French law of obligations
Dissertation : French law of obligations. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar vicsantos • 17 Octobre 2022 • Dissertation • 840 Mots (4 Pages) • 333 Vues
French law of obligations
Compare a bit with english law of obligations
it was reformed in 2016 (French law of contracts), however it is not the end. The legislators have already put forward civil liability.
several topics on 2 main topics
first part: contract law
seconde part: french civil liability
quasi-contracts, general regime of obligations
1 - French contract law
- preliminary remarks
is often seen as more social than english contract law, the contrast
modern french law does not see its contract as preliminary
French contract law has other purposes than facilitation of market transactions.
protections des consommateurs par exemple
Is it still true after the reform? yes
la volonte des parti is put in the center, the will of the contracting parties
it also reflects the idea that the law should aim to establish contractual justice
two OPPOSITE CONCEption, some jurist have fought for a more social way (solidarisme contractuel).
-1 the scope of application of the general provisions of contract law
the lost empire of french general contract law provisions
the scope of application has steadily decreased. 2016 did not put an end to tjhi sphonomenom. most contracts. they compete with other special rules contained in other codes (code de la consommation, code de la concurrence, code de commerce). the special law derivation from the special law. the general provision remain as a residual spec of rules, that is only applicable in the absence of special provisions (that are generally
the reform was still-born some ppl argue.
-2 the importance of common law in contract law
in english law the
general law of contracts (in england) remains dominated by common law, statutory law only regulates only aspects that seem needing a special rule.
the most important example is sale of goods act 1979 but
employment, tenancies (location) and consumer contract. neverthe the common law of contracts provide the
section 2 - key features of the contract in FL
At the very beginning of the preliminary PI the new law declares 3 very general propositions.
the freedom of contract
the binding force of contract
the contracts must be negotiated formed and performed in good faith
§1 definition of the contract
the general definition in french law
the will - l’autonomie de la volonté
article 1101 - defines something, look it up
l’offre et l’acceptation
these provision do not diverge with english law (it's the same)
§2 the standard-form contract in french law
leave no room for negotiation,, accept or not that's what that is
articles 1110 defines another thing, look it up