Anglais CNED dissertations et mémoires
5 334 Anglais CNED dissertations gratuites 801 - 825 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Anglais: Publicité pour le parfum "Nina"
This picture is an advertising for the perfume "Nina" This advertisement is appeared in the French women's magazines: the Glamorous magazine. She presents us the perfume Nina de Nina Ricci, who is here the announcer. We can see in the upper right, the flavor with the name of the creator. We can see in the foreground on this announcement the flask of the perfume and its name, as well as the signature of the brand
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
Vocabulaire Anglais Bts
vocabulaire: commenter un document en anglais (epreuve anglais BTS) Reminder : S’exprimer à l’oral et à l’écrit A l’oral comme à l’écrit, il vous faut utiliser une langue riche et variée, des expressions pour organiser ou argumenter, des mots de liaisons et des tournures syntaxiques complexes. Aidez-vous de ce document qui rassemble pour vous tout ce que vous devez connaitre ! 1. 1 Organiser son discours Introduire l’idée générale: As a general rule = in
1 412 Mots / 6 Pages -
Devoir Anglais 1ère Année Bts Cgo
The document entitled "Labors Officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns" is an article from The Global Edition of The NY Times April 6th 2010, writed by Steven Greenhouse. It explains at first the current situation, if officials react, if laws already exist about this, and secondly more concrete. It means what unpaid interns really do, if they are respected and the heaviest consequence, inequalities between students. First of all, some companies use internships for
379 Mots / 2 Pages -
Art Et Finance (document en anglais)
Deloitte General Services 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg B.P. 1173 L-1011 Luxembourg Tel: +352 451 451 Fax: +352 451 452 401 Press release Corinna Trierweiler Marketing & Communications Tel: +352 451 452 334 Email: Art and finance services on the rise, according to Deloitte and ArtTactic’s second Art & Finance report With the global art market on the rise, increasing attention is being paid to the concept of art as an asset
486 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le Fast Food (document en anglais)
There are several reasons as to why fast foods have risen to popularity at a substantial rate. Different people go there for their own reasons. One of the reasons is that the restaurants usually offer fast services. Many people usually find themselves to be late for work or school, thus they find it very difficult to prepare food in their homes since they believe it takes a lot of time, which makes them opt for
441 Mots / 2 Pages -
Burberry - SWOT (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) (document en anglais)
Analysis SWOT: Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats a) Strengths: Burberry has a global footprint; there are about 440 stores all around the world. Asia Pacific goes ahead of Europe with respectively 37% and 32%, in 2010 Europe accounted for 34% of retail / wholesale revenue and Asia Pacific with 33%. Americas represented 25% (27% in 2010) and the rest of the World still represents 6%. Burberry’s product distribution is much diversified. There are:
501 Mots / 3 Pages -
Déséquilibre entre les sexes en Inde (document en anglais)
India is now one of the biggest developing countries worldwide. Its growth performance is spectacular in recent years. However, in spite of the economic growth, the country still has far way to go on the social side. In this article, I will mainly present the gender imbalance existing in India. Sex ratio is a good source to reflect the equality of men and women at a given period of time. The natural sex ratio is
506 Mots / 3 Pages -
Les TIC (document en anglais et français)
Au premier plan on voit une femme (blonde) qui descent d'un escalier avec un pistolet Ă la main dans une robe rouge :the room is enlightened by the fire in the fireplace/chimney. In front of the fireplace a man wearing a white shirt is streched out on the ground. The man has probably been killed by the women. Le sapin de noel et les cadeaux au milieu de la piece nous indique qu'on est le
