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Common Law dissertations et mémoires


112 Common Law dissertations gratuites 51 - 75

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Dernière mise à jour : 27 Juin 2015
  • Civil Contract Law

    Civil Contract Law

    CIVIL CONTRACT LAW CONTRACT LAW Classification of legal systemes There are lot of civil rules. The common law: no written rules and the law is mostly based on cased law (jurisprudence). Civil law derives from roman law (civil law). Roman law is also based on cases law. It is the ancestre of civil: Mostely based not on written act (loi écrite) but on cases (litigation, law decisions). In the US, statut law (loi écrite), in

    4 402 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Business Law

    Business Law

    SESSION 1// IPRS 1. Introductions 1. What is IP? What are IPRs? We need to qualify the situation to know the laws and the rules related to it and that are applicable on this situation IP right are the legal rights resulting from an intellectual activity should it be creative, scientific or industrial. In other words, it’s the right granted to the creator over the creation of his minds. It includes: patents, copyrights and trademarks.

    4 346 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Common sentences

    Common sentences

    1000 MOST COMMON ENGLISH PHRASES : 51-100 6 51 I need to practice my English J’ai besoin de travailler mon anglais 52 I'd like to eat at 5th street restaurant Je voudrais manger au restaurant de la 5e rue 53 I'll have the same thing. Je prendrai la même chose 54 I'll pay for dinner C’est moi qui règle (le repas) 55 I'll pay for the tickets Je paye les billets 56 I'm 26 years

    384 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Violence against women - international law protection

    Violence against women - international law protection

    Question 1 Pretend that you are a law clerk for the CEDAW Committee. You are asked to draft a response to Lesotho’s report. Draft a memo for the Committee analyzing Lesotho’s report in light of CEDAW’s provisions and other considerations you deem relevant. Your memo should include recommendations to the Committee regarding next steps in responding to Lesotho. Introduction Lesotho has been a signatory to the Convention to the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

    7 670 Mots / 31 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : Which power is useful to fight against the law’s power ?

    Places and forms of power : Which power is useful to fight against the law’s power ?

    Places and forms of power the notion of power = the ability or the official capacity to exercise any control or authority. This power sometimes help to guarantee more rights, freedom and equality, but, in a great number of cases, the power doesn’t concern or help the general interest. That’s why, sometimes, people stand up for they right and start a struggle against federal power. We can ask ourselves: Which power is useful to fight

    721 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Case, law and judges

    Case, law and judges

    L3 / S5 ANGLAIS JURIDIQUE UNIT 1 CASE, LAW AND JUDGES 1/ What are the other ways of referring to common law? All the several ways of referring to common law, we can call it case law and also judge made law. 2/ What is equity? Equity is a branch of law that completes common law, the case Miller v Jackson is a good example of equity’s being refused, an example of equitable remedy that

    15 763 Mots / 64 Pages
  • Cours de droit, le business law

    Cours de droit, le business law

    Business Law Le droit de l’import-export est un statut juridique donné à la matière (marchandise) lors de son importation et de son exportation. Cela permet de déterminer si des droits de douane est des taxes doivent être réglés. Section 1 – Caractères généraux 1 – Le régime commun A – le régime de mise en libre pratique Ce régime confère aux marchandises qui proviennent de pays tiers cad hors UE le caractère de marchandise communautaire

    2 038 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Causation and complicity in a Crime According to Georgian and Anglo-American Law

    Causation and complicity in a Crime According to Georgian and Anglo-American Law

    Causation in Complicity in a Crime According to Georgian and Anglo-American Law Tsikarishvili Kakha ABSTRACT. According to Georgian law, causation is objective ground for liability for complicity. Anglo American Law does not require causation for complicity. Person may be liable as accomplice if his conduct has contributed to the commission of the offence by the principle. However, some scholars in Anglo American law recognize causation in complicity, though they think that in every case we

    4 393 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Théorie des 'Commons': enjeu et actualité

    Théorie des 'Commons': enjeu et actualité

    ‘Et par le droit naturel sont le bien commun de tous : l’air, l’eau s’écoulant, la mer et, pour cela, les rivage de la mer’. Code Justinien 535 AP. J.C. Traditionnellement, ce que l’on nommait res communes, c’est à dire les choses de la nature qui appartiennent en commun à tout le monde, ont été délaissées au profit des res private, régies par le marché et des res publicae, mises à disposition par l’Etat. Par

    3 615 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Law unit 7

    Law unit 7

    1. The EU consumer law provides high consumer protection through several directives that have been implemented with the “New Deal for Consumers”: * Directive on consumer rights * Provision of the consumer sales and guarantees directive * Price indicator directive 1. The ‘dual food quality’ is a phenomenon that has occurred in the EU, where the quality of certain products differed from a country to another. In other words, some countries’ consumers were treated as

    359 Mots / 2 Pages
  • International contract law

    International contract law

    Introduction: Companies are likely tended to deal with different parties (consumers, suppliers etc). Therefor, legal acts need to be settled by the companies in order to produce legal effect. The contract is a legal act formed by the parties and once the contract is settled, the parties are committed to each other. According to the Dahir of the obligations and contracts code 1913: « the obligation is a legal relationship under which a party, the

    808 Mots / 4 Pages
  • English constitutional law (lectures 1-6)

    English constitutional law (lectures 1-6)

    Constitutional Law Partie 1 A)key-characteristics of the British constitution “The fundamental parts of British constitutional law could be taken as to include the following statues : Magna Carta 1215 — clauses 1, 9, and 29, as enumerated in 129, remain in statute; clause 1 asserts the freedom of the English church, clause 9 the liberties of the City of London among other cities, and clause 29 establishes the right to due process; «No Freeman shall

