- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Call To Renewal dissertations et mémoires


708 Call To Renewal dissertations gratuites 551 - 575

Dernière mise à jour : 30 Juillet 2015
  • Do you think it’s normal in our society to hurt animals?

    Do you think it’s normal in our society to hurt animals?

    Students, Nowadays, many animals are tortured and maltreated. Do you think it’s normal in our society to hurt these helpless creatures? This fact points to the horrible act of abuse animals in the world. Many dogs and cats are found in bins, abandoned to their own fate without food. In zoo, wild animals like tiger, elefants and zebra are kept in captivity too. They are, everyday of the year, retenuated in a cage that is

    268 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Marketing B to B

    Marketing B to B

    Marketing B to B * Ensemble des actions ayant pour objectifs d’étudier et d’influencer les besoins et comportements des consommateurs et de réaliser en continu les adaptations de la production de l’appareil commercial en fonction des besoin et comportements précédemment identifié Le Marketing comprend donc : * Les champs disciplinaires consacrés à l’étude (notamment des besoin) : étude de marché (de toutes sortes) * Les outils destinés à influencer les désirs découlant des besoins, essentiellement

    929 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Where is the adult when kids are fighting ? What did politicians have done in order to prevent guns violence ? Is this the change that President Trump is talking about ?

    Where is the adult when kids are fighting ? What did politicians have done in order to prevent guns violence ? Is this the change that President Trump is talking about ?

    Where is the adult when kids are fighting ? What did politicians have done in order to prevent guns violence ? Is this the change that President Trump is talking about ? Controversly of what he said before his election, he’s dividing the US population. On one hand, we have those who are for the guns rights and on the other hand, we have those who are against it like these courageous students who are

    2 157 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Latinoamericano Calle 13

    Latinoamericano Calle 13

    3 références historiques dans la musique "Latinoamericano" de Calle 13: Soy una fabrica de humo, mano de obra campesina para tu consumo. Esta frase expresa que el continente ha sido colonizado y explotado durante mucho tiempo. Los españoles a menudo tomaron esclavos en América Latina. Pero también su tierra porque el continente es rico en recursos naturales. También explica que los mismos eventos se repiten en los Estados Unidos. Y que no debemos olvidar que

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Talking to Strangers analyse

    Talking to Strangers analyse

    Today, I wanted to talk to you about a book that completely changed my perception of humans and human behavior. This book is Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell. It shows us why we so often misjudge strangers and the most common mistakes we make. I’m a big fan of criminal series and most of these shows teach you one thing: that a person’s feelings, intentions and true meanings can be detected by the smallest

    1 025 Mots / 5 Pages


    NAME : SELLIEZ ALEXIS English test / BTSMHR2 - REQUIREMENTS TO BE A CHEF 1. Find an example illustrating each statement about a chef’s career. 1 It is a physical job It’s a physical job due to supple work hours 2 It implies responsibilities Yes because The chef is in charge of the kitchen staff 3 Do not let anybody discourage you If the chef is discouraged the kitchen staff too 4 Everything needs to

    284 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Introduction to Data-Driven Decision

    Introduction to Data-Driven Decision

    Topic 1 – Introduction to Data-Driven Decision 1. Data and Business strategy

    731 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The world did enough to respond to the coronavirus

    The world did enough to respond to the coronavirus

    ALLALI Mohamed LLCER L1 Grp 8 The world is doing enough to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. In December 2019, a new disease emerged from China, this new and deadly virus named Covid-19, is part of the coronavirus type. This pandemic took the world by surprise, and hastily enough, the whole world saw a new era and a new crisis. But some countries responded differently from one another, few of them responded fast and immediately

    1 428 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Lie to me, une série réaliste ?

    Lie to me, une série réaliste ?

    Nous allons ici étudier la série “lie to me” afin de savoir si c’est une série réaliste ou non. Tout d’abord faisons un rappel sur ce qu’est lie to me. C'est une série basée sur les expressions corporelles et leur détection. Dans la série nous voyons un expert qui analyse des accusés en justice, il les interroge et étudie leur réaction. Notre but ici est par conséquent de savoir si un tel expert à sa

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ?

    To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ?

    DNL The 1960’s in the US political and social protests, countesters To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ? Intro : The 1960’s brought great changing to the political and social landscapes in USA. America citizen made their voices heard outside ( in the street) and inside (home,vote) ; In fact, more Americans were voting in 1960’s than in any decade since WW2 ; Additionally, Africans-Americans, women and Anti-War challenged the

    383 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How to be more productive

    How to be more productive

    How to be more productive 1)Read the quotes below. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why ? “Focus on being productive instead of busy.” ~ Tim Ferriss I'm disagree because if you are only focus on the productivity, u can lose the social links and the human side. Being productive is good but , you need to be busy too. “The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of

    559 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How important it is to commemorate the world wars?

    How important it is to commemorate the world wars?

