To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ?
Cours : To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hon9 • 6 Décembre 2020 • Cours • 383 Mots (2 Pages) • 633 Vues
The 1960’s in the US political and social protests, countesters
To what extend did the 1960’s protests affect the United States ?
Intro :
The 1960’s brought great changing to the political and social landscapes in USA. America citizen made their voices heard outside ( in the street) and inside (home,vote) ; In fact, more Americans were voting in 1960’s than in any decade since WW2 ; Additionally, Africans-Americans, women and Anti-War challenged the existing order of American society. That’s why we said that the 1960’s were a time of great social upheaval and changed. These movements include :
- The first one concerned the sexual revolution in feminism. In the 60’s, many americans women began to work outside the home. This first change challenged the old social order : men were breadwinners and woman managed the home and cared for children. The introduction of the birth control pill in the 60’s enabled women to control their child bearing decision.
- The second was the escalation of Vietnam war. After the assassination of J.F.K. in 1963. The US changed his policy on Vietnam. Indeed, the Congress was very fearful of the spread of communism in Asia depassed the Guild of Tonkin resolution in response to the North Vietnam attack on American warship. This resolution gave president Johnson the power to declare war without the approval of Congress. So the war is escalated and for the first time, the country instituted a mandatory draft.
- Third, the burgeoning anti-war voices. As the Vietnam war became unpopular, anti-war voices spilled out into the streets and on college campuses so some students fought for a democratic society against the war. In 11/1967, 15 000 deaths and +100 000 wounded among US troops + the war was also costing the USA : 25 billions per years so the resistance grew. For instance, on idk, 100 000 peoples protested the war at the Lincoln memorial at that time a majority of americans desapproved the continuation of the Vietnam war.
- Last, the civils rights movements. The 60’s also saw the civils rights movements intensified as africans-americans fought racial segregation in the South = Jim Crow Law (South) ( une serie de loi contre les afros americains visant a les separer des blancs ancien employeur d’esclaves) .CF: The Green Book and To Kill a Mockingbird