    2 762 Mots / 12 Pages
  • French law

    French law

    CE, Sect., 10 mai 1974, Denoyez et Chorques, n° 88032 : principe d'égalité Megan Armitage et Éimear Dowling Le préfet de la Charente-Maritime a rendu jugement le 3 juin 1971. Le 7 juin 1972, les requérant ont appelé la décision au tribunal administratif de Poitiers. La décision rendu par le conseil d’État, le 10 mai 1974, affirme que le principe d'égalité n'était pas violé par la différence tarifaire d’usage des Bacs. Les Faits Un régime

    1 365 Mots / 6 Pages
  • French law - le contrat

    French law - le contrat

    FRENCH LAW – WEEK FIVE SANCTIONS COMMUNES A TOUS LES CONTRATS L’exécution forcée en nature L’exécution forcée en nature consiste en l’exercice par le créancier d’un moyen de contrainte afin de forcer le débiteur à exécuter son obligation. A priori possible pour tous les contrats / domaine privilégié : les obligations de donner, particulièrement celles portant sur une somme d’argent L’EXÉCUTION FORCÉE EN NATURE Exceptions avant la réforme de 2016 * Ne semble pas concerner

    2 825 Mots / 12 Pages
  • How is Brexit affecting UK law firms ?

    How is Brexit affecting UK law firms ?

    1. How is Brexit affecting law firms? In June 2016, the UK went to the polls to decide whether or not to stay in the European Union and, with a 51.9% majority, the UK voted in favor of Brexit. The result left many companies wondering about their future in a market that suddenly took a whole different shape. With London seen as the hub of the legal industry, with four of the world’s ten largest

    523 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Law of tort (British law)

    Law of tort (British law)

    Law of tort : Tort : civil wrong, imposing obligations . It’s a voluntary act. Exemple : nuisance , diffamation, trespass (to land, to goods, to the persons) , negligence In this course : tort of negligence Negligence: 4 general requirements. Claimant must show : * Duty of care * Breach of duty * Causation * Loss not too ‘remote’ somebody triggers an insulte : procedure under civil law and tort law. what will happen

    4 305 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Business law

    Business law

    Italian Contract Law THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC Article 41. Private economic enterprise is free. * It cannot be carried out against the common good or in a way that may harm public security, freedom or human dignity. * The law controls that public and private economic activities are directed and coordinated towards social aims. Article 42. Property is public or private. * Economic goods belong to the State, to public bodies, or to

    3 624 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Corporate Law

    Corporate Law

    DROIT DES SOCIETES I. Le contrat de société Définition de la société: Selon l'article 982 du D.O.C, la société est un contrat par lequel deux ou plusieurs personnes mettent en commun leurs biens ou leur travail ou tous les deux à la fois, en vue de partager le bénéfice qui pourra en résulter. La société est donc considérée comme un contrat soumis aux mêmes règles générales qui régissent les contrats. Son existence repose sur la

    3 896 Mots / 16 Pages
  • French constitutional law

    French constitutional law

    French Constitutional law It is divided into 3 parts: 1. The key concepts of the French constitutional law 2. French historical constitutions; the constitution of 1791, the royal charters of 1814 and 1830, the constitution of the Third Republic 3. The fifth Republic: a dualistic parliamentary system Chapter 1: French Sovereignty Introduction In France, the sovereign is the nation. Difference in French between etat and government The idea of a political constitution; it is a

    2 078 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : how can a common person become myth or heroe ?

    Myths and heroes : how can a common person become myth or heroe ?

    The notion I'm going to deal with is myths and heroes. To begin, a hero is someone who has qualities or who realize great actions. I would like to illustrate the definition of this notion through the theme of segregation heroes. We may wonder how common person can become myth or heroe ? In order to answer this question, i will speak in first time to Ruby Bridges story and in second time to

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Labour Law

    Labour Law

    Labour and Industrial Relations Source of Labour law: There is a section of the universal declaration of human rights that is linked specifically to labourers. Article 23: ‘Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.’ Article 23 of the UDHR has sourced the fundamentals of labour law. In the Mauritian constitutions, it provides various rights against discrimination and such, but

    14 118 Mots / 57 Pages
  • Comparative law

    Comparative law

    1710 Comparative law V - LEGAL LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGES OUTLINE (Week 5 16/10 and 17/10/2019 Language is fundamental for the law. It is the loom of language. The question is how the language influence in the concepts. Legal language construct the law? Is the structure of the law a function or consequence of the structure of the language? Law makes the legal languages? Exemple: in French law “la-le” in English law there isn’t this difference,

    941 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Space Law

    Space Law


    15 414 Mots / 62 Pages


    THE CYPRUS CASE IN PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW The issue we have been asked to analyze is this of Cyprus case in public international law. Due to its complexity, sensitivity and duration in time, the Cypriot matter cannot be defined as a one-dimensional issue, but as a multi-perspective one. The key points that we are going to focus on are the following: * The legality of the invasion in Cyprus * International Responsibility of Turkey *

    9 998 Mots / 40 Pages
  • Fetridge's Law

    Fetridge's Law

    Fetridge’s Law outlines an idea that things that are supposed to happen, do not happen when people are looking, and things that aren't supposed to happen, will happen when people are looking. This law seems to impose itself into nearly every aspect of my life. One particularly comical incidence of this law in action was when I was thirteen and learning how to throw a curveball. At this time, most of the baseball players at

    464 Mots / 2 Pages

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