Droits individuels de travail sont importantes dans l'approche du gouvernement s pour la compétitivité et le marché du travail. Fair treatment of individuals enhances commitment and competitiveness. Traitement équitable des personnes renforce l'engagement et de la compétitivité. Flexibility and adaptability - both crucial to

    343 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie de Malcolm X (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Malcolm X (document en anglais)

    Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 - February 21, 1965) was an African American nationalist and civil rights activist. Before he became Malcolm X, his name was Malcolm Little. Malcolm X's father was a Baptist minister whose skin was very dark and his mother's skin was much lighter. His parents taught him to be proud of being black at a time when some white people treated black people badly. At first, Malcolm X's actions and speeches

    228 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Biographie d'Ernest Hemingway (document en anglais)

    Biographie d'Ernest Hemingway (document en anglais)

    Courbet was born in 1819 to Régis and Sylvie Oudot Courbet in Ornans (department of Doubs). Though a prosperous farming family, anti-monarchical feelings prevailed in the household. (His maternal grandfather fought in the French Revolution.) Courbet's sisters, Zoé, Zélie and Juliette, were his first models for drawing and painting. After moving to Paris he returned home to Ornans often to hunt, fish and find inspiration.[3] He went to Paris in 1839 and worked at the

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Devoir d'Anglais

    Devoir d'Anglais

    Anglais 5.) _______ like to act. a.) The Young b.) Young c.) Those young d.) These young 6.) Oliver was always _________ his brother Orlando by the way he speaks. a.) running into b.) running down c.) running after d.) running over 7.) She was ______________ by a bus while going to the market. a.) run over b.) run after c.) run down d.) run at 8.) I went to ____________ my friend at the

    345 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Audi Side Assist (document en anglais)

    Audi Side Assist (document en anglais)

    Audi Side Assist is a technology designed to help drivers to change lanes safely. Two radars, one on either side of the car, are mounted in the rear bumper. At speeds above 30km/h, these radars monitor the traffic in a zone which extends from around 70m behind the car to a point just ahead of the driver, and includes the so-called ‘blind-spot’. However, Audi Side Assist does more than simply check for vehicles in this

    208 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Mythe et héros: Selon la constitution américaine, tous les hommes naissent égaux. En ce qui concerne votre étude du mouvement des droits civiques, dans quelle mesure est-ce vrai? (document en anglais)

    Mythe et héros: Selon la constitution américaine, tous les hommes naissent égaux. En ce qui concerne votre étude du mouvement des droits civiques, dans quelle mesure est-ce vrai? (document en anglais)

    Myths and Heroes According to the US constitution, all men are born equal. In relation to your study of the civil right movement, to what extent is this true? Introduction I) Equality between blacks and white only a myth Few would dispute the fact that the myth of a total equality between human beings is only partly right. Segregation is not over yet. Testimonies of students, workers, and citizens prove that racism still happens at

    344 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les conflits sur les problèmes de l'eau (document en anglais)

    Les conflits sur les problèmes de l'eau (document en anglais)

    Introduction The conflicts over water issues are not limited to sharing of costs or benefits; a problem that have had many water scholars fo-cused on. Conflicts also arise from social and political aspects of the design, operation and management of water projects. When ana-lyzing, operating or designing a complex water project, a decision maker must ensure that the undertaking is not only physically, environmentally, financially and economically feasible, but also so-cially and politically feasible. This

    1 810 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Effets de la mondialisation sur les pays en développement (document en anglais)

    Effets de la mondialisation sur les pays en développement (document en anglais)

    EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Good afternoon everyone, Joke I should present myself but I think you all know who I am I will take about 5 min, and so feel free to interrupt if you have any questions. The objective of my presentation today is…. –PP- To begin, there are 2 questions to look at here: FIRST, WHAT IS… Developing countries: It’s in general countries which HAVE NOT ACHIEVED A SIGNIFICANT DEGREE OF

    577 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Travail d'anglais sur un extrait de texte

    Travail d'anglais sur un extrait de texte

    Leurs héros se nomment Alex Rider, 14 ans, James Adams, 12 ans, Mickey Bolitar, 15 ans, Theodore Boone, 13 ans, Tandy Angel, 16 ans, Tory Brennan, 14 ans... Sont-ils magiciens, gladiateurs du futur, vampires ou loups-garous ? Non, juste collégiens ou lycéens ! Vivent-ils dans un univers parallèle, dystopique, uchronique, au cœur d’un monde merveilleux, dans le futur ? Non, tous grandissent ici et maintenant. Ces adolescents et adolescentes mis en scène par les plus

    575 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Investissements étrangers en Irlande, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pendant et depuis la période du tigre celtique (document en anglais)

    Investissements étrangers en Irlande, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pendant et depuis la période du tigre celtique (document en anglais)

    Introduction What is Celtic Tiger? From 1990 to 1995 Ireland's economy grew at an average rate of 5.2% per year, and from 1996 to 2000 it increased at at an average rate of 9.6%. By the end of 2000,the nation's GDP per capita is higher than United Kingdom and Germany. Through a little more than a decade Ireland turned from the poorest country to the richest country in Europe. How did that happened? The Celtic

    1 344 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Exposé sur la vie politique en France de 1915 à 1951

    Exposé sur la vie politique en France de 1915 à 1951

    Presentation de l'exposé sur la vie politique de france en 1915 a 1951 _Resumé _Developpement _ Conclusion _____________________________________ Resumé: valeurs publiques A l'issue du conflit de 1914-1918, la situation financière de la France est peu brillante. Les charges de la reconstruction, censées être payées par l'Allemagne, sont en réalité payées par l’État français. Pour couvrir les dépenses budgétaires exceptionnelles, un effort fiscal et des emprunts à long terme sont insuffisants et les éléments les plus

    2 853 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Fiche Vocabulaire Anglais : La Banque Et Le Monde Des Affaires

    Fiche Vocabulaire Anglais : La Banque Et Le Monde Des Affaires

    les échanges commerciaux = trade le producteur = the producer le consommateur = the consumer vendre = to sell, sold, sold acheter = to buy, bought, bought achat = purchase commander quelque chose = to order something entreposer quelque chose = to stock something un commerçant = a shopkeeper un magasin = a shop un marché = a market faire les courses = to go* shopping un rayon = a department le chef de rayon

    321 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Conférence De Monsieur LANG (document en anglais)

    Conférence De Monsieur LANG (document en anglais)

    Synthesis of the meeting with Mr. Jack LANG Jack LANG is a politician, member of the Socialist Party, he served as France's Minister of Culture from 1981 to 1986 and 1988 to 1992, and as Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993 and 2000 to 2002. He was also the Mayor of Blois from 1989 to 2000. He served until 2012 in the National Assembly from the sixth district of Pas-de-Calais. During this meeting, Jack

    364 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Marchés au comptant d'Euronext (document en anglais)

    Marchés au comptant d'Euronext (document en anglais)

    The current index value is published on a continuous basis and published every 30 seconds, using real time last traded prices from Euronext Cash markets. Index values can be qualified as indicative, or the publication of index values may be suspended if there are circumstances preventing correct calculation. The official index opening is calculated by using each opening price or the previous day reference prices in case constituents have a non-traded, halted or suspended status.

    241 Mots / 1 Pages