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Who would risk their lives to save others?

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Par   •  14 Janvier 2021  •  Cours  •  724 Mots (3 Pages)  •  337 Vues

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Assignment Simon Sinek


 Who would risk their lives to save others?

Why would you do it?              They would do the same for me [pic 1]

Where do leaders come from?

Inside our bodies are chemicals that are trying to get us to do things that are in the best interest of us.

Chemicals[pic 2]

Feelings are produced by 4 chemicals predominantly:       -         Endorphins          - serotonin [pic 3][pic 4][pic 5]

                                                                    -Dopamine            - oxytocin

Selfish chemicals: you don’t need anybody’s help to get them.

We are social animals, we have to do things together, look after each other and work together to survive.  

Purpose of dopamine: to get stuff done. Helped people to look for food and eat.

It’s also highly addictive: for example alcohol, nicotine, gambling… also releases dopamine. It’s very dangerous and destructive if it is unbalanced, but very comfortable when its balanced.


There is always danger, the outside dangers are constant.

Inside dangers are not constant, they are variable and they’re the decisions of leadership

The safe place is the job for the leaders

When we stand together, we can face the outside dangers more easily.

Responsibility of leadership: - Determine who gets in “the safe zone” and who doesn’t.                                 - How big ‘the safe zone is’        

Serotonin: The leadership chemical

Responsible for the feelings of pride and status. We need the recognition of others because we’re social animals.

It is trying to reinforce the relationship between parent and child, boss and employee…

BUT you can trick serotonin by for example buying designer clothes and feeling proud about wearing them but in the meantime there was no real relationship that was reinforced.

We keep buying more and more material goods and don’t feel successful and that’s because there is no relationship to be reinforced.

We evolved to hierarchical animals, we’re constantly judging and arranging each other; Who’s the alpha? Who is dominant?...

No standard by judging alpha’s, could be: - Physical muscle        - Talent        - courage

Relative to the industries were in.

When we asses that someone else is the alpha, we voluntarily take a step beck and let them eat first. Alpha first, others after him        

Reason why we’re trying to raise our status, because then people will start doing thing for you, there are benefits.

People show you love and respect                   Serotonin boost [pic 6]

BUT: leaderships come with costs

When there is danger, the people expect from you that you protect them from the danger.


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