Ccf anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 449 Ccf anglais dissertations gratuites 201 - 225 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Les affaires dans le monde arabe (document en anglais)
Introduction Business in the Arab world is easy if you are ready to follow some rules. The main rule is to adjust to timings and being patient. Arab world has always offered many opportunities to conduct business. There are better facilities and infrastructure now with banks, financial institutions and branch offices of many companies established there. The business opportunities are now improving as the world is getting connected better with more opportunities for sealing deals
419 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse de Social Local Mobil (document en anglais)
Social. Local. Mobile. These are the sweeping trends in marketing today and for the foreseeable future. In terms of media consumption, they’ve come to dominate consumer attention. In terms of targeting and communication, they’ve opened dynamic new channels. In terms of data and measurement, they are nothing short of revolutionary. And in terms of technology, they are disrupting entire industries. While each is a powerful force unto itself, the focus of this paper is on
650 Mots / 3 Pages -
Le tourisme (document en anglais)
Tourism has turned out to be a very important industry in the modern age. In almost all the countries of the world there are separate ministries of tourism. Tourist spots are being developed all over the world to attract the tourists. Tourism is, indeed, a good source of earning foreign exchange for every country that can manage it efficiently. All over the world there is a great interaction between People of different countries, races, communities,
221 Mots / 1 Pages -
Lettre De Motivation Anglais
Marie Lefevre 36 rue des bois 21000 Dijon Monday, September 10th 2012 Edward Smithson Napket 61-63 Picadilly London Widjody Tel : 02830633 For the attention of the Human ressources manager Dear Sir, Application letter Within the framework of my studies 3 years ago, I did a 6 week long internship in the accounting department of Napket firm. I have been working as a manager assistant in a French delicatessen medium sized firm “L’éveil
200 Mots / 1 Pages -
Les services financiers en Afrique (document en anglais et français)
Banking Services in Africa Liberalization Should Continue L’étude réalisée par Dhafer Saïdane analyse les effets de la libéralisation des services financiers et de ses corollaires qui sont leur privatisation et leur consolidation, sur le secteur bancaire africain. Tous les pays ne sont pas parvenus au même niveau dans ce mouvement, comme le montrent les cas plus particulièrement décrits du Maghreb, du Togo, du Nigeria et de la Libye. La question est de savoir si la
475 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse de la compagnie Novagro (document en anglais)
Analysis Of Novagro NOVAGRO’s situation in its environment – Mr. Leon, director and founder of NOVAGRO, markets and manufactures agricultural machinery divided into five product families. 1. VIGN- Tractors for upscale wine and vine 2. HORT- Specific Machinery for Horticulture 3. CHIM-Supplies of Fertilizers (Chemical) 4. NATU- Trailers for spreading natural fertilizers 5. NEGO-Materials to aid negotiation It currently employs 400 people and sells 2,700 machines per year. Its turnover is grossed at 33 million
2 069 Mots / 9 Pages -
Analyse du service de réseaux social Google+ (document en anglais)
Google+ Google+ is a multilingual social networking and identity service owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched in June 28, 2011. As of September 2012, it has a total of 400 million registered users of whom 100 million are active on a monthly basis. Unlike other conventional social networks which are generally accessed through a single website, Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" consisting of not just a single site, but
335 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse du produit Red Bull (document en anglais)
The marketing mix explains the overall marketing decisions that a firm have to make relative to the different products it will produce (Product), the place where the product will be sold (Place), the different ways – direct marketing, advertisement, free samples.. – a product will be promoted (Promotion), and the price strategy to achieve the best profitability for the company (Price). Red Bull was invented in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur who discovered
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Les journaux américains (document en anglais)
American newspapers Introduction Newspapers are the traditional support of information so I will introduce some American newspapers. There are two types of logs: national newspapers and local newspapers. There are only two national newspapers while each state has one or more newspapers. So regional newspapers outnumber newspapers at the federal level. I/ National newspapers. Only two national newspapers. • USA Today: Founded by Allen Neuharth as an alternative newspaper, it was launched in 1982. Sometimes
680 Mots / 3 Pages -
Analyse d'une chaîne de restaurants Outback Steakhouse (document en anglais)
Background: The creation of Outback Steakhouse dated back to 1988 thanks to its creators: Chris Sullivan, Bob Basham and Tim Gannon. That year, they opened their first two steak restaurants in Tampa, Florida. They were experienced in this type of business because they attended Stake & Ale’s trainee program and they experienced success through owning franchise operations. The timing of this launch didn’t seem good because the American consumption of meat was declining at that
1 412 Mots / 6 Pages -
Biographie de Norman Rockwell (document en anglais)
Norman Rockwell was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. He was born third february, 1894 and died November 8, 1978. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American cultureNorman Rockwell's style has been described as storyteller I will now begin the description and analysis of work Triple Self-Portrait. It was painted in 1960 for the cover of Saturday Evening. We see the artist's back, sitting on a
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L'Orientalisme d'Edward Said (document en anglais)
Mehdi October 13h, 2012 Edward Said’s Orientalism The theory of power that I chose to focus on is Edward Said’s Orientalism. This paper will define Orientalism and discuss its roots and its usefulness to Orientalists as a tool of power and domination. It will also provide a description of American Orientalism, and show how it is different from European Orientalism. This paper will then analyze the importance of Orientalism as a theory, and compare it
1 727 Mots / 7 Pages -
Biographie de Freud (document en anglais)
Fraud is defined to be "an intentional perversion of truth" or a "false misrepresentation of a matter of fact" which induces another person to "part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right." In addition to the traditional criminal definition of fraud, there are many regulatory laws that have very specific rules that must be complied with. If you do not follow these rules to the letter, you could be
1 021 Mots / 5 Pages -
Chocolate Market : Exposé (document en anglais)
Introduction Chocolate has been known as product since the seventeenth century. In the beginning, it was a lux product, because of its price and also because of the fact that it was rare on the market. Since the industrial revolution, during the nineteenth century, chocolate consumption is increasing and chocolate will take different forms. Until then craft, the first mechanical factories appear which makes production and distribution more intense, making the product available to everyone.
