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Dm Anglais: Enquête Sur Un Meurtre

Dissertation : Dm Anglais: Enquête Sur Un Meurtre. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Mai 2013  •  754 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 189 Vues

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I. General Comprehension

1. Inspector Wexford is talking with Mr Parker whose the son, Nicky, has just found a woman's body.

2. a. At the end of the excerpt, Wexford doesn't know who the woman is.

b. What is the most appropriate title ? Without a clue

II. Detailed Comprehension

1. a. Mr Parker is Nicky's grandfather. Wrong. Mr Parker is Nicky's father. “Well, my son did.” (l.4)

b. Mr Parker is rather old. Wrong. Mr Parker is young. “He couldn't have been more than twenty-five himself.” (l.5)

c. Mr Parker was honest with Nicky. Wrong. “I told Nicky the lady was ill.” (l.13)

d. Wexford was alone at the scene of the crime. Wrong. “Burden stepped aside” (l.18)

e. The lady wore jewellery. Right. “a heavy necklace of red glass beads round the neck.” (l.25)

f. The lady was robbed. Wrong. “She hadn't been killed for the money she had on her.” (l.32-33)

g. The lady must have been a smoker. Right. “Inside was […] a packet of king-size cigarettes from which four had been smoked.” (l.28-29)

h. It would be easy to identify the lady. Wrong. “There was nothing to give him a clue to her address, her occupation or even her identity.” (l.34-35)

2. a. Two sentences proving that Mr Parker is sorry he touched the body.

* “I shouldn't have, but I sort of pulled her coat over her chest.” (l.10-11)

* “Honestly, I wouldn't have touched her if I'd been on my own.” (l.15)

b. One sentence showing that Wexford wants to reassure Mr Parker.

* “I'd have done the same in your place." (l.16-17)

c. One sentence showing that Wexford is careful when he investigates.

* “covering his fingers with his handkerchief.” (l.27-28)

d. One sentence (repeated) showing Mr Parker is worried about Nicky.

* “He doesn't realize. I hope not. He's only six.” (l.7)

3. a. “Parker nodded” (l.4) means : He said yes with a movement of his head.

b. “Parker shook his head” (l.13) means : He said no with a movement of his head.

4. a. The equivalents of the following words

* understood : “understand” (l.3), “realize” (l.7), “realized” (l.14)

* alone : “on my own” (l.15)

b. The English for the following words

* portefeuille : “wallet” (l.31)

* porte-monnaie : “purse” (l.31)

* monnaie : “change” (l.30)



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