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Common Law dissertations et mémoires


112 Common Law dissertations gratuites 76 - 100

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Dernière mise à jour : 27 Juin 2015
  • Supremacy of Federal law

    Supremacy of Federal law

    Supremacy of Federal law The first text that served as the U.S. Constitution was not suitable: the Articles of Confederation did not allow for decisions to be made that could be applied across the board and permit things to be standardized. So the U.S. Constitution was drafted within a broad consensus. Article IV granted a major power to the Federal government. The Constitution gave Congress the power to pass Federal laws, called statutes. They are

    439 Mots / 2 Pages


    COMPANY AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW 15/05 Red beans case 1. Question issue 2. Law “ no one shall be permitted to profit from his won fraud or take advandtage of his wrong” - Contracts for illegal things and invalid

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Law and Management

    Law and Management

    Law and management SESSION 1: general introduction to Law A State is a legal person which has total sovereignty on its territory. It means that a State, by its def, decides which rules will apply to its territory. The judicial power is part of sovereignty. Def: Law. The enforceable body of rules that governs any society. What is allowed, what is prohibited. Law is a set of legal rules. Legal rules are part of law,

    9 150 Mots / 37 Pages
  • Differences between American and British Laws

    Differences between American and British Laws

    Why is the law sometimes so different in the United States compared to Britain? We will first define what is the law. Then, we will study the historical aspect of each country. Law can be defined as a set of mandatory rules which is applied to all people regarding their status The system of the United States is complex because there are different kinds of laws: national, Federal, and state laws. Every citizen must follow

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Is the law in Singapore too strict?

    Is the law in Singapore too strict?

    BACHACHA HASSAN L3-GRP 14 Topic: Is the law in Singapore too strict? “low crime does not mean no crime” it is a stating warning in Singapore, in fact this country is know for its low crime rate and its cleanliness. Singapore is a country where law matter a lot and if not respected it is severely punished. So, thanks to two article first one written by Uptin Saiidi written in January 16, 2018 “Singapore crime

    443 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Criminal law

    Criminal law

    Assault Mens rea It is the intention to cause another person to apprehend immediate unlawful violence or recklessness as to whether another person might so apprehend as per the following authority (Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [1969] 1 QB 439; Venna [1976] QB 421; Kimber [1983] 3 All ER 316; Parmenter [1992] 1 AC 699. Sometimes it can cause bodily harm as per s.47 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861(‘OAPA’): “Whosoever shall be

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • STATE : Fact or law ?

    STATE : Fact or law ?

    STATE : Fact or Law ? « Criticize the State, is your right ; but do not forget that the State, is you » - German proverb. A State is a politic organisation, built by bureaucratic institutions. It is an institution applying authority to his people that recognize him as legitimate to do so and recognized by other state. More precisely, a State is the power’s center which formulate laws and assure their respect, and

    1 300 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Criminal sentencing law outline

    Criminal sentencing law outline

    1. Draft Title Preventative Detention is my allocated group topic. After thorough research, many experts and lawyers believe that preventative detention is an infringement of human rights and has many flaws that can be fixed. I think I will be analysing the need against the detriment of preventative detention. Although quite simple, a suitable title could be “Does the Need for Preventative Detention Outweigh the Detriment”. 2. Draft Research Question Within the New South Wales

    263 Mots / 2 Pages


    Administrative law consists of the set of rules defining the rights and obligations of the administration. It is the most important part of public law. It is the law of imbalance because it essentially governs the relations between public persons and the administered. This discrepancy between the general interest and particular interests explains the existence of a particular law, exorbitant from the common law. This law was constructed to regulate relations. Historically, several responses

    588 Mots / 3 Pages
  • QCM anglo american law

    QCM anglo american law

    What was established in 1777 ? a. A Confederation b. A federation c. The American independence d. A fourteenth colony Amendment 22 limits the President's terms of office : a. but disqualification remains possible in case of treason for example. b. but a President who served twice can be a candidate again in the future if he waits one term before being a candidate again c. has always been respected by Presidents since 1951. d.

    1 974 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Sources of international public law

    Sources of international public law

    Why Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is in urgent need for change? « International law is, for States, not only a set of norms, but also a common language. » Boutros-Ghali. By these terms, we mean that international law responds to a set of norms that is specific to it. This normative set in which it originates is enumerated in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.

    831 Mots / 4 Pages
  • International Business law

    International Business law

    Introduction What is the meaning and the purpose of IBL ? : relationship between French and Congo companies through contract. That would be a legal contract Contract :each party will have mutual right and obligation. Right and obligations are often legal. Ex : obligation de livraison et de paiement. An incoterm cannot replace the law. Company A is based in Marseille and company B are based in New Caledonia. On the legal aspect the contract

    2 147 Mots / 9 Pages


    ANGLAIS : S4 version Durée de l’épreuve : 1H00 - (214 mots) Traduire tout le texte (y compris le titre) en français HOW COMMON IS BACK PAIN? Back pain is a very common condition and can affect adults of all ages. It is estimated that one in five people will visit their GP every year because of back pain. And 80% of adults will experience at least one episode of back pain at some point

    262 Mots / 2 Pages
  • European law - Abuse of dominant position

    European law - Abuse of dominant position

    Why is it important to have a fair playing field and to protect competition? Like we can observe nowadays with Facebook taking actions against Apple for abuse of dominant position concerning the new regulation on the Apple Store, this issue is at the middle of the operation of a whole Market. Like we said in the mindmap juste above, the abuse of dominance involves concerns for both customers and competitors. Indeed, it can lead to

    515 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cours French business law