1 066 Mots / 5 Pages -
Anglais: étude de l'entreprise Apple
Apple is a multinational company which produces high technologies products , for exemple , the very famous Iphone was created by Apple. With a turnover of 108 billions of $ , Apple is the first company in the informatics product , before Microsoft. Apple was created by Steve Job , 35 years ago , and employed 60400 workers all over the world in 362 Apple Store distributed in 12 countries. Apple is considered as the
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir D'anglais
Bendhiaf Lhaoues Middle School Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 Level: 2nd year Teachers: Bouzidi / Bousseta. Module: English Timing: 1 hour. The Second English Test Text: Baya Mahieddine was born in 1931 in Bordj El Kiffan. She lived with her grandparents because her father and mother died when she was 5. She started painting very early. She exhibited her first painting in Paris in 1947. She died in 1998. Questions: Part one - Reading Comprehension: •
536 Mots / 3 Pages -
La place des technologies dans nos vies - texte en anglais
Sur Maths-Forum depuis: novembre 2007 Localisation: Finistère, BRETAGNE Messages: 145 Question correction texte 200 mots en anglais Bonjour pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger d'éventuelles fautes s'il vous plaît ? Merci Nowadays the technology takes a big place in our daily. So, can we live without technology ? To answer this question we are going to say why we can live without and why we can’t. On the one hand it’s true that world won’t die without
850 Mots / 4 Pages -
Act Like A Lady, THINK LIKE A Man (agis comme une femme, pense comme un homme) (document en anglais).
I E VERYTHING YO U NEED TO KNO W ABO UT MEN AND RELATIO NS HIPS IS RIG HT HERE ’ve made a living for more than twenty years making people laugh—about themselves, about each other, about family, and friends, and, most certainly, about love, sex, and rela- tionships. My humor is always rooted in truth and full of wisdom—the kind that comes from living, watching, learning, and knowing. I’m told my jokes strike chords
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Immunology report - synthèse en anglais
IMMUNOLOGY REPORT NUCLEAR FACTOR KAPPA B(NF-KB) PRESENTED TO DR. LAMA FAWAZ BY FATIMA MAHDI MALAK TAHA MELISSA HARMOUCHE Table of Contents NUCLEAR FACTOR KAPPA B(NF-KB) 1 DEFINITION OF NF-KB: 3 ACTIVATION OF NF-KB: 4 Signals induced by NF-KB: 8 1) pro-inflammatory cytokines: 8 a) Interleukin-1 (alpha, beta): 8 b) Interleukin-6: 10 c) TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor α: 13 2) apoptosis regulators : Bcl-2 15 3) Interleukin -8: 15 REFERENCES 17 DEFINITION OF NF-KB: NF-κB (Nuclear
4 904 Mots / 20 Pages -
Rédaction Anglais
A Flexible Wage System, A flexible wage system presents many benefits, Free action, stock option, bonus, efficiency bonus are becoming more frequent in many companies. This type of remuneration can increase employee motivation, that’s why this system has previously been used for commercials, but since 5 years many companies have chosen to extend this compensation to executives and then to all employees, thus greatly increasing their productivities Indeed the remuneration being made on achieving the
709 Mots / 3 Pages -
Dialogue Anglais
GRIVOT HONORIN 2nde4 AY EMRE ENGLISH Subject: As a French student who wants to improve his\her English. I get intoed with a tourist Agency either in New-York or in Ottawa to ask for information about the city I have chosen. E –Hello I am Emre Aye, the French student who you must host. H –Hello Emre! How are you? E –Very well and what about you? H –Very well too! When do you arrive at
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Temps Des Verbes En Anglais
Temps des verbes ANGLAIS 1) Present simple : ● Action qui se déroule fréquemment (avec never, seldom, occasionnally, often, sometimes, usually and always) ● Vérité toujours vrai ● Horaire, programme 2) Present continuous : ● Qui se passe mnt (now, at the moment, at present, today, this week) ● Futur planifié 3) Present Perfect : ● actions / événements passées non fixés dans le temps (recently, just, lately) ● Actions qui ont un résultat dans
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Description rapide de l'Anglettere (document en anglais)
ENGLAND Economy: England is one of the leading economies in the world. Is Gross Domestic Product per capita is of £22 907 (28 129€) which is average for the United Kingdom. For example if we look at Wales, we can see that there average GDP per capita is of £18 377 (22 566€) and again for Northern Ireland it is of £24 635 (30 251€). If you wonder how much is France GDP per capita,
207 Mots / 1 Pages -
Les bienfaits des voyages - écrit en anglais
Traveling is a way to escape from the daily life. We can meet others cultures, civilizations … if we don't like the way of life we know that we come back home. But sometimes, we have just to leave our country and move in a other nation. With some luck, we can fit in the country quickly and just learn again who to live in this new society. Conversely, the country cannot correspond with us,
396 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse du Sénégal (document en anglais)
1. Introduction and background Senegal has about 12.4 million inhabitants of whom 42 percent live in urban areas and the population growth rate is 2.6 percent. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is produced by four main sectors of the economy as follows: - agriculture (19.8%); industry (23.5%); manufacturing (16.5%), and services (56.8 %), with respectively 1.9 %, 4.0%, 2.2%, and 5.4% growth rates as estimated by World Bank (2008). The Statistics department of Senegal has
2 162 Mots / 9 Pages