315 Mots / 2 Pages -
Mémoire Culture générale Cned 2013 Devoir 4
Devoir 4 1. Préparation de la synthèse des documents 1.1. Document 1 Le premier document est un article publié par Alexandre D. en octobre 2009 sur le blog « Blog della identità alimentari ». Le propos directeur de cet article argumentatif est la construction d’une identité alimentaire nationale, due à des motifs variés et grâce à différents acteurs ; avec pour cas particulier celui de la Belgique. Les différents acteurs entrant en jeu dans la
3 650 Mots / 15 Pages -
Anglais Expressions
Express judgement Judging a particular event 1. Instead of doing this, he should have done that….. Rather than doing this, 2. If he had (not) done that, Had he (not) done that, he would have been in a better situation. 3. He was wrong / Right to do this Advising about any future actions 4. Unless they do something about it, something bad is going to happen 5. If people keep doing this, they will
277 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: Helen Soteriou
Helen Soteriou interviewed installation artist, designer and urban planner Candy Chang about projects she made throughout the years mainly across the USA, such as Before I Die, I wish I was (a sticker project), and Looking For Love Again. Wanting to make the cities she lives in more comfortable for people, she gets her inspiration from asking herself a few questions about people’s personal daily life. This way, she was really able to picture what
269 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cours de stratégie d'entreprise (document en anglais)
BUSINESS STRATEGY COURSEWORK Contents Question 1 2 Introduction 2 Intellectual Property Rights 2 Alternate Ways of Protection 3 Approach to Protection 3 Accommodating Change 3 Conclusion 4 Question 2 5 Introduction 5 Internal Consistencies 5 External Consistencies 6 Conclusion 6 Bibliography 7 Question 1 You are a director in an industrial company which is a world leader in its field, has a strong R&D set up and is recognized in the media as producing top
2 028 Mots / 9 Pages -
Le roi Arthur (document en anglais)
Introduction: High king of Great Britain, son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine. Arthur stands as one of the greatest mythical heroes that the world has ever known. So great was the influence of Arthur, that the story of the high king in Meany countries traveled and that everybody him knows. Part I: The coming of Arthur was prophesied years before he was born. Arthur was born into a world of chaos and disorder. Saxon raids
454 Mots / 2 Pages -
Biographie de Brad Pitt (document en anglais)
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received four Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one Golden Globe. He has been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention.[1][2] Pitt first gained recognition as a cowboy hitchhiker in the road movie Thelma & Louise (1991). His first leading roles in
297 Mots / 2 Pages -
Veille Operationnelle Cned D1
Question 1: Document A : Information pertinente. Le document concerne le thème principal de la veille : « Les tendances émergentes du packaging. ». L’information émane d’une source officielle puisqu’il s’agit d’un extrait de l’étude Pack vision 2006 réalisée à l’occasion du Salon International de l’emballage. Le document est donc fiable. Le document date de 2006, donc nécessité de vérifier si l’information n’est pas « périmée ». De plus, le secteur de l’emballage est évolutif
1 250 Mots / 5 Pages -
Fondement De La Nation Américaine (document en anglais)
FONDEMENT NATION FONDEMENT DE LA NATION PAGE 3: NATIVE AMERICANS, Differences between text 1 « The American pageant » and the text 2 « The Free and the Unfree ». LAND: 1) Vast and virgin continent (l4) 2) Not a vacant Wasteland (l13) PEOPLE: 1) Peopled by indians (l5), relatively inhabited (l10) 2) People varied enormously from poor to opulent (l3-4), they consituted somewhere between 50 to 100 millions people (…) (l9-10) = crowed country.
