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Biographie de Pavan Sukhev (document en anglais)

Fiche : Biographie de Pavan Sukhev (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Février 2013  •  Fiche  •  290 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 092 Vues

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Pavan Sukhdev who is an Indian economist and banker is talking about the economy invisibility of nature. This expression means that economic value of nature is invisible. In 2007, a project called TEED is started. This project examines the benefits that the world gets free nature. The results of this project showed that we were losing natural capital a little more two to four trillion dollars-worth of natural capital. After he show us some example such the Amazon rainforests. The rainfall cycle feeds an agriculture economy of the order of 240 billion dollars-worth in Latin America. Brazil does not receive monies from others countries. At the species level, it’s been estimated that insect based pollination is something like 190 billion dollars. This benefits that flow from nature to humanity for free are important for the poor. However there are not very important for countries like Brazil, India, and Indonesia. The only places where there are enough species are tundra and the Sahara. With the TEED project in Thailand. They found a trend to deplete the mangroves and convert them to shrimp farms. There is not only Thailand which is in this case. He said that we need to recognize natural capital and build that into the systems. One of the ways is to disclose the externality. We're talking about externalities when the actions of one economic agent have a positive or negative impact. The other solution is the creations of greens markets.

I am totally agree with Pagan Sukhdev.It is necessary to know the economic value of natural resources. We must recognize all species as the origin of these resources. We must estimate the value of rehabilitation and be able to perceive the difference between public benefits and private profits


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