Ccf anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 441 Ccf anglais dissertations gratuites 851 - 875 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
La crise du canal de Suez (document en anglais)
In 1956, and following the Suez Canal crisis causing rationing oil, Sir Leonard Lord, while senior British Motor Corporation (BMC) asked Alec Issigonis to build an economic vehicle, the prototype will be produced only after eight months of study and will be launched in October 1957. The first vehicle, equipped with a 948cm3 engine, reaches a speed of 145km/h. Alec Issigonis, who appreciates Citroën and ideas, choose a direction "just before." The choice of engine
9 591 Mots / 39 Pages -
Analyse des caractères des souris et des hommes (document en anglais)
Lennie - A large, lumbering, childlike migrant worker. Due to his mild mental disability, Lennie completely depends upon George, his friend and traveling companion, for guidance and protection. The two men share a vision of a farm that they will own together, a vision that Lennie believes in wholeheartedly. Gentle and kind, Lennie nevertheless does not understand his own strength. His love of petting soft things, such as small animals, dresses, and people’s hair, leads
1 111 Mots / 5 Pages -
Devoir Anglais sur l'automobile
L’article du Wall Street Journal, daté du 17 octobre 2010, traite de la croissance de l’industrie automobile en Chine et de son impact sur les habitudes des consommateurs et l’économie en général. La nouvelle « culture de la voiture » profite non seulement à l’industrie automobile, mais à d’autres secteurs. On a fait construire 48.000 kilomètres de routes afin d’encourager cette évolution et d’étendre la richesse. L’auteur minimise les effets négatifs tels que la pollution
293 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'urbanisation en Chine (texte en anglais)
Urbanization and Hukou system in China. The aim of this presentation is to introduce the Hukou system in china and how China organizes urbanization. I. Introduction There is nearly 4,000 years that the urbanisation began in China (in fact, of the Neolithic villages had started to appear in the river valleys thousand years before) and today the country knows an expansion of a scale without precedent. At the end of the Forties, China counted 69
753 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais Oral : WTC (The World Trade Center)
Historique : The World Trade Center is a ground around 7 hectares and is composed of seven business building at Lower Manhattan, in New York. It was done by architect Minoru Yamasaki. The WTC is famous for his two building : the Twin Towers, it's the symbol of american power in the eyes of the world and is an icon of New York as the empire states building and the statue of the liberty. The twin
277 Mots / 2 Pages -
Papillon, anglais
warning colours, a practice known as aposematism. The toxic chemicals in plants are often evolved specifically to prevent them from being eaten by insects. Insects in turn develop countermeasures or make use of these toxins for their own survival. This "arms race" has led to the coevolution of insects and their host plants.[5] Pupa: When the larva is fully grown, hormones such as prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) are produced. At this point the larva stops feeding
1 203 Mots / 5 Pages -
Changer d'entreprise pour de bon (document en anglais)
‘Change’ is the most talked about and written about word in the consultancy lexicon, but while most consulting firms are happy to ‘size the prize,’ few have the courage to stick around for the implementation. Even companies that offer PMO type services tend to shy away from the day to day challenge of fundamentally changing the way people work. Celerant Consulting are experts in change. For over 25 years, we have delivered successful, sustainable change
368 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dm Anglais: Enquête Sur Un Meurtre
I. General Comprehension 1. Inspector Wexford is talking with Mr Parker whose the son, Nicky, has just found a woman's body. 2. a. At the end of the excerpt, Wexford doesn't know who the woman is. b. What is the most appropriate title ? Without a clue II. Detailed Comprehension 1. a. Mr Parker is Nicky's grandfather. Wrong. Mr Parker is Nicky's father. “Well, my son did.” (l.4) b. Mr Parker is rather old. Wrong.
754 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais: Mythes Et héros
I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all i would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictional like Superman, Batman and others…But here, we shall be interested at(autre mot) -(article) hero we studied in class, Rita O Grady. It’s the main character of the movie “Made in Dagenham”
385 Mots / 2 Pages -
Theme Anglais Bac Pro Oral
Game of Thrones is an American epic fantasy television drama series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones. The series roughly follows the multiple storylines of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Game
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Anglais: mythe et héros: Qui sont les héros de nos jours? Et quelles valeurs représentent-ils?