    Cours French business law

    1. Conditions of the lease Lease of the gong concern Sb is the owner of a going concern and doesn’t want to operate it himself Leases it to sb elese who will do the business instead of the owner of the business This person who operates the business instead is the lessee (le locataire-gérant) Lessor: le bailleur Lessee: the other party For contact to be valid, needs some conditions : - The lessee manager who

    2 197 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Contract law francais / Législation du droit rétractation des contrats français

    Contract law francais / Législation du droit rétractation des contrats français

    UniversiteParis_logo_horizontal_couleur_RVB-768x293 Législation du droit de réflextion et rétractation des contrats français LE45Y045 Droit français des contracts Langues Etrangères Appliquées - Anglais/Chinois Licence 3 FAN Lingxiao MOU Tianle FAN Lingxiao 71815723 MOU Tianle 71720009 1. introduction Le droit de rétractation et délai de réflection du contrat de consommation en droit français signifie que les consommateurs ont le droit de rétracter leur promesse dans un certain délai après avoir fait une promesse. Ce système a

    4 291 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Anglais history law

    Anglais history law

    Introduction : It deals with « the creation of the English legal system ». We did a brainstorming about what we know about the Common Law. After that, we did a vocabulary exercise and an oral comprehension which was about the sources of law. We can ask ourselves : what did we learn about the Common law ?
Firstly, we will talk about the Norman invasion and its aim. Secondly, we will see its impact. I]

    354 Mots / 2 Pages
  • French business law

    French business law

    What is FBL ? Droit commercial, des affaires, de l’entreprise Historical background --> specificities of fbl VOCAB : Really important notion in fbl --> commerçant Notion that has a really specific meaning so it is hard to translate this in english --> so use of a term that doesn’t have any legal term in english Commerçant would be translated by Merchant But merchant doesn’t have any english legal term (Bankers are commerçant in fbl)

    1 372 Mots / 6 Pages
  • French law of obligations

    French law of obligations

    Hello 30/09/2022 French law of obligations Compare a bit with english law of obligations it was reformed in 2016 (French law of contracts), however it is not the end. The legislators have already put forward civil liability. several topics on 2 main topics first part: contract law seconde part: french civil liability quasi-contracts, general regime of obligations 1 - French contract law 1. preliminary remarks is often seen as more social than english contract law,

    840 Mots / 4 Pages


    Motivation 1 : Madame Hèla YOUSFI (nom du responsable du master) , Marocain de nationalité, j’aurai prochainement mon master en génie électrique, et je suis trop intéressé par les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable. C’est pour cela, j’ai choisi ce parcours qui me permettra d’apprendre les techniques fondamentales de la gestion des projets tout en prenant en considération le développement durable à travers le module « Responsabilité sociale et développement durable », et les

    1 253 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Mulheron, Principles of Tort Law (2nd edn, CUP, 2020), ch 15 (the designated parts noted in this schema)

    Mulheron, Principles of Tort Law (2nd edn, CUP, 2020), ch 15 (the designated parts noted in this schema)

    Prescribed reading: Mulheron, Principles of Tort Law (2nd edn, CUP, 2020), ch 15 (the designated parts noted in this schema) * Defamation has a ‘propensity to percolate through underground channels and contaminate hidden springs’ of C’s reputation: Slipper v BBC [1991] 1 QB 283 (CA) => defamation protects a client reputation. * the tension in such cases for C and D => on one hand the claimant which must protect its reputation in the light

    15 012 Mots / 61 Pages
  • The Common wealth

    The Common wealth

    The article I have chosen to summarize is from a British multinational publisher named Routledje ( Taylor and Francis group ). It was founded in 1836 by George Routledge, and specialises in providing academic books, journals, & online resources in the fields of humanities, behavioural science, education, law and social science. The Commonwealth Games, often referred to as the "Friendship Games" and formerly known as the British Empire Games, is a competition that brings together

    325 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Law school

    Law school

    Image d’en-tête avec rectangles gris sous différents angles Microsoft Office User Icône de messagerie E-mail Icône de téléphone TÉLÉPHONE Icône LinkedIn URL LinkedIn Lien vers d’autres pages en ligne : Portfolio/Site web/Blog Objectif Ligne Pour commencer, cliquez sur le texte d’un espace réservé et entrez votre texte. Soyez concis : une ou deux phrases. COMPÉTENCES Ligne Décrivez vos aptitudes particulières. Qu’est-ce qui vous distingue des autres ? Utilisez vos propres mots (mais pas de jargon).

    2 186 Mots / 9 Pages
  • European+Common+Fisheries+Policy


    Abstract: In this paper, we will look at the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), and try to evaluate the effectiveness, and/or shortcomings, of the CFP, by investigating research and evaluations made throughout the years. The continuous shortcomings of the CFP, and ensuing depleted fish stocks, has resulted in many reforms with different policy instruments to try and ensure better environmental protection. The CFP has a long history from its origin to the current state following

    3 339 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Commentaire d'arrêt CE 2016 Boulogne-Billancourt / théorie de la transparence - soft law / acte de droit souple

    Commentaire d'arrêt CE 2016 Boulogne-Billancourt / théorie de la transparence - soft law / acte de droit souple

    L’arrêt Blanco (TC 1873) , « père fondateur » du droit administratif a permis de poser la première pierre au critère organique de reconnaissance de la personne publique. La jurisprudence a, pendant le siècle et demi qui le sépare de cette décision, alimentée ces critères en fonctions des faisceaux d’indices soumis dans chaque cas d’espèce. C’est dans cette démarche que le Conseil d’Etat a posé un principe inédit dans l’arrêt Boulogne-Billancourt de 2007. En l’espèce,

    2 337 Mots / 10 Pages

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