Ccf anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 441 Ccf anglais dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Consigne CCF Anglais
La situation d'évaluation se compose de trois parties, chacune d'une durée maximale de cinq minutes. Aucune de ces trois parties n'est précédée d'un temps de préparation. Partie 1 La première partie vise à évaluer la capacité du candidat à prendre la parole de manière continue. Elle prend appui sur une liste de trois thèmes ou sujets, libellés dans la langue concernée et consignés sur un document remis par le candidat au professeur. Ce document est
736 Mots / 3 Pages -
Ccf Anglais: Fish and Chips (document en anglais)
'Fish and chips' is a popular take away food in English speaking countries, that's to say Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is not rare to find chippers (fish and chips shops) in South Africa. It seems to be a Portuguese meal imported in United Kingdom by Jews in the 19th century. It consist in a breadcrumbs based on beer, but many variants exist. The tradition expect that fish and chips is fried
441 Mots / 2 Pages -
Ccf Anglais: la prévention santé environnement
La Prévention Santé Environnement est une discipline qui étudie les risques professionnels par le biais d’une démarche d’analyse et leurs effets physiopathologiques afin de mettre en œuvre une politique de prévention dans l’entreprise. Ce dossier sera rendu à une date fixée par le professeur, l’élève devra émarger au moment où il rendra son dossier. La présentation devra être : • Soignée, • Sur des feuilles A4 recto, • Dactylographié, Police 12, ARIAL, • 8 à
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Bac Pro Ccf Anglais: Ellis Island
Ellis Island I’m going to speak about Ellis Island. In the first part, I will explain what is it and I will deal with the main lines of immigration and in my second part, I will talk about the discrimination of "rich" compared to the poor. To finish, I will give my own personal opinion. First part. From 1892 to 1924, Ellis Island was America's largest and most active immigration station, where over 12 million
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Ccf anglais bac pro arthur guinness
Biographie d’Arthur Guinness Arthur Guinness - Domaine Public Arthur Guinness (1725-1803) is an Irishman who was the origin of the Guinness brewery. Brilliant businessman, and considered as the largest brewer of Ireland, he was during his life at the head of a financial empire that still continues today, and which profoundly affected the Irish culture and the Irish national identity . Born on September 24 th, 1725 in Celbridge Ireland Arthur Guinness saw his childhood
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CCF Anglais Première
Ingrédients * 200g de chocolat Temps de préparation : 15 min * 125g de beurre Temps de cuisson : 30 min * 200g de sucre Difficulté : très facile * 2 c à s de farine * 4 oeufs * 1 c à s de sucre glace * Une grosse poignée de noix de pécan Préparation Étape 1 : Faire fondre le chocolat et le beurre au bain-marie. Étape 2 : Ajouter le sucre et
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Dossier ccf anglais+ page de garde
descriptio... * Thème 1 : Soca Music * Thème 2 : Miami * Thème 3 : Adele SIGNATURE Élève: Professeur: Caribbean music genres are diverse. They are from Africa, Europe, Indian and have indigenous influences, created by descendants of Africa Slaves. Some of the styles are : * Salsa : 1952’s * Merengue : 1950’s * Calypso : 1973’s * Reggae : 1960’s * Soca : 1970’s I’m talk about : Soca. According to many
868 Mots / 4 Pages -
• My name is solena marzullo . I am seventeen years old. I am at the high school Virginia Henderson of Arnouvilles . I am bachelor professional management administration in alternation. I work on the DSDEN of ninety five one every two weeks. • For my CCF I decided to present you Jacqueline Kennedy , the wife of thirty the fifth president of the United States of America John Fitzgerald Kennedy. • First of
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CCF anglais
Duthé Term ASSP Structure Maddy Stephen Hawking Contents : 2: Who is Stephen Hawking 3: His research and his career 4: Records 5: Conclusion Who is Stephen Hamking ? Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford on 8th January 1942. At the 14th March 2018 a genius was dead. His tomb is in Westminster Abbey next to that of Issac Newton. He was a british physicist. He love’s astronomy. He had 2 little sisters, Mary
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CCF D'anglais
Good afternoon My name is ......., I am ......years old, and I live in Lyon. I study at ......... high school. Today I will talk about extreme sport I'm going to organize a summer camp for teenagers aged 13 to 17 years to discover extreme sport in new south waters. I studied three sports such as skydiving, diving and surfing. I choose surfing because is a sport that involves riding breaking waves on a special
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CCF D'Anglais Terminale Bac Pro Commerce
New York, batize to "The Big Apple" or "The city that never sleeps" is a city of superlatives. This is one of the largest city in the world, placing it in the Northeast United States of America and located on the Atlantic coast. It is sometimes considered the capital of the world ?( grace )? to many office buildings. But for eight million inhabitant, New York remains a city of district divided into five boroughs.