To present the notion of « myth and hereo » I chosen to answer following both questions: « Who are the modern day heroes? And what values do they represent? » The hereo realize incredible act and this is a person who have strong human condition. A lot of people to see their hero as examples for them. To illustrate this point of view I chose to base myself on three document seen in class: Oscar Pistorius Firefighter Julia
500 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Devoir 3: lettre concernant un voyage pour la Nouvelle Zélande
I have received the letter you sent to our agency and I do have a suggestion for a pleasant trip in New Zealand as you asked for. I found a bus tour from Auckland to Christchurch which permits to visit the essential places of New Zealand with an English guide in order to learn as much as possible about the culture and tradition in 14 days . What is more, The accommodation is only in
408 Mots / 2 Pages -
Contrat-type Et Guide De rédaction (document en anglais)
Mode! contract developed for intemational sale of foodstuffs subject to rapid physical deterioration -proposes conditions compatible with intemational trade conventions and -Purpose of the model Ciontract International contract The model contract has been developed for business users engaged in for business rather than international trade in perishable goods. The aim is to offer a balanced, consumer sales reliable and flexible general-purpose legal instrument which is simple to use. The contract is intended for business rather
1 998 Mots / 8 Pages -
CCF PSE, rapport de stage
J'ai été au Collège Pierre Mendes France à Tourcoing, A la fin de la 3e, J'ai eu le Brevet des collèges avec succès en 2009. Je souhaitais intégré une 2nd Général. Mais suite a mes absences mon premier veut n'a pas était accepté. Au lieu de choisir le redoublement , j'ai choisi d’intégré le baccalauréat professionnel Systèmes Électronique et Numériques. Je suis rentré en Seconde Bac pro SEN ( Systèmes Électroniques et Numériques) en Septembre
601 Mots / 3 Pages -
Basketball, article en anglais
Basketball This article is about the sport. For the ball used in the sport, see Basketball (ball). For other uses, see Basketball (disambiguation). Basketball Michael Jordan goes for a slam dunk at the old Boston Garden Highest governing body FIBA First played 1891, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S. Characteristics Contact Contact Team members 10-20 (5 on court) Mixed gender Single Categorization Indoor (mainly) or Outdoor (Streetball) Equipment Basketball Olympic Demonstrated in the 1904 and 1924 Summer Olympics
9 412 Mots / 38 Pages -
Communication, cours en anglais
Good communication is indispensable to any company’s success. Indeed, a company, which has an excellent communication strategy, can often avoid unnecessary confusion and misinformation. Whereas, a company where there is poor communication is going to face a decrease of its productivity and its growth especially if lower-level employees fell neglected by upper management. Unfortunately, good communication skills don’t come naturally to everyone. This is why it’s important for a company to train its employees to
340 Mots / 2 Pages -
Une négociation entre le centre informatique DEk (Alger) et la société SONTRACH afin d’établir un contrat d’achat de PC professionnels (document en anglais)
Enterprise Bargaining A negotiation between DEk computer center (Algiers) and the SONTRACH society to in order to establish a contract for buying professional PC’S. DEK: hello and welcome, I’ll let you drink coffee while finish singer a contract with a customer and I come back. SONATRACH: ok no problem, take your time . AFTER 15 MINT THE HEAD OF DEK IS BACK DEK: sorry to make you wait, really sorry. SONATRACH: no problem. DEK: then
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Lettre de motivation en anglais, BTS International
Object : Internship - Customer Relationship Assistant Manager, Import-Export, Client Prospecting. Dear Sir, I am currently first-year student of BTS International Trade in France. Within the framework of this formation, I have to do an internship in a foreign company with the aim of applying my theoretical skills in the field of the export sale (prospection and following customers). This intership must make me apprehend the various aspects of a prospection export. It could begin from
485 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie Usain Bolt (document en anglais)
TOPIC USAIN BOLT Usain St. Leo Bolt alias sprinter Usain Bolt is a Jamaican athlete who was born August 21, 1986 in Jamaica in the parish of Trelawny. He spent his childhood in this environment with his mother Jennifer and Wellesley Bolt his father as well as his brother and his sister Sherine Sadeeki. Usain Bolt at a young age is interested in cricket and football, but he converted early in athletics. Indeed, at the
428 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le groupe Bobaflex (document en anglais)
Formed in the 1990s, the band has released four full-length albums and one 6-track EP, and is featured on the Gigantour DVD/CD. The band recently put out the 6 song EP, Chemical Valley which was released on 7 March 2010, and a 15 track full length album Hell in my Heart which was released on February 4, 2011. The unique thing about the band is the two frontmen, brothers Shaun and Marty McCoy, who trade
910 Mots / 4 Pages -
Oral D'anglais
All began in 1919 with the africa traingular trade. blacks came from with labor, songs gospel songs. they were always working because they were slaves but they were also an religious community. they began to sing about them slaves when they song 60 down moses and let my people go. with nobody knows the trouble i've seen, it was the birth of the blues. after civil war 1861-1865 they create the jazz. and after 1917,
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Cned: étude d'un document « The Notary Public’s Role in preventing Property Fraud » (Le rôle du notaire public dans la prévention de la fraude immobilière )
Partie 1: Résumé Le document « The Notary Public’s Role in preventing Property Fraud » est un article de presse concernant les notaires. Ces derniers aidés par diverses structures (FBI, réseau d'exécution de crimes financiers, Ministère du Logement et du Développement Urbain, associations de notaires) se chargent de détecter et signaler les fraudes de propriété. En effet, les arnaques sont nombreuses ; l’imposteur n’hésite pas à se faire passer pour le propriétaire (usurpation d’identité, imitation
320 Mots / 2 Pages -
Theme Anglais Terminal
Hello ! I Go you speak about an artist of England origin, in effect I decided about you Naomi Campebell's speech because for me it is a England icon . To begin I would make for you naomi campbell's biography then would speak to you about its carriere and to finish I would say to you why I chose to speak about her. Naomi Campbell's Biography: She was born May 22,1970 in Streatham, London, she
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Fiche de révision anglais brevet blanc
Fiches revisions d'anglais brevet blanc le present simple : - adverbes de fréquences every monday once week twice a month « S » a la 3° personne du singulier be + ING : now, at the moment, look !, listen le present perfect : already, ever, never, yet...not, yet, for, since. Passé simple : Yesterday, when + evenement passé, in + date passé, 5 day ago, last week preterit : Be -ING ...when... ...while... futur : will
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Biographie en anglais chez David Beckham
David Beckham was born May 2, 19 in London. his father installer cuisuine mother and her hairdresser. David attended a football school "Tottenham Hotspur" Tottenham is btw the first club he played for two years he even was elected best player moin 15 years. On the day of his 14th birthday David signs contart with young Manchester United. sports career On April 2, 1995 David Bacham make his first appearance with the jerseys of Manchester
450 Mots / 2 Pages