5 517 Mots / 23 Pages -
Lettre Anglais Retraite
A : K. BELHADJ, Directeur commercial ------------------------------------------------- Note d’information n° X Objet : amélioration de la qualité du traitement des commandes PJ : * L’introduction rappelle le contexte de l’étude, ses enjeux et elle annonce le plan. Diagramme de Pareto * Documentation sur les centres d’appels Monsieur, Notre entreprise a entamé une démarche de certification dans le but de se faire connaître d’abord comme une entreprise de qualité. Cette démarche s’est axée dans un premier
286 Mots / 2 Pages -
Droits et obligations fondamentaux du vendeur en vertu de la CVIM (document en anglais)
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONTRACTS Basic rights and obligations of the Seller under the CISG. INTRODUCTION: With the phenomenon that we hear every day, which is globalization, with the improvement of communication systems in the era of transnational and multinational corporations, international trade are becoming more and more important. So the international contract of sales is now a paramount of an essential importance. The international business contract, by its nature, cannot find its origin in legal laws
6 949 Mots / 28 Pages -
Biographie de Bob Marley (document en anglais)
Bob Marley was born in the village of Nine Mile, in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, as Nesta Robert Marley.[8]A Jamaican passport official would later swap his first and middle names.[9] He was of mixed race. His father, Norval Sinclair Marley, was a White English-Jamaican,[10] whose family came from Sussex, England. Norval claimed to have been a captain in the Royal Marines.[11] He was a plantation overseer, when he married Cedella Booker, an Afro-Jamaican then 18
1 048 Mots / 5 Pages -
Traduction Anglais
Le stock(L'inventaire) d'appartements peut à vendre augmenter. Le stock(l'inventaire) plus grand(super) peut être particulièrement vrai pour des appartements en 4000000€ et la catégorie comme les propriétaires de propriétés hautes de gamme laissent(quittent) la France pour éviter des impôts(taxes) accrus sur la richesse(fortune) et le revenu, ou vendre pour profiter d'une réduction d'année de possible proposée par le gouvernement, mais pas encore approuvé par le Parlement français sur le capital(la capitale). Le marche parisien est chèr
1 074 Mots / 5 Pages -
Étude de l'entreprise Areva (document en anglais)
Areva is a French industrial company specialized in the nuclear sector founded in 2001. It’s a multinational group with a commercial network in 100 countries and based in more than 43 countries. Its activities are linked to the nuclear power and energy: mining, chemistry, enrichment, combustibles, services, engineering, nuclear propulsion and reactors. In 2010, the Group decided to announce a major change to its organization of its nuclear and renewable operations and now its activities
490 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir anglais: Ă©tude du document FORWARD
FORWARD Forward est une lettre interne d’information du 1er Décembre 2009 de la compagnie « International Ressources », spécialisée en développement durable. Basée aux Etats unis ; Cette société s’étend pour ouvrir une branche en Guyane, près du port de Cayenne. Grace à la diversité des produits locaux, générés par les artisans et fermiers, le développement durable connait une grande expansion. Tous les employés ont été recrutes localement, y compris les membres de la direction.
312 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cned Devoir 1
environnement (6 points). Type : entreprise. Finalités Secteur d’activité : organisation à but lucratif qui cherche à assurer sa pérennité. : informatique. Performances : numéro 1 mondial du PC portable, 100 milliards de dollars de chiffre d’affaires. Micro environnement : Concurrents : Acer, Packard Bell et Gateway pour l’entrée de gamme, Fujitsu Siemens et Toshiba pour le milieu de gamme et Apple, Samsung, Asus et Sony pour le haut de gamme. Marché : forte croissance
380 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cned BTS NRC 1ère Année - Devoir 1 Management Des Entreprises
DEVOIR 01 : LE CAS ALES GROUPE 1 – Logistiques entrepreneuriales et managériales (4 points) Dans le cours : L’entrepreneur est considéré dans la conception classique (selon Joseph Schumpeter) comme le créateur et le propriétaire de l’entreprise. La logique est fondée sur la prise de risque.Il incarne le pari de l’innovation et son dynamisme assure la réussite de son entreprise. Dans l’approche micro-économique, l’entrepreneur, à la fois dirigeant et principal actionnaire, détient un pouvoir étendu
567 Mots / 3 Pages -
Les côtés bénéfiques de l'humour (texte en anglais)
A meta-analysis of positive humor in the workplace Jessica Mesmer-Magnus and David J. Glew Department of Management, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, and Chockalingam Viswesvaran Department of Psychology, Florida International University,Miami, Florida, USA Abstract Purpose – The benefits of humor for general well-being have long been touted. Past empirical research has suggested that some of these benefits also exist in the work domain. However, there is little shared understanding as to
452 Mots / 2 Pages