383 Mots / 2 Pages -
Carburants Alternatifs Et l'Industrie automobile (document en anglais)
While the diesel against the petrol still go, alternative energy back in the center of discussions, because of global warming. The car industry is the first concerned, indeed it represents a huge part of fuel’s consumption. Nowadays, on the fuel’s market, there are few possibilities for the car. Besides the car companies don’t make an effort to change their fuels, apart Toyota which developed the hybrid cars. It is an auto which operates with two
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CCF Etudes Et Veilles Commerciales: Entreprise Alban Laban
Sommaire Présentation du contexte de l’étude………………………………………………………………………. Page 3 Etude Pays………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 4 Tableau des sources………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 6 Analyse critique des sources……………………………………………………………………………………Page 7 Planning prévisionnel………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 8 Etude Secteur………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 9 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 12 Présentation du contexte de l’étude Présentation de l’entreprise : L’organisation Alban Laban est une entreprise de type industrielle travaillant dans le secteur primaire, produisant et vendant du foie gras de canard en conserve, cuisiné et frais. L’entreprise fut crée en 1998 et est de type EURL
2 624 Mots / 11 Pages -
Le mythe de l'exception américaine (document en anglais)
The Myth of American Exceptionalism The idea that the United States is uniquely virtuous may be comforting to Americans. Too bad it's not true. BY STEPHEN M. WALT | NOVEMBER 2011 (foreign policy) Over the last two centuries, prominent Americans have described the United States as an "empire of liberty," a "shining city on a hill," the "last best hope of Earth," the "leader of the free world," and the "indispensable nation." These enduring tropes
2 786 Mots / 12 Pages -
L'ours polaire sans-abri (document en anglais)
The Homeless Polar Bear Nissan makes in the classy and ecological ad with the new video of advertising for its Leaf car. Moreover, this commercial won at the last Emmy a price for the best commercial which put Nissan under the spotlight of creativity and intelligence. There are several reasons who makes this ad a success and that is what I an going to explain. First of all, everyone who might saw this commercial would
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Un bébé né avec deux têtes (document en anglais)
Baby born with two heads Nowadays, everything is unpredictable. An infant girl was born Dec. 10 with the undeveloped head of her twins, a condition known as craniopagus parasiticus. She died after bleeding to death following complex surgery in which doctors removed the partly formed twin that had treatened her brain. It was a complete little baby girl that, on top of her head, was attach a second head on top and facing up. The
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Etude Marketing en anglais sur l'entreprise Michel Et Augustin
III.JOB SATISFACTION Watching, listening and understanding A - Watch Questions : (1)Explain what the impact for a company is when a good employee leaves the organisation. It cost a lot: - need a new recruitment and training - lost productivity (2)What is the main reason for people to quit their jobs? The main reason is : Their BOSS. (3)What are the 4 main factors in determining an employee’s overall level of satisfaction at work
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Devoir Anglais Bts Ag 2ème Année: étude d'un article de presse "The M in Stamania"
Partie 1 Compte rendu écrit en français Cet article de presse, intitulé The M in Stamina et publié dans le TIME du 22 février 2010, nous raconte le parcours de Michelle Garnaut, une Australienne propriétaire de plusieurs cafés-restaurants appelés « M », initiale de son prénom, de type occidental en Chine. En premier lieu cet article nous informe sur ses origines et ses débuts dans le métier de la restauration. Nous comprenons d’ailleurs que ce
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Eurobaromètre (document en anglais)
The report looks at views held generally across the EU, how these views vary from country to country, significant variations by gender, age, education and other sociodemographic variables.In recent years, there have been a number of major natural and man-made disasters which, through global media coverage, have brought extreme images of suffering into people’s homes around the world. Just a few months ago, on 12 January 2010, shortly before the fieldwork for this current report
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Anglais: Vocabulaire
Vocabulaire Anglais Lesson 1-2-3-4 a house : maison a tee-shirt a tank top : débardeur a jumper : pull a sweat shirt : pull à capuche a shirt : une chemise a tie : cravate a coat : manteau a raincoat : imperméable shorts : short jeans : Jeans trousers : pantalon dungarees : salopette a suit : un costume a Castle : château a flat : appartement A caravan : caravane a village:village A
1 453 Mots / 6 Pages -
Étude de l'hôtel Dorval (document en anglais)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It is a compulsory internship report which was assigned to me, for this I had the great opportunity to do an internship at the Quality Hotel Dorval for 8 weeks. The Quality Hotel Dorval is a hotel chain owned by the Harilela Group. I am making this report on the experience gained with that internship. 1. HISTORY OF THE HOTEL ‘’The Harilela Group which is wholly owned by the Harilela family, is a
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Le réchauffement climatique (document en anglais)
GLOBAL WARMING I. What evidence is there that the earth is actually warming up? Evidence for warming up of our Earth includes observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising average sea level. We will focus on the global average air temperatures from 1880 to 2000 and the Temperature anomalies in January 2007 Global warming refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere. In the
1 677 Mots / 7 Pages -
Le consommateur responsable (document en anglais)
Responsible consumer “Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.” /George Carlin/ Recently the media announced that the world's population is due to hit 7bn this October: “On October 31st the UN will dub a newborn the world’s 7 billionth living person” , the most impressing is the fact that it has been reached in such little time from reaching six billion people.
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Résumé Devoir Anglais
Ce document est un article économique ayant pour titre " Malls Begin Slow Recovery"(Les centres commerciaux commencent lentement leur reprise d’activité). Les propriétaires des centres commerciaux ont été touchés par la crise, pour la première fois depuis quatres ans et selon le REIS (cabinet de recherche), le taux d'inoccupations dans les centres commerciaux ont diminués de 8,8 pourcent au troisième trimestre. Des résultats encourageants pour les propriétaires, qui sont optimistes le taux de location s'étant
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Vocabulaire Courrier Anglais
Dear Sir/ Madame /Sirs Dear M. XX / Mrs XX/ Miss XX / Ms XX I am writing : • to confirm • to apologize for • in answer to • to thank you for • to inquire about : pour me renseigner à propos de • to informe you that • regarding : en ce qui concerne • with reference to We enclose... / Please find enclose ... : veuillez trouvez ci-joint You will
354 Mots / 2 Pages