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Le roi Arthur (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Le roi Arthur (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Avril 2013  •  454 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 107 Vues

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Introduction: High king of Great Britain, son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine. Arthur stands as one of the greatest mythical heroes that the world has ever known. So great was the influence of Arthur, that the story of the high king in Meany countries traveled and that everybody him knows.

Part I: The coming of Arthur was prophesied years before he was born. Arthur was born into a world of chaos and disorder. Saxon raids charged through the countryside brining fear and terror, and bandits and other criminals ran free all over the British Isles, diffusing crime like a disease. When Arthur took the throne however, this chaos dissolved within a matter of years and Britain became an ideal place of chivalry, honor, and justice. With his advisor Merlin at his side and with the fellowship of the courageous Knights of the Round Table, Arthur transformed a chaotic land of villainy and danger into a realm of peace, tranquility, and adventure. All of Britain looked up to Arthur and spoke of him with respect and admiration.

Part II: Long time ago, when England was just a couple of reigns that fought between them, Arturo, King Uther´s son, was born. The child´s mother died just after giving birth, and his father gave the child to the magician Merlin in order to be educated by him.

Every day, Merlin was teaching all the known sciences to the little Arthur, and as a magician, Merlin was also teaching him something about the sciences of the future and several magic formulas. Years were going on, and King Uther died while nobody could find any descendent of him. Then, the nobles went to ask Merlin to find his successor monarch. Then Merlin made appear a sword blocked on an iron anvil over a rock, with a legend that said:

"This is Excalibur sword. The man capable to take it from this anvil, will be King of England"

The nobles tried and tried, but they couldn´t move the sword. Arthur would try, so he took the sword with his hands and draws. A white light shaft pointed to him and Arthur pulled the sword without effort. They all admitted that Arthur should have the crown of England and promises him fidelity.

Part III: King Arthur does not appear in literature until the 9th century. However, many believe he existed. The many historical founds and all his stories make him to a legend.

Conclusion: King Arthur may have existed. He may have been a composite of multiple British tribal kings, been a real historical figure, or be a literary construct. In the end, he represented pre-Anglo Saxon society. Today king Arthur is considered like a Legend but never we will forgot his history.


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