    How important it is to commemorate the world wars? Over the few years, and particularly 2014, we are going to stand before our local war memorials, looking at the names of those who went forth to the war, and did not come back. We must honor those who died and those who fought for the cause for which they gave their lives to avoid repeat the mistakes of the past. In London 1918 « men

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Introduction to marketing

    Introduction to marketing

    (S1) - Introduction to marketing 1. MARKETING Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is used on a marketplace (market : a need + demand + offer + price) Le marketing peut être défini comme l'ensemble des actions ayant pour objectifs d'étudier et d'influencer les besoins et comportements des consommateurs. Marketing insights : Sans titre.png 2. MARKETING(S) “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging

    384 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How and why China wants to invest in Africa?

    How and why China wants to invest in Africa?

    Essay geoeconomic class/ 2 hours Name : Yann Diby Kouame Subject 2: How and why China wants to invest in Africa? Introduction The China-Africa relationship is not new and has now lasted for more than fifteen years. China is obviously today a great world economic power and Africa a continent with enormous potential but still unstable politically and economically; it is then a great opportunity for china to establish a link with Africa, especially since

    1 041 Mots / 5 Pages
  • To what extent can street art be a counter-power?

    To what extent can street art be a counter-power?

    Theme: To what extent can street art be a counter-power? Street art is an artistic movement and a mode of artistic expression. It is a strictly visual art developed in public spaces or in the street. A counter-power is a power, which is organized against an authority. Otherwise, the counter-power is a way of denouncing a political decision or an ideology. We can ask ourselves how street art can be used as a counter-power? First

    755 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : to what exten could the rags-to-riches myth portrayed in literature become reality ?

    Myths and heroes : to what exten could the rags-to-riches myth portrayed in literature become reality ?

    Hello ! Today I will talk about the notion « Myths and heroes ». First of all, I would like to define of the notion. A myth can be defined as a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Heroes are people admired for what they achieved: they can be real or fictional. It is the same for myths: some may have factual origins, while others are completely

    632 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How to Go on a Digital Detox ?

    How to Go on a Digital Detox ?

    Listen and speak How to Go on a Digital Detox Propositions de réponses 1. There are special hotels that will offer you a ‘unique way to go tech free’. 2. If you turn in all your devices, these hotels will give you a discount. 3. 15: 15% discount. 79: 79% of people on holiday do not unplug. 68: 68% of people on holiday do not unplug from work. 4. She went on a week-long yoga

    606 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Who would risk their lives to save others?

    Who would risk their lives to save others?

    Assignment Simon Sinek Summary Who would risk their lives to save others? Why would you do it? They would do the same for me Where do leaders come from? Inside our bodies are chemicals that are trying to get us to do things that are in the best interest of us. Chemicals Feelings are produced by 4 chemicals predominantly: - Endorphins - serotonin -Dopamine - oxytocin Selfish chemicals: you don’t need anybody’s help to get

    724 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Application to an internship

    Application to an internship

    Antoine Pétillot #23 1GEN3 Tache Finale anglaise : sujet 2 Dear Mrs Black, I am writing to you with regard to apply to the internship you organize. I have heard about that project your charity is setting up in Mexico and I would like to do something meaningful while I can. I have seen lots of thing about that country and particularly about its population. I, who have the chance to live quietly with all

    328 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Are we free to make our own choices?

    Are we free to make our own choices?

    Are we free to make our own choices? Being able to make our own choices is something everyone is dreaming of, as the society really influences us on what we should or shouldn’t be doing. In the society of today, people are more free to do what they want than people from centuries ago but we still can get punished if we don’t obey the law. Are we free to make our own choices? People

    297 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How to write a commercial letter

    How to write a commercial letter

    Dear M. Sanophil, Hoping everything is going well on your behalf, we are not sure if you remember us, but we are a group of buyers contacting you on the behalf of the LSC company. During our exchange on the phone last week, we have submitted you a business offer that you were interested in and that you accepted to take into consideration. We also have exchanged by mail a few days later and have

    256 Mots / 2 Pages
  • English and Me : write an essay about your relationship to English

    English and Me : write an essay about your relationship to English

    English and Me : write an essay about your relationship to English. Since I was little, I have really liked English. I started learning it in 3rd grade. I was very impatient to learn this language. I remember of my first lesson of English. It was about the English speaking countries. I had to colour a lot of flags and then I had to learn their names. My years of English in elementary school were

    304 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idea of progress : the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their emancipation ?

    Idea of progress : the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their emancipation ?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction : I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. We can define the notion of progress as an improvement or a development technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate my notion, I’m going to speak about the place of women in the society. We will think about the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Which UK or US university would you like to go to ? Why ?

    Which UK or US university would you like to go to ? Why ?

    Which UK or US university would you like to go to ? Why ? I would like to go to Harvard because it’s one of the best universities in the world, both in terms of physical sciences or mathematics and I would like to major in these subjects. What’s more, as Harvard is part of the Ivy League, a group of top American universities, this makes it a very prestigious university. This university offers a

    266 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Nature is essential to our survival

    Nature is essential to our survival

    Nature is essential to our survival: it allows us to breathe, to feed ourselves and without anything in return. Despite this we have been able to observe in recent years a gradual disappearance of nature for which Human being seems to be responsible. We can ask if this nature is made to coexist with our needs. Despite some think that growth should be privileged over nature, can we not reconcile the two. It’s worth to

    334 Mots / 2 Pages